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Circulaire actuelle Safeway - Black Friday - Valable à partir du 24.11 au 30.11 - Page n° 5

Circulaire Safeway 24.11.2022 - 30.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

Large Pomegranates me product of USA LT Le k ZE so nn % 1000 ER prod of USA 13 £ é COTTON) when you buy 2 « PRODUCT 99 l See a ie Valenc ss USA 414/kg PRODUCT OF WESTERN CANADA COMPLIMENTS Carrots or Onions 2 lb DAV rares Stem and Leaf Clementines Matchstix Carrots product of Spain 6.59/kg product of USA 283 g {. FROM WESTERN CANADA Bringing our fresh grown to you! Try our three-cabbage PRODUCT OF WESTERN coleslaw ANADA Red or Green Cabbage 196/kg Grape Tomatoes … Variety Snacking FRESH ATTITUDE | STARTING AT Tomatoes or Hirro Clementines 9 Spinach or Cherry Tomatoes Er | 999 ui 5% RE. (947 ue. USA 21b of Italy 454 g of USA 3128 Mexico 680 & PANACHE Mistietoe Wish Ice Cream 15 Lor Pink } Peppermint and ñ , Chocolate Bars ve, 8pk l Sd 4 À Coloured Peppers 99 rx vanita 99 comrumenrs 99 product of Western 99 Persimmons Sureet Apple Cider Canada or Mexico Lemons product of USA 2 lb product of Spain 908 g 2 lb bag COMPLIMENTS Candy Cane ice Cream 1.5 L = = Ress € Seasonal Gardens ar Mixed or Tropical % DU 3/ Choose from a Fruit Salads Made Fresh Daily Selection may large selection of off assorted sizes off Yogurt Cups vary by store e ” cut flower bunches ÿ * À CHAPMAN'S Holiday ice Cream 1,5 L or Novelties 6-12 pk . \ GROWN IN Fr WESTERN ni Premium Enue sr ar Flrooue 9 99 rmnnesounse D TOQ iaces 99 Are étrame POM WONDERFUL. Premium Nuts or Poinsettia assorted Pistachios 200-225 g Mes 500-600 € Combo 8 ses available SHAWS Peppermint Bark Holiday Ice Cream | 151 L ! Our Gift Cards can be a any amount.

Derniéres circulaires

Large Pomegranates me product of USA LT Le k ZE so nn % 1000 ER prod of USA 13 £ é COTTON) when you buy 2 « PRODUCT 99 l See a ie Valenc ss USA 414/kg PRODUCT OF WESTERN CANADA COMPLIMENTS Carrots or Onions 2 lb DAV rares Stem and Leaf Clementines Matchstix Carrots product of Spain 6.59/kg product of USA 283 g {. FROM WESTERN CANADA Bringing our fresh grown to you! Try our three-cabbage PRODUCT OF WESTERN coleslaw ANADA Red or Green Cabbage 196/kg Grape Tomatoes … Variety Snacking FRESH ATTITUDE | STARTING AT Tomatoes or Hirro Clementines 9 Spinach or Cherry Tomatoes Er | 999 ui 5% RE. (947 ue. USA 21b of Italy 454 g of USA 3128 Mexico 680 & PANACHE Mistietoe Wish Ice Cream 15 Lor Pink } Peppermint and ñ , Chocolate Bars ve, 8pk l Sd 4 À Coloured Peppers 99 rx vanita 99 comrumenrs 99 product of Western 99 Persimmons Sureet Apple Cider Canada or Mexico Lemons product of USA 2 lb product of Spain 908 g 2 lb bag COMPLIMENTS Candy Cane ice Cream 1.5 L = = Ress € Seasonal Gardens ar Mixed or Tropical % DU 3/ Choose from a Fruit Salads Made Fresh Daily Selection may large selection of off assorted sizes off Yogurt Cups vary by store e ” cut flower bunches ÿ * À CHAPMAN'S Holiday ice Cream 1,5 L or Novelties 6-12 pk . \ GROWN IN Fr WESTERN ni Premium Enue sr ar Flrooue 9 99 rmnnesounse D TOQ iaces 99 Are étrame POM WONDERFUL. Premium Nuts or Poinsettia assorted Pistachios 200-225 g Mes 500-600 € Combo 8 ses available SHAWS Peppermint Bark Holiday Ice Cream | 151 L ! Our Gift Cards can be a any amount.

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