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Circulaire actuelle Loblaws - Noël - Valable à partir du 01.12 au 07.12 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Loblaws 01.12.2022 - 07.12.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

“Loblaws 99 99 / | À Y PC* whole) Chicken se où round uen roa; ro n Air Chilreti 4.391R8 k om à ‘ SN. 99 23e Ib B:80/k; Mu porktenderloin Farmer's Market” Russet, cryovaties = white, red or yellow potatoes 6.59/kg product of Canada, 22620878 KG S DB” Canada no. 1 grade PL 10 Ib ee Subject to product avaiabitty 2ENOE EA EE LA when you buy 2 16 Se Ét. xi L 7 PC* Blue Menu* re blackberries large clementines à Nova Scotian jumbo or raspberriéS } product'of. Morocco sea scallops : product offfexiee 51b 20-40 per Ib frozen or U.S.A., 9e) r ne 400 170 » + y w A CAES 1e SEPPE] Feya ad CRACKER ENTER Giuseppe pizza j »E P PE K Cracker Barrel cheese no name! large 439-785 g, Easy Pizzi Ê _ LPIEERR À bars 400 £, shredded white eggs 560-600 £ or The Good } À cheese 320 6 07 SE Ms Baker pizza 280-395 g p sauce kits 280€ æ AU EN selected varieties selected variete Me RENAN — = frozen PNEU LAINE CA BARREL Li } RME LEE EA f É GX Y : E d 99 æs LH fa \ / Loin bouton | CES 4 « œuf En | both bouton n = | Miracle Whip spread no name’ broth Fruité drink, Tetley iced' | 650/890 mL or Heinz ketchup 750 mL/1 L selected varieties 900 LAVIGASNSTIOST CA M °00 mL blends or Del Monte anse EAN ER PEL A nectar, Hydrafruit or WE Arizona tea 960 mL 900 > selected varieties » as EA2HEM selected varieties tea 2 L, Oasis Montu (À À .\,_ all no name: prices locked “ss Until January 31 Flyer prices effective from Thursday, December ist to Wednesday, December 7th, 2022. SEE BACK PAGE FOR DETAILS. Excludes Loblaws 500 Lake Shore Boulevard West LSL1

Derniéres circulaires

“Loblaws 99 99 / | À Y PC* whole) Chicken se où round uen roa; ro n Air Chilreti 4.391R8 k om à ‘ SN. 99 23e Ib B:80/k; Mu porktenderloin Farmer's Market” Russet, cryovaties = white, red or yellow potatoes 6.59/kg product of Canada, 22620878 KG S DB” Canada no. 1 grade PL 10 Ib ee Subject to product avaiabitty 2ENOE EA EE LA when you buy 2 16 Se Ét. xi L 7 PC* Blue Menu* re blackberries large clementines à Nova Scotian jumbo or raspberriéS } product'of. Morocco sea scallops : product offfexiee 51b 20-40 per Ib frozen or U.S.A., 9e) r ne 400 170 » + y w A CAES 1e SEPPE] Feya ad CRACKER ENTER Giuseppe pizza j »E P PE K Cracker Barrel cheese no name! large 439-785 g, Easy Pizzi Ê _ LPIEERR À bars 400 £, shredded white eggs 560-600 £ or The Good } À cheese 320 6 07 SE Ms Baker pizza 280-395 g p sauce kits 280€ æ AU EN selected varieties selected variete Me RENAN — = frozen PNEU LAINE CA BARREL Li } RME LEE EA f É GX Y : E d 99 æs LH fa \ / Loin bouton | CES 4 « œuf En | both bouton n = | Miracle Whip spread no name’ broth Fruité drink, Tetley iced' | 650/890 mL or Heinz ketchup 750 mL/1 L selected varieties 900 LAVIGASNSTIOST CA M °00 mL blends or Del Monte anse EAN ER PEL A nectar, Hydrafruit or WE Arizona tea 960 mL 900 > selected varieties » as EA2HEM selected varieties tea 2 L, Oasis Montu (À À .\,_ all no name: prices locked “ss Until January 31 Flyer prices effective from Thursday, December ist to Wednesday, December 7th, 2022. SEE BACK PAGE FOR DETAILS. Excludes Loblaws 500 Lake Shore Boulevard West LSL1

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