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Circulaire actuelle Dominion - Valable à partir du 20.06 au 26.06 - Page n° 7

Circulaire Dominion 20.06.2024 - 26.06.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

From Your Farmers Nova Agri Group Owned and operated by six families over the past 50 years, Nova Agri has seen a lot of change. But the one element that has remained the same since it PC* ORGANICS WHITE 1870 Is the commitment to freshness. Led by 2 strong and passionate team PO ORGANIGENTE of 60 full-time staff members, this Centrevile, Nova Scotia-based farm PRODUCT OF CANADA LESS THAN2 produces everything from field onions, and a variety of flavourful berries, 2276 $349 FA. fresh for the picking. AOMSSS EVANS ER 4 See 9 9 (GREENHOUSE EXTRA CANADA CANADA LARGE ORANGE, RED OR GREEN LEAF GREEN KALE YELLOW SWEET PEPPERS OR ROMAINE LETTUCE PRODUCT OF CANADA PRODUCT OF CANADA PRODUCT OF CANADA EUNCH 1.006 EACH msssosont ER 2880001 KG/20007S3001 KG AnSesaont EnVaODESOSOON EX There are many vorities of plus, From high red to dark red and black an. FARMER'S MARKET” INectarines are rogrant 9 9 NECTARINES 2 L and brighy coloured BLACK PLUMS (OR PEACHES 3 L Perd HE Direies PRODUCT OF U.S.A PRODUCT OF US.A.. NO. 1 GRADE NO. 1 GRADE, ard'afirmer flesh 11006 LB 06001 ER AOL ER than the peoch. non KG # } 67 Ge eur Êr É Sigéufuzy skin theyare suoct ardjuicy Yelbu penches are a deñghéful Fruit th a sf jicy lesh than a reguar pench but said and a sue, refresting taste. to be suecterin taste 99 VEN NECTARDES 99 99 PLUMCOTS OR PEACHES DONUT PEACH The dorut peochisless Fuzzy PRODUCT OF US.A.. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. PRODUCT OF U.S.A NO:1 GRADE NO. 1 GRADE NO. 1 GRADE 11.00/G LB 6.50KG LB 11.007 anvesnson KG: aonaSe3oN Ko ssNSEON KG HSE KG DA ONLINE 1

From Your Farmers Nova Agri Group Owned and operated by six families over the past 50 years, Nova Agri has seen a lot of change. But the one element that has remained the same since it PC* ORGANICS WHITE 1870 Is the commitment to freshness. Led by 2 strong and passionate team PO ORGANIGENTE of 60 full-time staff members, this Centrevile, Nova Scotia-based farm PRODUCT OF CANADA LESS THAN2 produces everything from field onions, and a variety of flavourful berries, 2276 $349 FA. fresh for the picking. AOMSSS EVANS ER 4 See 9 9 (GREENHOUSE EXTRA CANADA CANADA LARGE ORANGE, RED OR GREEN LEAF GREEN KALE YELLOW SWEET PEPPERS OR ROMAINE LETTUCE PRODUCT OF CANADA PRODUCT OF CANADA PRODUCT OF CANADA EUNCH 1.006 EACH msssosont ER 2880001 KG/20007S3001 KG AnSesaont EnVaODESOSOON EX There are many vorities of plus, From high red to dark red and black an. FARMER'S MARKET” INectarines are rogrant 9 9 NECTARINES 2 L and brighy coloured BLACK PLUMS (OR PEACHES 3 L Perd HE Direies PRODUCT OF U.S.A PRODUCT OF US.A.. NO. 1 GRADE NO. 1 GRADE, ard'afirmer flesh 11006 LB 06001 ER AOL ER than the peoch. non KG # } 67 Ge eur Êr É Sigéufuzy skin theyare suoct ardjuicy Yelbu penches are a deñghéful Fruit th a sf jicy lesh than a reguar pench but said and a sue, refresting taste. to be suecterin taste 99 VEN NECTARDES 99 99 PLUMCOTS OR PEACHES DONUT PEACH The dorut peochisless Fuzzy PRODUCT OF US.A.. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. PRODUCT OF U.S.A NO:1 GRADE NO. 1 GRADE NO. 1 GRADE 11.00/G LB 6.50KG LB 11.007 anvesnson KG: aonaSe3oN Ko ssNSEON KG HSE KG DA ONLINE 1

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