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Circulaire actuelle Zehrs - Valable à partir du 13.03 au 19.03 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Zehrs 13.03.2025 - 19.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

APP EXCLUSIVE OFFE cy) let Sit ROUSTIL 8 HONEY DIJON MIEL ET DIJON BLENDSOR LAGRILLE rore) SEASONINGS Soon ‘etsctnoguna seme et : Sv DD prev ive = = ode ¥ Qvyy = ——— DPD pervs UTTER sucrowmres SCOOPADIC recorded chirping cat er with baking soda (ansttene = SUPER = o 1bs ° PE e e 8 ha om Mom aI o ¥ a 7 Bk CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-866-541-6315. VISIT FOR STORE HOUR: (Quantities and/or selection of ens may De feted aad may sot be aviiabie in all stores Fr laquires oe product mali at your store please contact Customer Aalatons atthe above phone mambec. i Ranchecks OR Subs on Caran tems cr where quate are adverted as imted. Advertised mga pricing and prdact selection Mave, cofeu, patie, sie) mn any by store locaton eset ect cticates to set ems ted on errs ot mags typegraghy or phatograghy Prong Al reterences to “Save. Was. Whom Szmngs. etc" sm comparsson % ou own requay orces Coupons Mest be presented ant ———— ‘Savings 98 Gems shown may vary in each store locaton. mertal surcharges ave extra No sales to retal cutets. @/"™ The Trademarks. service marks and legos dstaynd thes trademarks of Loblaws Inc. and others. AB rights reserved. © 2025 Loblaws Ine rademarks and PayPass & 2 Trademark of MasterCard Iteratonat Incorporated Present’ caeiehelane of marks. PC Optimum peagram ¢ provided by President's Choce Services, & rm De Grect banking chvaion of Sempla Financial. @PC, President's Chace, PC Financial and President's Sen quanttes to rrasonatie tamiy requrements PCOPTIAMAN MEMBERS ONLY: These cers ae ty arate vakéPC Optare™ pagar members Metersp 1 Hee Toregater as aPC Optman”™ menter vet e-store cr vst ocaptonam ca. We at rot cbigtd to aad poets based en eres oF magnets No cash value See Ca tor Nal program Geta including redemption restnctors Mirumum mdempton 10.000 ponts These offers cannot be combned wih any otter coupors. Gscounts oF promotions and no adusiments on previous a Ly cancel These offers without notice Product snatabiity may vary by store Whie sapphes ust We reserve the Aight tb lent quanttes. “Recewe Pe ports speched whet you spend Te quaifying dolar amount on the = cit pcan pro wey te es ents at adn we bi a ge Ect ad hr tn tt che pc wl eB sa rb Ota ad rrebers Tnes agplcabe on ie purchase meus fer scouts. PC Ota” meter cn ct agpicabe ay ce Pat proyasfx parcaatng sores eperang under Loans fe. bane SeTNOO AGUA Fe ys cd roses lt Esto BaD pac bs rca emeaex clan ie 04 S48 olen er tron tos abo — Aerts may not be ardable inal stores. utter sear tens eg oun sd grt ray ey te avaabe a sect sore caters. Pease check yor xl sree cng. ees nd welt We OA (qaates tb reasoratie famdyrequremerts Ranches may be avaiable fr aut ct sack ders excing Carace tons or where guactes at adverbs 2s lnted. We resere he nef mAstte De os ey equrdert meu sonny a rancheck. verse rege pricing and product selection favour color, patterns ye may vary by sie lecaSen DEFC ‘bo oun regular prces. Sngs oe ihems a6vertsed within fpr may vary by store lca. Cigars must be presets an redeemet REFC ‘yore or petraty Acca tunes. eps cc eerermetalsercharpes ae ex Mosler evets. i The Watermarks. serve marks an ges payed ins fpr ae acer of Lblens ne andetens ME | ngs reserved C2225 Loblaws ic. SPRUCE ORDP ote vais tre at pricing locations between Fetrary 27 - March 19,2025 toe aopicabe tes and whe uantes lat Ofer apps ony sett procs. rer may te matin ane canceled wit rete See e-store fr A cea ZEH BACK

Derniéres circulaires

APP EXCLUSIVE OFFE cy) let Sit ROUSTIL 8 HONEY DIJON MIEL ET DIJON BLENDSOR LAGRILLE rore) SEASONINGS Soon ‘etsctnoguna seme et : Sv DD prev ive = = ode ¥ Qvyy = ——— DPD pervs UTTER sucrowmres SCOOPADIC recorded chirping cat er with baking soda (ansttene = SUPER = o 1bs ° PE e e 8 ha om Mom aI o ¥ a 7 Bk CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-866-541-6315. VISIT FOR STORE HOUR: (Quantities and/or selection of ens may De feted aad may sot be aviiabie in all stores Fr laquires oe product mali at your store please contact Customer Aalatons atthe above phone mambec. i Ranchecks OR Subs on Caran tems cr where quate are adverted as imted. Advertised mga pricing and prdact selection Mave, cofeu, patie, sie) mn any by store locaton eset ect cticates to set ems ted on errs ot mags typegraghy or phatograghy Prong Al reterences to “Save. Was. Whom Szmngs. etc" sm comparsson % ou own requay orces Coupons Mest be presented ant ———— ‘Savings 98 Gems shown may vary in each store locaton. mertal surcharges ave extra No sales to retal cutets. @/"™ The Trademarks. service marks and legos dstaynd thes trademarks of Loblaws Inc. and others. AB rights reserved. © 2025 Loblaws Ine rademarks and PayPass & 2 Trademark of MasterCard Iteratonat Incorporated Present’ caeiehelane of marks. PC Optimum peagram ¢ provided by President's Choce Services, & rm De Grect banking chvaion of Sempla Financial. @PC, President's Chace, PC Financial and President's Sen quanttes to rrasonatie tamiy requrements PCOPTIAMAN MEMBERS ONLY: These cers ae ty arate vakéPC Optare™ pagar members Metersp 1 Hee Toregater as aPC Optman”™ menter vet e-store cr vst ocaptonam ca. We at rot cbigtd to aad poets based en eres oF magnets No cash value See Ca tor Nal program Geta including redemption restnctors Mirumum mdempton 10.000 ponts These offers cannot be combned wih any otter coupors. Gscounts oF promotions and no adusiments on previous a Ly cancel These offers without notice Product snatabiity may vary by store Whie sapphes ust We reserve the Aight tb lent quanttes. “Recewe Pe ports speched whet you spend Te quaifying dolar amount on the = cit pcan pro wey te es ents at adn we bi a ge Ect ad hr tn tt che pc wl eB sa rb Ota ad rrebers Tnes agplcabe on ie purchase meus fer scouts. PC Ota” meter cn ct agpicabe ay ce Pat proyasfx parcaatng sores eperang under Loans fe. bane SeTNOO AGUA Fe ys cd roses lt Esto BaD pac bs rca emeaex clan ie 04 S48 olen er tron tos abo — Aerts may not be ardable inal stores. utter sear tens eg oun sd grt ray ey te avaabe a sect sore caters. Pease check yor xl sree cng. ees nd welt We OA (qaates tb reasoratie famdyrequremerts Ranches may be avaiable fr aut ct sack ders excing Carace tons or where guactes at adverbs 2s lnted. We resere he nef mAstte De os ey equrdert meu sonny a rancheck. verse rege pricing and product selection favour color, patterns ye may vary by sie lecaSen DEFC ‘bo oun regular prces. Sngs oe ihems a6vertsed within fpr may vary by store lca. Cigars must be presets an redeemet REFC ‘yore or petraty Acca tunes. eps cc eerermetalsercharpes ae ex Mosler evets. i The Watermarks. serve marks an ges payed ins fpr ae acer of Lblens ne andetens ME | ngs reserved C2225 Loblaws ic. SPRUCE ORDP ote vais tre at pricing locations between Fetrary 27 - March 19,2025 toe aopicabe tes and whe uantes lat Ofer apps ony sett procs. rer may te matin ane canceled wit rete See e-store fr A cea ZEH BACK

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