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Circulaire actuelle Tepperman's - Valable à partir du 06.12 au 12.12 - Page n° 2

Circulaire Tepperman's 06.12.2024 - 12.12.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

Cr” $1299 ŒUEURS ol ONLY ONLY JupiterReclning Sofa ONLY ONLY PrescotReclining Sofa AAnder Power Reclining Sofa éc je Reine lors QQQ $1A0Q "0" Poe Rechning Console Loeset 1249 ; VIZIT reve es J99 ‘1499 s<001s0 Pons Reciner 698 Manual Poner Adétloalponeroptons able mal. Power Additional poner options aibble 100: state] on] ONLY ONLY MalakyReclining Sofa ONLY Picard Power Reclining Sofa nn 1400 $1LOQ reine Conso Lorsat 1499 $1 Power Recining Corsole Loveseat 1499 Cure T Reciner 999 Reciner 899 Oroman 1598 | Power Adéitional pour options available Sont] ve HE C0: Piece Recining Sectional 7h Piece Par Reciring Sectonal #99 ONLY _ DorranS-Piece Reclining Sectional ONLY _ Bamaby 5-Piece Power Reclining Sectional 7-Pice Recining Sectional (A featured 2899 [99 Regular Price Uall Art Accessories Excludes Pour Price and Ciearance Detals on Page 6 mo | Méinutor Melody Power sr LES 27 Eunice Recliner Conen Glider Recliner The Boost Lift Chair Ergonomiall designed includes two arm pllous. Made in North America in Norway : ONLY ONLY ONLY Ÿ ONLY NL & os fr PRICE */h $ x © Em order aaiatte POLUER PRICE is our everyday prcing,offering consistent value and is never discounted. Starting At [55 een Dore Day Bei Penny Day Bed NOW #799 Includes trundle.Asserbh require Matiress not include NOW 699 Î @ : 2 Soage na ONLY DaisyQueen3-Piece Bed ONLY Avery Queen 3-Piece Storage Bed 4/ King Piece Bed #549 Queen 6 Piece Bedroom Set 1299 $7C Thin 3-Piece Storage Bed #89 Full 3- Piece Storage Bed 1699 . King 6 Piece Bodroom Set 1689 Coordinating Chest 1349 "3 King 3 Piece Storage Bed #99 Queen 6 Piece Bcdroam Set 1798 King 6 Piece Bedroom Set 1999 Coordinating Chest #499 = CRE. SET MON » $700, * |4 Midtown Queen Sleep Chest Memory foam mattress included ve AT SAVE* 0 mme LE Kg Pics Deco St'S Connie Chr D + or none * 4 lc adicde hscon thor arc ral eco at als Piece ronds 4 Lowest Price Guarantee'

Cr” $1299 ŒUEURS ol ONLY ONLY JupiterReclning Sofa ONLY ONLY PrescotReclining Sofa AAnder Power Reclining Sofa éc je Reine lors QQQ $1A0Q "0" Poe Rechning Console Loeset 1249 ; VIZIT reve es J99 ‘1499 s<001s0 Pons Reciner 698 Manual Poner Adétloalponeroptons able mal. Power Additional poner options aibble 100: state] on] ONLY ONLY MalakyReclining Sofa ONLY Picard Power Reclining Sofa nn 1400 $1LOQ reine Conso Lorsat 1499 $1 Power Recining Corsole Loveseat 1499 Cure T Reciner 999 Reciner 899 Oroman 1598 | Power Adéitional pour options available Sont] ve HE C0: Piece Recining Sectional 7h Piece Par Reciring Sectonal #99 ONLY _ DorranS-Piece Reclining Sectional ONLY _ Bamaby 5-Piece Power Reclining Sectional 7-Pice Recining Sectional (A featured 2899 [99 Regular Price Uall Art Accessories Excludes Pour Price and Ciearance Detals on Page 6 mo | Méinutor Melody Power sr LES 27 Eunice Recliner Conen Glider Recliner The Boost Lift Chair Ergonomiall designed includes two arm pllous. Made in North America in Norway : ONLY ONLY ONLY Ÿ ONLY NL & os fr PRICE */h $ x © Em order aaiatte POLUER PRICE is our everyday prcing,offering consistent value and is never discounted. Starting At [55 een Dore Day Bei Penny Day Bed NOW #799 Includes trundle.Asserbh require Matiress not include NOW 699 Î @ : 2 Soage na ONLY DaisyQueen3-Piece Bed ONLY Avery Queen 3-Piece Storage Bed 4/ King Piece Bed #549 Queen 6 Piece Bedroom Set 1299 $7C Thin 3-Piece Storage Bed #89 Full 3- Piece Storage Bed 1699 . King 6 Piece Bodroom Set 1689 Coordinating Chest 1349 "3 King 3 Piece Storage Bed #99 Queen 6 Piece Bcdroam Set 1798 King 6 Piece Bedroom Set 1999 Coordinating Chest #499 = CRE. SET MON » $700, * |4 Midtown Queen Sleep Chest Memory foam mattress included ve AT SAVE* 0 mme LE Kg Pics Deco St'S Connie Chr D + or none * 4 lc adicde hscon thor arc ral eco at als Piece ronds 4 Lowest Price Guarantee'

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