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Circulaire actuelle Dominion - Valable à partir du 21.09 au 27.09 - Page n° 3

Circulaire Dominion 21.09.2023 - 27.09.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

small vegetable 5 stem platter 934/950 g or sunflowers Dos fruit platter 117kg s11 è prepared fresh fresh pizzas & in-store daily avan EA flatbreads u from ; g ir 515 «sr 2007934 EA/20T71S28 ER ni SAR fe 6 = © EN | ee ETS Se 1 LE S69ea DAS Activia Kraft peanut bu Dr. Oetker G2 oo Roger oe Fr e _ a. . selected ER pe 25L selected varieties : ; selected 2003958100 EA/Z1ZRSANE. EA rozen | 320-410 g varieties 2029100001 EA 2029642406 EA AMONT ENVIE ER 50, 9° É » 34 SEEN Jamieson Le Jamfeson d Philadelphia Chapman's Markdale! Vitamins or où cream cheese creamery ice supplements ss 20% 227/250g$ or RE 2 L or Canadia selected dips 227$ "Great collection or varieties ue” a selected PHILADELPHIA Es Lolly novelties 6-28'Sh and sizes varieties EE ele selected varieties frô2 each assnsan EAnoeseselt" SON ER AERISIN ER 2RUAG2S EAN ER «sai ST when you buy 2 when you buy 2 1 = 214 _— L se 18- su Se en CE PC’ smoked Catelli Smart, Black Diamondiæs : PC: hors es " oysters 85 4 Healthy Harvest cheese bars d'oeuvres > or Ayimer o or Ancient Grains ÆÆ%}) 400 £, shreds; collection . tomatoes pasta . 300-320 £, selected M selected = selected sauce tubs 3 varieties varieties SMÉ cheestrings. frozen Mosaulfs varieties Ts Poe] K 540/796 mL 1 ES 340/375 g sel rieties, 225-800 £ ansosté EPOGIO8 ER 2" D ru Eur retesen ant Foeson enaridauex 99°©- , 99ù 9 ee 4 2. 4 | PC’ Blue Menus BlueWater PC* hot LÉ or Skyr bars 400-500 g'or — — PC* Cream Fi selected instant coffee | or Loads of ..) varieties _— 600 g or 70-100 $g ice cream 1.5 L 4x100 g/500 à McCain Superfries fa selected varieties selected varieties, frozen 22e Erwan EÀ pack À Zones Eavrsats EA sAOQN EAV297715702 A 145-18k8 selected varieties, frozen 2nSIONSOO EAADMENIO ER TRESemmé Huggies or Pampers PC" oi diapers____ = fall. ÉEÉredverities Zusness En sel 62-180 S anse rssrshalen 22106 ER vers) as and varieties AIVONGS EAISOSONE ER Quant and/or selection of tems may be limited and may not be avale in al stores, For inquiries on product avalblity at your stre please contact Customer Relations at he above phone number No Rainchecks OA Substuton Clarance ms or ere quant are acer as imite. Advertise regular ring and product sslecion vou, colour pattes Sy) may var store lation, We ar no cbgated sel rs base on rs or mp in pra phoography. Priig, Al references “Save, Mas, Now, Srigs, "in compaison to ur om eguar prices. Coupons must be presented and edeemed at me ol purchase. Sings on items Show ma vary in each tre location, Apple ans, depos, ar emironmenta sucharges are extra. No sale o retl outets. @/" The bademars, service mari and logos Gisplayed in is er are tademacks of Labaus In. and others. Al gts reserved. © 2029 Loblans inc MasterCard and the MasterCar Brand Mark are repsteed trademarks and PayPass is a rademark of MasterCard itemationalincapraed. Presents Choice Bank a Bcense a maris, PC Oplmum program à proided by Presents Choice Series ic. President Chic irancal MasterCard is pride b President Choice Bank President Choice Franc personal bang services ae provided by ne Grec barng Go of Simph Fnanca PC, Presents Cole, PC Fnancal and President Coca Financial are as of Lou ic. Trademarks used under icence. Me reserve tre à requirements. PC OPTIMUM MEMBERS ONLY: These fers ar on aadlbl vai PC Opèmm* program members. Membershp is fe. To register 2 2 PC Oum member se in-lore or it le ae nt cblgaed o avard ponts based ones or mir. No cash vale. See nenfaundandgrocen stores ca for fl program etais ncudngredempton restrictions Mirimumredemption 10,000 ponts. These or cannot be combined wi anj le upONs, scouts or pomobins and no adusiments on preious purchase. Ve reserve ta mad or cancel tese fers without obce, Product aralaliy may vary by store. le supplies Es Ve reserve ne nght to mt quan. “Recee the pins specied when you spé amount on te dspayed participa products ana categories) efare taxes and air redemptons and all coupons and discount are eductd in à sigle transaction “Va for er duain, ae ich te price vil bete same for bot PC Oplimum on te purchase amount ar scouts. FC ptimum”* member pic is ot applicable 1 any price match programs fr partcipatig tres operating under te Loblans DA BACK

Derniéres circulaires

small vegetable 5 stem platter 934/950 g or sunflowers Dos fruit platter 117kg s11 è prepared fresh fresh pizzas & in-store daily avan EA flatbreads u from ; g ir 515 «sr 2007934 EA/20T71S28 ER ni SAR fe 6 = © EN | ee ETS Se 1 LE S69ea DAS Activia Kraft peanut bu Dr. Oetker G2 oo Roger oe Fr e _ a. . selected ER pe 25L selected varieties : ; selected 2003958100 EA/Z1ZRSANE. EA rozen | 320-410 g varieties 2029100001 EA 2029642406 EA AMONT ENVIE ER 50, 9° É » 34 SEEN Jamieson Le Jamfeson d Philadelphia Chapman's Markdale! Vitamins or où cream cheese creamery ice supplements ss 20% 227/250g$ or RE 2 L or Canadia selected dips 227$ "Great collection or varieties ue” a selected PHILADELPHIA Es Lolly novelties 6-28'Sh and sizes varieties EE ele selected varieties frô2 each assnsan EAnoeseselt" SON ER AERISIN ER 2RUAG2S EAN ER «sai ST when you buy 2 when you buy 2 1 = 214 _— L se 18- su Se en CE PC’ smoked Catelli Smart, Black Diamondiæs : PC: hors es " oysters 85 4 Healthy Harvest cheese bars d'oeuvres > or Ayimer o or Ancient Grains ÆÆ%}) 400 £, shreds; collection . tomatoes pasta . 300-320 £, selected M selected = selected sauce tubs 3 varieties varieties SMÉ cheestrings. frozen Mosaulfs varieties Ts Poe] K 540/796 mL 1 ES 340/375 g sel rieties, 225-800 £ ansosté EPOGIO8 ER 2" D ru Eur retesen ant Foeson enaridauex 99°©- , 99ù 9 ee 4 2. 4 | PC’ Blue Menus BlueWater PC* hot LÉ or Skyr bars 400-500 g'or — — PC* Cream Fi selected instant coffee | or Loads of ..) varieties _— 600 g or 70-100 $g ice cream 1.5 L 4x100 g/500 à McCain Superfries fa selected varieties selected varieties, frozen 22e Erwan EÀ pack À Zones Eavrsats EA sAOQN EAV297715702 A 145-18k8 selected varieties, frozen 2nSIONSOO EAADMENIO ER TRESemmé Huggies or Pampers PC" oi diapers____ = fall. ÉEÉredverities Zusness En sel 62-180 S anse rssrshalen 22106 ER vers) as and varieties AIVONGS EAISOSONE ER Quant and/or selection of tems may be limited and may not be avale in al stores, For inquiries on product avalblity at your stre please contact Customer Relations at he above phone number No Rainchecks OA Substuton Clarance ms or ere quant are acer as imite. Advertise regular ring and product sslecion vou, colour pattes Sy) may var store lation, We ar no cbgated sel rs base on rs or mp in pra phoography. Priig, Al references “Save, Mas, Now, Srigs, "in compaison to ur om eguar prices. Coupons must be presented and edeemed at me ol purchase. Sings on items Show ma vary in each tre location, Apple ans, depos, ar emironmenta sucharges are extra. No sale o retl outets. @/" The bademars, service mari and logos Gisplayed in is er are tademacks of Labaus In. and others. Al gts reserved. © 2029 Loblans inc MasterCard and the MasterCar Brand Mark are repsteed trademarks and PayPass is a rademark of MasterCard itemationalincapraed. Presents Choice Bank a Bcense a maris, PC Oplmum program à proided by Presents Choice Series ic. President Chic irancal MasterCard is pride b President Choice Bank President Choice Franc personal bang services ae provided by ne Grec barng Go of Simph Fnanca PC, Presents Cole, PC Fnancal and President Coca Financial are as of Lou ic. Trademarks used under icence. Me reserve tre à requirements. PC OPTIMUM MEMBERS ONLY: These fers ar on aadlbl vai PC Opèmm* program members. Membershp is fe. To register 2 2 PC Oum member se in-lore or it le ae nt cblgaed o avard ponts based ones or mir. No cash vale. See nenfaundandgrocen stores ca for fl program etais ncudngredempton restrictions Mirimumredemption 10,000 ponts. These or cannot be combined wi anj le upONs, scouts or pomobins and no adusiments on preious purchase. Ve reserve ta mad or cancel tese fers without obce, Product aralaliy may vary by store. le supplies Es Ve reserve ne nght to mt quan. “Recee the pins specied when you spé amount on te dspayed participa products ana categories) efare taxes and air redemptons and all coupons and discount are eductd in à sigle transaction “Va for er duain, ae ich te price vil bete same for bot PC Oplimum on te purchase amount ar scouts. FC ptimum”* member pic is ot applicable 1 any price match programs fr partcipatig tres operating under te Loblans DA BACK

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