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Circulaire actuelle Farm Boy - Nouvel An Lunaire - Valable à partir du 19.01 au 25.01 - Page n° 6

Circulaire Farm Boy 19.01.2023 - 25.01.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

TALK NA HI Dr ROCHA STELLAR STIR-FRY ÉTAIT ETS These leafygreens are an easy choice for your favourite ÿ EAU tt East-Asian inspired dishes! They pair up perfectly with LATE our fresh noodles & cooking sauces in our Chef's Market. M . Cr] a/çu} K \ 7 nai - à A) EL) A BABY BOK CHOY JUNIOR, GAI LAN, SHANGHAI BOK CHOY, à JUICY KIWIS ÉLUS SAT LT PARTIE) à AVC TE | DAT LE ON A) ; CE sp ge 286 3h PEL BROWN OR WHITE SHARON FRUIT ASIAN PEARS gate + 1 KG BASKET extra fancy grade, . nt Ÿ Do ' RE product of China ë . CU 5 se AT UT ‘ (LT 7 LENS MANGOS AS 4 HOT n0.1 grade, NET NT TON © 7 Li GA] , FEGLTE MALTA . fs CRU ee 5 no. 1 grade, DCUIECAILEICR OO | Canada fancy grade, D product of USA TEL j : t à A 549/kg In case of discrepancy between the picture and the text, the text will always be deemed correct. We reserve the right to limit quantities, while supplis last. Product selection may vary by store. PLEASE VISIT FARMBOY.CA FOR A FULL LIST OF STORE ADDRESSES TO FIND A LOCATION NEAR YOU!

Derniéres circulaires

TALK NA HI Dr ROCHA STELLAR STIR-FRY ÉTAIT ETS These leafygreens are an easy choice for your favourite ÿ EAU tt East-Asian inspired dishes! They pair up perfectly with LATE our fresh noodles & cooking sauces in our Chef's Market. M . Cr] a/çu} K \ 7 nai - à A) EL) A BABY BOK CHOY JUNIOR, GAI LAN, SHANGHAI BOK CHOY, à JUICY KIWIS ÉLUS SAT LT PARTIE) à AVC TE | DAT LE ON A) ; CE sp ge 286 3h PEL BROWN OR WHITE SHARON FRUIT ASIAN PEARS gate + 1 KG BASKET extra fancy grade, . nt Ÿ Do ' RE product of China ë . CU 5 se AT UT ‘ (LT 7 LENS MANGOS AS 4 HOT n0.1 grade, NET NT TON © 7 Li GA] , FEGLTE MALTA . fs CRU ee 5 no. 1 grade, DCUIECAILEICR OO | Canada fancy grade, D product of USA TEL j : t à A 549/kg In case of discrepancy between the picture and the text, the text will always be deemed correct. We reserve the right to limit quantities, while supplis last. Product selection may vary by store. PLEASE VISIT FARMBOY.CA FOR A FULL LIST OF STORE ADDRESSES TO FIND A LOCATION NEAR YOU!

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