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Circulaire actuelle Réno-Dépôt - Valable à partir du 13.06 au 19.06 - Page n° 5

Circulaire Réno-Dépôt 13.06.2024 - 19.06.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

RENOD‘DE DEPOT DAYS 59% 20% on 8' x 10° was 20-99 was 64-99 outdoor rugs LED STRING RELAX CHAIR re 0 UGHTS WITH Sing. With bungee and REMOTE CONTROL cup holder. Assorted colours. includes 14 lights (2 extra) 44318008008 277728728 FF 2 20d 4-bour auto timer 2a, T92sea9 ATs 50% on “Harmony”, - f ~ on garden “Viva” and A — statues and Ba 12475013 28830) figurines < } 30-99 29.99 2, 8 For patio 3 98695015 (288303) : 72:99 54.69 BRE Secon M A Micory Py eae 64458000 (296268) ets aol 40:99 32.79 B Mine 4655001 (296267) 40:99 32.79 _on ALL om _on ALL sav _on ALL 20% PROVEN WINNERS 2()% FIRST EDITIONS 20% sLoomin' Easy shrubs 4 shrubs shrubs Dw econiQns SHRUB OF THE WEEK Save SAVE 99 pra Ya ais) . AVE 25% 19 fy, AVAILABLE 20% 164? wos 24.99 on ALL 3 Ae ata puss & BERRY SHRUBS landscape fabrics pero ‘ susrsseaes7eson0 * ASSORTED SPIREAS in2gal pot. 1a90SOSTrS1 nssaavan a 10” “CARIBOU” SLAB COLLECTION A Edger (66635210 (207770 5:29 4.76 oo. B Slab 41537667 (296683) 8.69 7.79 oo. € Wall block 45537668 (294684 9.39 8.39 oa. SAVE SAV! c VE on Voila! 1 5% 25% os 1 5% compost on flexible plastic on WILSON lawn edging herbicides ' ae = ' ' [ a |waiem joe | i ene Pind | s B ORG cr 0 i foun f f q Shown: ~ ¥ Shown: A 8566808028427) 15-99 11.99 TP roe 4-2/8" x 20 1319903 (117698) 17-49 14.79 485109 (145367) 15-49 11.59 (wilson) Voila! SAVE SAVE 99 40% {| $4 22 “CONTRACTOR™ GARBAGE BAGS on ALL SCOTTS ‘SPRAY NOZZLES Made trom 100% recycled LLDPE resin. Black watering and eco 32" 2.48, 0028029 (160501 hand tools 18.99 14.99 —<——= 8 as71S218 ‘ 2086 } ) § madGnauna ‘ 23.99 19.99 ’ CORTRACTOR BA mb < Shown ornare 38095377 306437) } 24.99 14.99 1B 49555325 (288386) 52.99 31.79 Gilmour $50 SAVE $100 99 399 79999 $2099 was 449-99 was B9V-99 was $2599 HORIZONTAL GARDEN SHED 34 CU. FT. GARDEN SHED 440 CU. FT. GARDEN SHED Resin. Grey. —v Steel. High gable —v A528 139. Eggshell colour (07805107 (308701, 04585008, = 295885) z Selection by wary by sore Selection ey very by sore “\ GET IT SHEDS INSTALLED *On the regular price in the fyer. Except for Web-exclusive, special order or clearance products. Cannot be combined with any other offer BOM ee lca Oe oor e | * Ask an associate ee emer niones PAGE 03- RD_1R EN

Derniéres circulaires

RENOD‘DE DEPOT DAYS 59% 20% on 8' x 10° was 20-99 was 64-99 outdoor rugs LED STRING RELAX CHAIR re 0 UGHTS WITH Sing. With bungee and REMOTE CONTROL cup holder. Assorted colours. includes 14 lights (2 extra) 44318008008 277728728 FF 2 20d 4-bour auto timer 2a, T92sea9 ATs 50% on “Harmony”, - f ~ on garden “Viva” and A — statues and Ba 12475013 28830) figurines < } 30-99 29.99 2, 8 For patio 3 98695015 (288303) : 72:99 54.69 BRE Secon M A Micory Py eae 64458000 (296268) ets aol 40:99 32.79 B Mine 4655001 (296267) 40:99 32.79 _on ALL om _on ALL sav _on ALL 20% PROVEN WINNERS 2()% FIRST EDITIONS 20% sLoomin' Easy shrubs 4 shrubs shrubs Dw econiQns SHRUB OF THE WEEK Save SAVE 99 pra Ya ais) . AVE 25% 19 fy, AVAILABLE 20% 164? wos 24.99 on ALL 3 Ae ata puss & BERRY SHRUBS landscape fabrics pero ‘ susrsseaes7eson0 * ASSORTED SPIREAS in2gal pot. 1a90SOSTrS1 nssaavan a 10” “CARIBOU” SLAB COLLECTION A Edger (66635210 (207770 5:29 4.76 oo. B Slab 41537667 (296683) 8.69 7.79 oo. € Wall block 45537668 (294684 9.39 8.39 oa. SAVE SAV! c VE on Voila! 1 5% 25% os 1 5% compost on flexible plastic on WILSON lawn edging herbicides ' ae = ' ' [ a |waiem joe | i ene Pind | s B ORG cr 0 i foun f f q Shown: ~ ¥ Shown: A 8566808028427) 15-99 11.99 TP roe 4-2/8" x 20 1319903 (117698) 17-49 14.79 485109 (145367) 15-49 11.59 (wilson) Voila! SAVE SAVE 99 40% {| $4 22 “CONTRACTOR™ GARBAGE BAGS on ALL SCOTTS ‘SPRAY NOZZLES Made trom 100% recycled LLDPE resin. Black watering and eco 32" 2.48, 0028029 (160501 hand tools 18.99 14.99 —<——= 8 as71S218 ‘ 2086 } ) § madGnauna ‘ 23.99 19.99 ’ CORTRACTOR BA mb < Shown ornare 38095377 306437) } 24.99 14.99 1B 49555325 (288386) 52.99 31.79 Gilmour $50 SAVE $100 99 399 79999 $2099 was 449-99 was B9V-99 was $2599 HORIZONTAL GARDEN SHED 34 CU. FT. GARDEN SHED 440 CU. FT. GARDEN SHED Resin. Grey. —v Steel. High gable —v A528 139. Eggshell colour (07805107 (308701, 04585008, = 295885) z Selection by wary by sore Selection ey very by sore “\ GET IT SHEDS INSTALLED *On the regular price in the fyer. Except for Web-exclusive, special order or clearance products. Cannot be combined with any other offer BOM ee lca Oe oor e | * Ask an associate ee emer niones PAGE 03- RD_1R EN

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