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Circulaire actuelle M&M Food Market - Noël - Valable à partir du 01.12 au 07.12 - Page n° 9

Circulaire M&M Food Market 01.12.2022 - 07.12.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

PT Pulled Pork Mozza Marinara Dip Maple Bacon BBQ Sauce | SWEET SENSATIONS NS Mini Apple Crisp Cheesecakes PORTIONS | 228 g Lavalicious Chocolate Cakes Chip Cookies Prices ct prodacts tra leature te M&M Food Market Rewarés Special logo are exclusive te marnèers of te MEM Food Market Rewards program. Simply present your membership card, ee sigs up for à free membershig ia stose or online, to take advantage cf ess exbhesive offers, Produets and prices muy vary by ceglon. Lits or Le E] réstretions may apoty. Products eay not be exactiy as shown. M&M Food Market Express and otier non-traditionai steres offer à hented rage of products: theretoee specal pricing 226 pecematiens are not valid at MEM Food Market Express ce other non-traditioeal stures. Some Mustratiens in this fer do not eecassarihy represent Rest items on sale sed are for design ceby. We reserve the right lo correct any errors. Commercial reraie of ou products à probibited. Trade-marks, service marks and 10908 displayed in this fiyer are trade-marks of M&M Moat Shops Ltd. ané others. Any duplication (ncuding poétig onfine) without thé rite consent ef M&M Mat COMPANIES Shops Lin. is grohibited, ©2072 MAM Meat Shops Lt run vente ONE-QCEN

Derniéres circulaires

PT Pulled Pork Mozza Marinara Dip Maple Bacon BBQ Sauce | SWEET SENSATIONS NS Mini Apple Crisp Cheesecakes PORTIONS | 228 g Lavalicious Chocolate Cakes Chip Cookies Prices ct prodacts tra leature te M&M Food Market Rewarés Special logo are exclusive te marnèers of te MEM Food Market Rewards program. Simply present your membership card, ee sigs up for à free membershig ia stose or online, to take advantage cf ess exbhesive offers, Produets and prices muy vary by ceglon. Lits or Le E] réstretions may apoty. Products eay not be exactiy as shown. M&M Food Market Express and otier non-traditionai steres offer à hented rage of products: theretoee specal pricing 226 pecematiens are not valid at MEM Food Market Express ce other non-traditioeal stures. Some Mustratiens in this fer do not eecassarihy represent Rest items on sale sed are for design ceby. We reserve the right lo correct any errors. Commercial reraie of ou products à probibited. Trade-marks, service marks and 10908 displayed in this fiyer are trade-marks of M&M Moat Shops Ltd. ané others. Any duplication (ncuding poétig onfine) without thé rite consent ef M&M Mat COMPANIES Shops Lin. is grohibited, ©2072 MAM Meat Shops Lt run vente ONE-QCEN

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