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Circulaire actuelle Real Canadian Superstore - Noël - Valable à partir du 24.11 au 30.11 - Page n° 7

Circulaire Real Canadian Superstore 24.11.2022 - 30.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

SPEND & GET 7,000: for every S15' spent on allvarieties À Giuseppe Thin Crust, Rising Crust 439.785 g or Easy Pizzi 560-600 g or Good Baker honte 1599 ver limit pay 6.29es Coca-ColaorCanada Dry UMITE soft drinks Lcd aies 6710 nt 99 : ea over limit pay 4.79 ea iGo. LIMIT2 18GO creamy yogurt slt ares 249 99 « ea over limit pay 9.69 ea LE ie ‘ver limit pay 16.99 ea Air Wick scented oil refills 5%20 mL or kit 20 mL. selected vareties Royale napkins 755 BUY 2, GET 2,000® liquid laundry Purex ect actes EL 1322. ÊE & CRUE LIMIT 4 Finish dishwasher tabs 72105 99 es over pay 2459e2 SPEND & GET 5,000® for every $20' spent on à Clif bas all varties and sizes “AS LIMIT 6 99 ea over limit pay 10.49 ea 12 River Green Botie water 42 ea Ciorox liquid bleach 241 3°. LIMIT 4 Pine-Sol muti-surface cleaner Manet 99 ea over limit pay 12.99 ea SPEND & GET 10,000 € Marat" & orPVL allvareties and sizes

Derniéres circulaires

SPEND & GET 7,000: for every S15' spent on allvarieties À Giuseppe Thin Crust, Rising Crust 439.785 g or Easy Pizzi 560-600 g or Good Baker honte 1599 ver limit pay 6.29es Coca-ColaorCanada Dry UMITE soft drinks Lcd aies 6710 nt 99 : ea over limit pay 4.79 ea iGo. LIMIT2 18GO creamy yogurt slt ares 249 99 « ea over limit pay 9.69 ea LE ie ‘ver limit pay 16.99 ea Air Wick scented oil refills 5%20 mL or kit 20 mL. selected vareties Royale napkins 755 BUY 2, GET 2,000® liquid laundry Purex ect actes EL 1322. ÊE & CRUE LIMIT 4 Finish dishwasher tabs 72105 99 es over pay 2459e2 SPEND & GET 5,000® for every $20' spent on à Clif bas all varties and sizes “AS LIMIT 6 99 ea over limit pay 10.49 ea 12 River Green Botie water 42 ea Ciorox liquid bleach 241 3°. LIMIT 4 Pine-Sol muti-surface cleaner Manet 99 ea over limit pay 12.99 ea SPEND & GET 10,000 € Marat" & orPVL allvareties and sizes

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