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Circulaire actuelle Foodland - Valable à partir du 27.04 au 03.05 - Page n° 8

Circulaire Foodland 27.04.2023 - 03.05.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

PANACHE Italian Cheeses 100-200 g COMPLIMENTS Z L À Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts N° Long English Cucumbers Stampede Hot Dogs 900 g à Nyer pres ave eftect ores open 2) € at most octo. without STUYVER'S se Scene+_ Ciabatta or Portuguese Buns 4 pk 340-400 g Red Mangoes product of Mexig mn n CE BARREL CID) CAMPBELL'S Tomato, Chicken Noodile, Cream of Mushroom or Vegetable Soup selected 284 mL . CRACKER BARREL. NTTES LI TAN Li D TL DOTE NET EE 9 9 9 9 DELISSIO KELLOGG'S Cereal Rising Crust or Pizzeria Pizza selected varieties 306-525 g selected 519-888 g he 1 * > Bi S 2/$7 : és 999 dass 2/ $8 sil Chilled Juice 1.54-175 L Roast & Ground Coffee Tortilla Chips 205-300 g selected 311-340 g or K-Cup® Pods 10 pk (excludes Simply) ULTIMATE = = — Dane LULU à Advertise prices do rot inclue amy appli able taxes Or depouts, Srnings based on our Le ou Pos 99 smout | MAPLE LODGE FARMS 7 es” Chicken Sticks 300 g BUBLY Sparkling Water 12x355 mL FOR EVERY $25 PURCHASED IN Set = a = N GET 300 Ca RATS ANIME ÉF= = E GAP INC. GIFT CARDS! he Scene Loyaity Program s arabe a al parut Fodland locations No use Scenes pots med Se mec fer ar cut ways Lo ana Soon + pour a ik pa. in sert <a Rens and Conditions 1 16 KA Forms and Conditions A1 neck Scene» chers euchsée Lune driver anges D payment, serve res, renal les, evet Bet gt car, ui dry pros in Atlanta, pre paid car pol proces and venez Meter Ur, MC ae Tim Hortons' Status prodts are Lance sect rrgpomt, prrénpben drap ren prrurpton pharma Mec, Lquer and de ohoëe berge Lebaceo prod, Le) phots fanben depot emeronmerenl changes, Lu cd cther gard an vent much re non ac urtabe x each by Lu Redeem 1,000 Scene points te 110 tas your purchase up 10 à maire of 0,000 Scene pans (equlalent t 5500) per day. Far ul Scene Terms & Conditio or ho redicem you points, ot tps. Ann scenephus a Vers and condition A hr are bye 1 charge are may be teen mit ne Trademarks Scene Ph P Corporation cd undrr bcense by Sebeys Capa Incerpocated Wecessy ofters are vote ont

Derniéres circulaires

PANACHE Italian Cheeses 100-200 g COMPLIMENTS Z L À Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts N° Long English Cucumbers Stampede Hot Dogs 900 g à Nyer pres ave eftect ores open 2) € at most octo. without STUYVER'S se Scene+_ Ciabatta or Portuguese Buns 4 pk 340-400 g Red Mangoes product of Mexig mn n CE BARREL CID) CAMPBELL'S Tomato, Chicken Noodile, Cream of Mushroom or Vegetable Soup selected 284 mL . CRACKER BARREL. NTTES LI TAN Li D TL DOTE NET EE 9 9 9 9 DELISSIO KELLOGG'S Cereal Rising Crust or Pizzeria Pizza selected varieties 306-525 g selected 519-888 g he 1 * > Bi S 2/$7 : és 999 dass 2/ $8 sil Chilled Juice 1.54-175 L Roast & Ground Coffee Tortilla Chips 205-300 g selected 311-340 g or K-Cup® Pods 10 pk (excludes Simply) ULTIMATE = = — Dane LULU à Advertise prices do rot inclue amy appli able taxes Or depouts, Srnings based on our Le ou Pos 99 smout | MAPLE LODGE FARMS 7 es” Chicken Sticks 300 g BUBLY Sparkling Water 12x355 mL FOR EVERY $25 PURCHASED IN Set = a = N GET 300 Ca RATS ANIME ÉF= = E GAP INC. GIFT CARDS! he Scene Loyaity Program s arabe a al parut Fodland locations No use Scenes pots med Se mec fer ar cut ways Lo ana Soon + pour a ik pa. in sert <a Rens and Conditions 1 16 KA Forms and Conditions A1 neck Scene» chers euchsée Lune driver anges D payment, serve res, renal les, evet Bet gt car, ui dry pros in Atlanta, pre paid car pol proces and venez Meter Ur, MC ae Tim Hortons' Status prodts are Lance sect rrgpomt, prrénpben drap ren prrurpton pharma Mec, Lquer and de ohoëe berge Lebaceo prod, Le) phots fanben depot emeronmerenl changes, Lu cd cther gard an vent much re non ac urtabe x each by Lu Redeem 1,000 Scene points te 110 tas your purchase up 10 à maire of 0,000 Scene pans (equlalent t 5500) per day. Far ul Scene Terms & Conditio or ho redicem you points, ot tps. Ann scenephus a Vers and condition A hr are bye 1 charge are may be teen mit ne Trademarks Scene Ph P Corporation cd undrr bcense by Sebeys Capa Incerpocated Wecessy ofters are vote ont

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