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Circulaire actuelle Foodland - Valable à partir du 08.06 au 14.06 - Page n° 2

Circulaire Foodland 08.06.2023 - 14.06.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

When you spend $5+ in our produce department before taxes o el orCarrots Canada no 1, 907 & 7 #F es when you buy 1 Lemons Romaine Hearts Navel Oranges product of product of Canada product of Spain or Morocco South Africa 907 g or USA 3 pk 136 kg ORGANIC Blackberries product of Mexico Ed COMPLIMENTS Apples product of Ontario Canada t COMPLIMENTS fancy or product extra fancy grade selected Mini Potatoes varieties 1.36 kg product of Canada Canada no 1 or product of USA no 1 grade 680 g Le ge OR | 7, COMPLIMENTS Garden Salad product of USA Bicolour Grapes Ç G 329 ginout Limes product of Mexico Gers no | grade 907 g D. product of Mexico 454 g CLrs ETES QUES CUS ACT ÉCIMOTS ENT TE Los DUPONT EL 7 99 99 COMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS Candies 12 PLAI INTERS Pecan Halves 200 g SR M selected 350-450 g In-Shell Peanuts 2 kg Avaitable at most stores CE Lolo DLEOPENETTAI C4 1 9 9 Gerbera Plant Seasonal Mixed Bouquet assorted colours 45° pot Selection may vary by store When you spend $5+ in our in-store bakery department before taxes 327 OAKRUN FARM BAKERY Crumpets Gpk2848 599 Le. ; 62°. + ' os COMPLIMENTS + 4pk2808 Naan Rounds 480g QUINN'S Swiss Rolls + Birthday Cake or when you buy 1 Cookies "N Cream 402 g 2 Qui = 84° COMPLIMENTS k Strawberry Muffins + 4 pk 440 g Fm 99 en = ss Baguettes 380 g Single Layer Shortcakes 680-750 8

Derniéres circulaires

When you spend $5+ in our produce department before taxes o el orCarrots Canada no 1, 907 & 7 #F es when you buy 1 Lemons Romaine Hearts Navel Oranges product of product of Canada product of Spain or Morocco South Africa 907 g or USA 3 pk 136 kg ORGANIC Blackberries product of Mexico Ed COMPLIMENTS Apples product of Ontario Canada t COMPLIMENTS fancy or product extra fancy grade selected Mini Potatoes varieties 1.36 kg product of Canada Canada no 1 or product of USA no 1 grade 680 g Le ge OR | 7, COMPLIMENTS Garden Salad product of USA Bicolour Grapes Ç G 329 ginout Limes product of Mexico Gers no | grade 907 g D. product of Mexico 454 g CLrs ETES QUES CUS ACT ÉCIMOTS ENT TE Los DUPONT EL 7 99 99 COMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS Candies 12 PLAI INTERS Pecan Halves 200 g SR M selected 350-450 g In-Shell Peanuts 2 kg Avaitable at most stores CE Lolo DLEOPENETTAI C4 1 9 9 Gerbera Plant Seasonal Mixed Bouquet assorted colours 45° pot Selection may vary by store When you spend $5+ in our in-store bakery department before taxes 327 OAKRUN FARM BAKERY Crumpets Gpk2848 599 Le. ; 62°. + ' os COMPLIMENTS + 4pk2808 Naan Rounds 480g QUINN'S Swiss Rolls + Birthday Cake or when you buy 1 Cookies "N Cream 402 g 2 Qui = 84° COMPLIMENTS k Strawberry Muffins + 4 pk 440 g Fm 99 en = ss Baguettes 380 g Single Layer Shortcakes 680-750 8

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