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Circulaire actuelle Loblaws - Pâques - Valable à partir du 06.04 au 12.04 - Page n° 6

Circulaire Loblaws 06.04.2023 - 12.04.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

45 PC* blackberries product of Mexico no. 1 grade 170 g he product of Canada, Canada no. 1 grade 340 £ Fame Eure ta TES EI = ea.llb coma 8 RUN PC* Orri broccolini 3.99 ea. mandarins or Brussels sprouts product of Israel 3.99 lb 8.80/ké 21 product of U.S.A. sanseru ER Ausasan EAOSIES2ON KG 49 } Ib greenhouse sweet potatoes tomatoes on the vine Donne of Ontañio: product of Canada BK or Mexico 4.39/kg eme Ke r 2154 9-2 99: less than 2 $699 ea. fe Bolthouse Farms | PC Organics family size salads at. smoothies l 0 mixed salad greens prepared fresif product of U.S.A. # A selected varieties in-store daily” selected varieties } | product of U.S.A. selected varié 946 mL * | 1426 915 8-1.47 kg os LA SSIANN EA % SANT Rasa EA ame EAN FA) E . CLCT CT UE j ‘4 $ g 45 # « avocado TS de ACT capes nono ës ci mie Snge > 7 nr or family Se. made freëh dafŸ—#s#ig / 318-636 He LUTTER selected varieties 600 £ <= anesne armes ta ÿ +

Derniéres circulaires

45 PC* blackberries product of Mexico no. 1 grade 170 g he product of Canada, Canada no. 1 grade 340 £ Fame Eure ta TES EI = ea.llb coma 8 RUN PC* Orri broccolini 3.99 ea. mandarins or Brussels sprouts product of Israel 3.99 lb 8.80/ké 21 product of U.S.A. sanseru ER Ausasan EAOSIES2ON KG 49 } Ib greenhouse sweet potatoes tomatoes on the vine Donne of Ontañio: product of Canada BK or Mexico 4.39/kg eme Ke r 2154 9-2 99: less than 2 $699 ea. fe Bolthouse Farms | PC Organics family size salads at. smoothies l 0 mixed salad greens prepared fresif product of U.S.A. # A selected varieties in-store daily” selected varieties } | product of U.S.A. selected varié 946 mL * | 1426 915 8-1.47 kg os LA SSIANN EA % SANT Rasa EA ame EAN FA) E . CLCT CT UE j ‘4 $ g 45 # « avocado TS de ACT capes nono ës ci mie Snge > 7 nr or family Se. made freëh dafŸ—#s#ig / 318-636 He LUTTER selected varieties 600 £ <= anesne armes ta ÿ +

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