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Circulaire actuelle Fortinos - Valable à partir du 20.04 au 26.04 - Page n° 14

Circulaire Fortinos 20.04.2023 - 26.04.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

Aller, AWAENESS 622 e Se 150-400 g ge Nature's Treasure takes gluten allergies seriously — Schar gluten [F' that's why we have an entire section dedicated to rer Gluten & Wheat Free Products. Recognizing the & increasing prevalence of this auto-immune disease, - we provide the product range that is free of Gluten & other top-allergens to meet any dietary need! Our Certified Practitioners are in stores daily to help you navigate the best gluten-free choices for anyone new to this diagnosis, or looking for different, tastier options! se CANADIAN | cca) CELIAC ÈS - ASSOCIATION Ra Enjoy Life gluten free cookies all varieties the GFB gluten free bites all varieties 7 (QE TETNS VS 549 x 729 361328 4°2 7 500 8 Let's Do 2202 Sticklings Gluten Free Kinnikinnick se ice cream Ps 4 |: gluten free cookies 6 & cones “MNT all varieties Pr rar so 2126077 07] UCI] SU CTI deep immune liquid or caps, deep immune for kids or CA ° COS TTL TT TIC ÿ herbal sleep aid Pascoflair Fe one ECC CTET PP PEU PAC & La ATOS AOR advanced c NS Thome Bio-Gest ROUTE à digestive aid NOW super ÉNEUCES = all varieties Re enzyme caps and sizes EEE ÉTTET ÉETEE

Derniéres circulaires

Aller, AWAENESS 622 e Se 150-400 g ge Nature's Treasure takes gluten allergies seriously — Schar gluten [F' that's why we have an entire section dedicated to rer Gluten & Wheat Free Products. Recognizing the & increasing prevalence of this auto-immune disease, - we provide the product range that is free of Gluten & other top-allergens to meet any dietary need! Our Certified Practitioners are in stores daily to help you navigate the best gluten-free choices for anyone new to this diagnosis, or looking for different, tastier options! se CANADIAN | cca) CELIAC ÈS - ASSOCIATION Ra Enjoy Life gluten free cookies all varieties the GFB gluten free bites all varieties 7 (QE TETNS VS 549 x 729 361328 4°2 7 500 8 Let's Do 2202 Sticklings Gluten Free Kinnikinnick se ice cream Ps 4 |: gluten free cookies 6 & cones “MNT all varieties Pr rar so 2126077 07] UCI] SU CTI deep immune liquid or caps, deep immune for kids or CA ° COS TTL TT TIC ÿ herbal sleep aid Pascoflair Fe one ECC CTET PP PEU PAC & La ATOS AOR advanced c NS Thome Bio-Gest ROUTE à digestive aid NOW super ÉNEUCES = all varieties Re enzyme caps and sizes EEE ÉTTET ÉETEE

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