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Circulaire actuelle Food Basics - Valable à partir du 05.12 au 11.12 - Page n° 3

Circulaire Food Basics 05.12.2024 - 11.12.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

PES (He ms CODEN Den EL CHEDDAR, L GINGER ALE Un . Ty g “IN STOCK POLICY: Food Basäcs+ offers as in-stock paramiée for a iles in its current fiyer. If we are temporarihy cut-of-s10ck on an advertised item is our current fiyes à Rain Check wi be issued wi 10% Of the adrertised price ef ne em rodcemable withia 30 days from the date cd bssse. Rain Chocks ave not issued if the ad in the flyer states, “Wide Quantiies Last”, "Special Buy” 0e “No Rais Checks”, or on in-stoee cooked BBQ Chicken sed Het Pirza, Beer, Cider and Wise, Independent Third Party Vendors, “Out Seafobd Market” and “Our Buñcher Shop by Nosso Talho” Please see the Customer Service desk at yaur Food Basics for full details, For tal sale ont there LS à it stated in Ge nd, Rain Checks up Lo the stated mit may be issued, there Is no mi sue in the ad, we reserve ina rit Lo lait quabties Lo masonable regoirements. Lssit One Rain Check per housebold per Item per dre Me reserve Ene pM Lo mt purchases Lo reascaabile requirements. Limits or some resbctions apply - detais available in store or at Certain prices and special offers mdvertised in our Myers may vary By area, To vien local store per is, were you can create an account (er sign into yoer account) and select your preftsred location. Some illstraticas in this fhrer do not necessary represent items om sale and ave Ése design on. We reserve Ua AE Lo correct any urintimional ere at may eccur la Ua copy or illstration. Relerences for sanéngs os sale prices ave in comparison 10 eur repslar retad péces. Prices are effective Thursday 8 am. though ciosing Wednesdy. Other encmptions may apply. “Compare at” references are in comparison to at least 1 other regalar retail price. Commercial resale of our prodscts is problbied. (Upon presematon of he Mai Rewauds card, points swarded are calculated on Er total amoent before Las, and exchodes the products specified in 1h terms and conditions of te program. Does net apply Lo bonus points. Araïable at stares participating in Ehe Moi program. For $3 » 1 pt: mollatée at Metro: not available at Food Basics. Points redeemable at partcipating stores starting at a balance of 500 points ($4 value). Vs for terms and condscas. Moi Remads 1 à trademaek Of Metro Lac UNAUTHORGED COPNNG OF THIS FLYER 1 AN MEDIUM (INCLUDING POSTING ONLINE) WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF METRO ONTARSO INC. IS NOT PERMITTED. CUSTOMER CARE: 1-866-595-5554 s015015

PES (He ms CODEN Den EL CHEDDAR, L GINGER ALE Un . Ty g “IN STOCK POLICY: Food Basäcs+ offers as in-stock paramiée for a iles in its current fiyer. If we are temporarihy cut-of-s10ck on an advertised item is our current fiyes à Rain Check wi be issued wi 10% Of the adrertised price ef ne em rodcemable withia 30 days from the date cd bssse. Rain Chocks ave not issued if the ad in the flyer states, “Wide Quantiies Last”, "Special Buy” 0e “No Rais Checks”, or on in-stoee cooked BBQ Chicken sed Het Pirza, Beer, Cider and Wise, Independent Third Party Vendors, “Out Seafobd Market” and “Our Buñcher Shop by Nosso Talho” Please see the Customer Service desk at yaur Food Basics for full details, For tal sale ont there LS à it stated in Ge nd, Rain Checks up Lo the stated mit may be issued, there Is no mi sue in the ad, we reserve ina rit Lo lait quabties Lo masonable regoirements. Lssit One Rain Check per housebold per Item per dre Me reserve Ene pM Lo mt purchases Lo reascaabile requirements. Limits or some resbctions apply - detais available in store or at Certain prices and special offers mdvertised in our Myers may vary By area, To vien local store per is, were you can create an account (er sign into yoer account) and select your preftsred location. Some illstraticas in this fhrer do not necessary represent items om sale and ave Ése design on. We reserve Ua AE Lo correct any urintimional ere at may eccur la Ua copy or illstration. Relerences for sanéngs os sale prices ave in comparison 10 eur repslar retad péces. Prices are effective Thursday 8 am. though ciosing Wednesdy. Other encmptions may apply. “Compare at” references are in comparison to at least 1 other regalar retail price. Commercial resale of our prodscts is problbied. (Upon presematon of he Mai Rewauds card, points swarded are calculated on Er total amoent before Las, and exchodes the products specified in 1h terms and conditions of te program. Does net apply Lo bonus points. Araïable at stares participating in Ehe Moi program. For $3 » 1 pt: mollatée at Metro: not available at Food Basics. Points redeemable at partcipating stores starting at a balance of 500 points ($4 value). Vs for terms and condscas. Moi Remads 1 à trademaek Of Metro Lac UNAUTHORGED COPNNG OF THIS FLYER 1 AN MEDIUM (INCLUDING POSTING ONLINE) WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF METRO ONTARSO INC. IS NOT PERMITTED. CUSTOMER CARE: 1-866-595-5554 s015015

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