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Circulaire actuelle Fortinos - Valable à partir du 09.01 au 15.01 - Page n° 10

Circulaire Fortinos 09.01.2025 - 15.01.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

FORT 2 ee Bee, Cl Helox. turmeric for ae TO Ae : ace The New Year brings new resolutions. Let's start the year feeling fresh and \ rae energized. Post holiday season is a great time to ‘detox’ and switch to a healthier diet. Help your body to detox with foods free of preservatives, e gluten and artificial flavours. You'll notice the difference! 2 es Here’s some tips: ' v Laxative teas help keep you regular ¥ The use of Apple Cider Vinegar helps to stimulate enzyme activity in your gut Vv Switch to gluten-free bread & pasta v Turmeric & Ginger shots - Aids in reducing inflammation, increases digestive activity wv Regular use of supplements, probiotics combined with seasonal cleanses Baw Omega Alpha detox and organ $ [pa] (RoC) support all varieties & s gel or juice ER ou a cay LeU A ELE) turmeric elixirs : a all varieties, 60 mL) | a E> , Porcini rp a AES ae Liver Flush na a Sd baad Aas a race aas the cellular Level! ale) Sel) ET uy eee cae mace hac} eye OU EN oR aoc) " " J ra slung areas a hie all varieties & sizes asia. NSU Rn oats rane) Brent) Pei) ¢ Trfused with minerals & — acid! 249 500 mL bik alkaline water selected varieties 622 945 mL Filsinger’s organic apple cider vinegar selected varieties 722 30-100's Uncle Lee's tea selected varieties aw Rich in NEW" = vitamin Bee! plicia = reat ‘cheese’ = eo i Scenent \Yy & Pac noe aT aT Fresh not en 743 200-400 g Schar gluten free bread, buns or rolls ' selected varieties 250g 142g Felicia gluten free pasta Bob's Red Mill selected varieties nutritional yeast

FORT 2 ee Bee, Cl Helox. turmeric for ae TO Ae : ace The New Year brings new resolutions. Let's start the year feeling fresh and \ rae energized. Post holiday season is a great time to ‘detox’ and switch to a healthier diet. Help your body to detox with foods free of preservatives, e gluten and artificial flavours. You'll notice the difference! 2 es Here’s some tips: ' v Laxative teas help keep you regular ¥ The use of Apple Cider Vinegar helps to stimulate enzyme activity in your gut Vv Switch to gluten-free bread & pasta v Turmeric & Ginger shots - Aids in reducing inflammation, increases digestive activity wv Regular use of supplements, probiotics combined with seasonal cleanses Baw Omega Alpha detox and organ $ [pa] (RoC) support all varieties & s gel or juice ER ou a cay LeU A ELE) turmeric elixirs : a all varieties, 60 mL) | a E> , Porcini rp a AES ae Liver Flush na a Sd baad Aas a race aas the cellular Level! ale) Sel) ET uy eee cae mace hac} eye OU EN oR aoc) " " J ra slung areas a hie all varieties & sizes asia. NSU Rn oats rane) Brent) Pei) ¢ Trfused with minerals & — acid! 249 500 mL bik alkaline water selected varieties 622 945 mL Filsinger’s organic apple cider vinegar selected varieties 722 30-100's Uncle Lee's tea selected varieties aw Rich in NEW" = vitamin Bee! plicia = reat ‘cheese’ = eo i Scenent \Yy & Pac noe aT aT Fresh not en 743 200-400 g Schar gluten free bread, buns or rolls ' selected varieties 250g 142g Felicia gluten free pasta Bob's Red Mill selected varieties nutritional yeast

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