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Circulaire actuelle Foodland - Black Friday - Valable à partir du 24.11 au 30.11 - Page n° 3

Circulaire Foodland 24.11.2022 - 30.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

GROCERIES FOR A YEAR 1weekly prize available! Every scan of your registered* Scene+ card enters you to win at any Sobeys, Foodland, FreshCo, Chalo! FreshCo, Urban Fresh, or online with Voilà by Sobeys Learn more at *A Scene+ cord is registered once it is connected to a completed Scone+ profile. To register your card, visit NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Fuï Contest Rules and no purchase entry method found at sobeys. com/scenaplus/swipocontest Contest runs from November 3, 2022 to December LA, 2022 ot 1289 pe EST, consisting of six (6) Weethy Contest Periods. Open to legal reskdents of Ontario who have re0ched the 0ge of mojory on the date tney enter 1h Contest Purchase ony produet(s) at any Sobeys, Foodiand. FreshCo, Chaio! FreshCa. Urban Fresh, or onäne with Volà by Sobeys" and swipe or scan your Registered Scone + cord 10 receive one (1) contest entry, subject 10 verification end validation. To receive on entry lor purchozes made through Vol, Scenee card must be registered Lo your Voilà account prior Lo cer detivery, and delivery must be complete within Contest Period 10 quoily. See Fuil Contest Auies fer product exclusions. Elgible Entries for each Weekty Prize are only valid during the Weekly Contest Perio in which the entry is made. There are six (6) Prires to be won, one (|) Week Prize per Woekiy Contest Period. Each Prire consist of groceries for a year payable in Sobeys gift cards (ARV 514,000 CAD). The prizes have n0 equivalent cash value, are non-transferrable and no subétiutions wii be made. Correct answered sidi testing question required. Odids of minning depend on the numbor of eflgible entries rocoed For the purposes ol this Contest, Sofeway stores in Fort Frances. Kenora, Deydien and Thunder Bay as well as Rod Loire KA and Thunder Bay FreshCo shal be exciuded

Derniéres circulaires

GROCERIES FOR A YEAR 1weekly prize available! Every scan of your registered* Scene+ card enters you to win at any Sobeys, Foodland, FreshCo, Chalo! FreshCo, Urban Fresh, or online with Voilà by Sobeys Learn more at *A Scene+ cord is registered once it is connected to a completed Scone+ profile. To register your card, visit NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Fuï Contest Rules and no purchase entry method found at sobeys. com/scenaplus/swipocontest Contest runs from November 3, 2022 to December LA, 2022 ot 1289 pe EST, consisting of six (6) Weethy Contest Periods. Open to legal reskdents of Ontario who have re0ched the 0ge of mojory on the date tney enter 1h Contest Purchase ony produet(s) at any Sobeys, Foodiand. FreshCo, Chaio! FreshCa. Urban Fresh, or onäne with Volà by Sobeys" and swipe or scan your Registered Scone + cord 10 receive one (1) contest entry, subject 10 verification end validation. To receive on entry lor purchozes made through Vol, Scenee card must be registered Lo your Voilà account prior Lo cer detivery, and delivery must be complete within Contest Period 10 quoily. See Fuil Contest Auies fer product exclusions. Elgible Entries for each Weekty Prize are only valid during the Weekly Contest Perio in which the entry is made. There are six (6) Prires to be won, one (|) Week Prize per Woekiy Contest Period. Each Prire consist of groceries for a year payable in Sobeys gift cards (ARV 514,000 CAD). The prizes have n0 equivalent cash value, are non-transferrable and no subétiutions wii be made. Correct answered sidi testing question required. Odids of minning depend on the numbor of eflgible entries rocoed For the purposes ol this Contest, Sofeway stores in Fort Frances. Kenora, Deydien and Thunder Bay as well as Rod Loire KA and Thunder Bay FreshCo shal be exciuded

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