La demande doit comporter entre 2 et 50 caractères

Circulaire actuelle Zehrs - Valable à partir du 16.03 au 22.03 - Page n° 6

Circulaire Zehrs 16.03.2023 - 22.03.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

when you buy 2 . less than 2 S10 ea. ] 1 PC: chicken drumsticks f } / | } 8's or thighs bone-in 6's F ? Air Chilled \ \ abs LAOMEE EA r 7 al dé. ch. dt * porK loin centre-cut Chops ofroast: boneless fämily Size 4.39/kKé 2ausee KGfouns KG / when you buy 2 less than 2 ÿ= 5299 ea PC’ Blue Menu” | ra ES avocados Nova Scotian jumbo product of sea scallops 5's 20-40 per Ib frozen ave ER 400 $ amoeies €a Chapman's Premium ice cream, sorbet, frozen yogurt 2 L or Super novelties 6-20's selected varieties frozen RMS EAST ER PC’ Splendido® cold-pressed or cold-extracted Delicato extra virgin olive oil selected varieties crust rs 475-550 g or McCain Superfries, breakfast or specialty potatoes 397-800 £ selected varieties frozen ARDENNE EAAENE A PC’ orange juice, tea or lemonade selected varieties v7 54L Han Eure LA il ones EAMONEIZ LA large cauliflower each product of Mexico or U:S.A,, no. 1 grade or Farmer's Market” navel oranges 3 Ib product of Spain or Morocco 2NRsSer LV2OESMONN EA à NE TTL beef. familÿrsize 7.G9KE Fe 6 less than 2 S3.49 ea. blueberries product of Mexico or U.S.A, no. 1 gradé rc SN oi CRACKER ENT 1 4° Cracker Barrel cheese bars 400 £, shredded cheese 250-320 g, sauce kits 271/280 5 &g selected varieties MI EATUIONE ER when you buy 2 2IS less than 2 S3.99 ea. Wonder or D'Italiano bread or buns uHoïRDe LuOnaDE | selected varieties LÆ ** and sizes Ra ENT ESA A : 7 à “White switch and save with no names n0 name® Switch and Save is based on regular price vs. comparable product, Excludes promational, clearance and Ad Match pricing. Product attrbutos betwoon no name® and comparable product may vary. Not all no name® products have a comparable product. Flyer prices effective from Thursday, March 16th to Wednesday, March 22nd, 2028. SEE BACK PAGE FOR DETAILS. ZEH1

Derniéres circulaires

when you buy 2 . less than 2 S10 ea. ] 1 PC: chicken drumsticks f } / | } 8's or thighs bone-in 6's F ? Air Chilled \ \ abs LAOMEE EA r 7 al dé. ch. dt * porK loin centre-cut Chops ofroast: boneless fämily Size 4.39/kKé 2ausee KGfouns KG / when you buy 2 less than 2 ÿ= 5299 ea PC’ Blue Menu” | ra ES avocados Nova Scotian jumbo product of sea scallops 5's 20-40 per Ib frozen ave ER 400 $ amoeies €a Chapman's Premium ice cream, sorbet, frozen yogurt 2 L or Super novelties 6-20's selected varieties frozen RMS EAST ER PC’ Splendido® cold-pressed or cold-extracted Delicato extra virgin olive oil selected varieties crust rs 475-550 g or McCain Superfries, breakfast or specialty potatoes 397-800 £ selected varieties frozen ARDENNE EAAENE A PC’ orange juice, tea or lemonade selected varieties v7 54L Han Eure LA il ones EAMONEIZ LA large cauliflower each product of Mexico or U:S.A,, no. 1 grade or Farmer's Market” navel oranges 3 Ib product of Spain or Morocco 2NRsSer LV2OESMONN EA à NE TTL beef. familÿrsize 7.G9KE Fe 6 less than 2 S3.49 ea. blueberries product of Mexico or U.S.A, no. 1 gradé rc SN oi CRACKER ENT 1 4° Cracker Barrel cheese bars 400 £, shredded cheese 250-320 g, sauce kits 271/280 5 &g selected varieties MI EATUIONE ER when you buy 2 2IS less than 2 S3.99 ea. Wonder or D'Italiano bread or buns uHoïRDe LuOnaDE | selected varieties LÆ ** and sizes Ra ENT ESA A : 7 à “White switch and save with no names n0 name® Switch and Save is based on regular price vs. comparable product, Excludes promational, clearance and Ad Match pricing. Product attrbutos betwoon no name® and comparable product may vary. Not all no name® products have a comparable product. Flyer prices effective from Thursday, March 16th to Wednesday, March 22nd, 2028. SEE BACK PAGE FOR DETAILS. ZEH1

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