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Circulaire actuelle Safeway - Noël - Valable à partir du 15.12 au 21.12 - Page n° 5

Circulaire Safeway 15.12.2022 - 21.12.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

The best selections 49 COMPLIMENTS Hickory & Smoked Bone-in Ham MISTO ITALIANO /b Portions butt or shank 549/kg product of Italy 200 g BUON APPETITO product of Italy 400g Tomatoes on the Vine 150 g /lb noigrade 4.39/kg rate 699 ea 99 :%* BUTTERBALL Seasoned Card Boneless Turkey Breast Roast frozen 1.2-15 kg GE 7° without SWISS CHALET or Scene MONTANA'S Meat Pies or Sard ST.HUBERT Pot Pie or = 2 Mozzarella Sticks frozen PRODUCT OF CANADA Fresh 470-800 g Atlantic Salmon Fillets subject CLUB HOUSE Gravies /00g toavailabiity or Sauces 21-47 g & a de “ DEù Æ Ê « KRAFT Stove Top } Stuffing 120 g Topians l d GREEN GIANT 2 VILLAGGIO Bread Can ables ed Veg 10-540 g, Buns 341-398 mL or PHILADELPHIA Tropi à St0- TROPICANA 6-8 pk or COMPLIMENTS Cream Cheese 1$7 um |2872 ARS | 209 selected 1.54 L Tortillas 272-340 g 540-796 mL mn À LL £ STARBUCKS COCA-COLA or CHAPMAN'S Original Whole Bean 907 g. PEPSI Soft Drinks 2 L bricks, Collection K-Cup* Pods 24 pk 12x355 mLor Novelties, Yogurt Bars ISÈRE 397 mom (2/13 |A ESS Mix 946 mL Coffee 793g 750 mL-1L Lollys 28 pk CO METZ) HyGGES Gi MICHELINA'S DELISSIO Rising 5/$ Frozen Entrées or 9 KELLOGG'S Family A9 cs Pizzeria or 9 DS Super MITCHELLS Pot Size Cereals selected Garlic Bread Pizza Pack Diapers Pies 128-284 g 480-650 £ 499-888 g 36-120 pk PUREX Bathroom ne x 1 DOWNY or GAIN 4248 Softener 189-306 L. rolis or Mega 12=48 LITE SS LIT . Beads 422 g BOUNCE rolis, SPONGE ÿ2 Sheets 200 pk GAIN TOWELS U SAPUTO Laundry 272 L, Fings Choose-A. k OIKOS Greek 12 pk Shredded Cheese 35 pk or IVORY SNOW Pro Double 6512 rolis or LS kg, OLYMPIC 1kgor 99 Laundry 136 L or Beads 11° or SCOTTIES Facial 99 Greek or Krema 99 ARMSTRONG 4228 Tissue 2 ply 12 pk Yogurt 1.75 kg 900 £ Scene eu 100063 =*10 D, VEA Face Q10, crème, COCA-COLA or PEPSI towards your grocories 20 6 Mini Botties ar) LS when you buy 3 DOTE) CENT TER EE Cat or Dog Treats! Eucerin or Aquaphor Skin off Care selected 8x300-355 mL Tasty combo es Now available in store! Pairs we with seafood roast chicken or light pasta dishes. || Beer and cider available at selected stores. See below for locations. { “pricing includes taxes & refundable container deposit SLEEMAN Clear 2.0 MOOSEHEAD 6x473 mL tail cans 6x473 mL tall can$ STELLA ARTOIS 6x473 mL tall cans sé LS promo retail 19,95 Promo retail 14.95 promo retail 15.45 PROUDLY CANADIAN Available at: 1015 Dawson Road, Thunder Bay + 115 West Arthur St, Thunder Bay + 417 Scott St, Fort Frances

Derniéres circulaires

The best selections 49 COMPLIMENTS Hickory & Smoked Bone-in Ham MISTO ITALIANO /b Portions butt or shank 549/kg product of Italy 200 g BUON APPETITO product of Italy 400g Tomatoes on the Vine 150 g /lb noigrade 4.39/kg rate 699 ea 99 :%* BUTTERBALL Seasoned Card Boneless Turkey Breast Roast frozen 1.2-15 kg GE 7° without SWISS CHALET or Scene MONTANA'S Meat Pies or Sard ST.HUBERT Pot Pie or = 2 Mozzarella Sticks frozen PRODUCT OF CANADA Fresh 470-800 g Atlantic Salmon Fillets subject CLUB HOUSE Gravies /00g toavailabiity or Sauces 21-47 g & a de “ DEù Æ Ê « KRAFT Stove Top } Stuffing 120 g Topians l d GREEN GIANT 2 VILLAGGIO Bread Can ables ed Veg 10-540 g, Buns 341-398 mL or PHILADELPHIA Tropi à St0- TROPICANA 6-8 pk or COMPLIMENTS Cream Cheese 1$7 um |2872 ARS | 209 selected 1.54 L Tortillas 272-340 g 540-796 mL mn À LL £ STARBUCKS COCA-COLA or CHAPMAN'S Original Whole Bean 907 g. PEPSI Soft Drinks 2 L bricks, Collection K-Cup* Pods 24 pk 12x355 mLor Novelties, Yogurt Bars ISÈRE 397 mom (2/13 |A ESS Mix 946 mL Coffee 793g 750 mL-1L Lollys 28 pk CO METZ) HyGGES Gi MICHELINA'S DELISSIO Rising 5/$ Frozen Entrées or 9 KELLOGG'S Family A9 cs Pizzeria or 9 DS Super MITCHELLS Pot Size Cereals selected Garlic Bread Pizza Pack Diapers Pies 128-284 g 480-650 £ 499-888 g 36-120 pk PUREX Bathroom ne x 1 DOWNY or GAIN 4248 Softener 189-306 L. rolis or Mega 12=48 LITE SS LIT . Beads 422 g BOUNCE rolis, SPONGE ÿ2 Sheets 200 pk GAIN TOWELS U SAPUTO Laundry 272 L, Fings Choose-A. k OIKOS Greek 12 pk Shredded Cheese 35 pk or IVORY SNOW Pro Double 6512 rolis or LS kg, OLYMPIC 1kgor 99 Laundry 136 L or Beads 11° or SCOTTIES Facial 99 Greek or Krema 99 ARMSTRONG 4228 Tissue 2 ply 12 pk Yogurt 1.75 kg 900 £ Scene eu 100063 =*10 D, VEA Face Q10, crème, COCA-COLA or PEPSI towards your grocories 20 6 Mini Botties ar) LS when you buy 3 DOTE) CENT TER EE Cat or Dog Treats! Eucerin or Aquaphor Skin off Care selected 8x300-355 mL Tasty combo es Now available in store! Pairs we with seafood roast chicken or light pasta dishes. || Beer and cider available at selected stores. See below for locations. { “pricing includes taxes & refundable container deposit SLEEMAN Clear 2.0 MOOSEHEAD 6x473 mL tail cans 6x473 mL tall can$ STELLA ARTOIS 6x473 mL tall cans sé LS promo retail 19,95 Promo retail 14.95 promo retail 15.45 PROUDLY CANADIAN Available at: 1015 Dawson Road, Thunder Bay + 115 West Arthur St, Thunder Bay + 417 Scott St, Fort Frances

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