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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 04.11 au 10.11 - Page n° 10

Circulaire Peavey Mart 04.11.2022 - 10.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

ei Take Advantage of our Financing Offersl* + saison D Make No dl] 36 Dos ER ETLOUR ET és 6 Months TT LT TT CT EL LETL 1 Gallon 0.5hp Quiet Double Arm 60 Gallon Series Compréssor Auto Retracting Compressor — Fealures a Quiet Series Design, Air Hose Reel 5.0hp. Feaivres 15.3cfm at 100psi combining strong Suitable for industrial, & 175psi max tank storage pressure. performance wih contractor, or Electric molor vith Hhermol £ Les househald use. Ra 23 Æ 3316054 TA v Fe SAVE 10 HILLMAN SAVE $100 Fr teel tal Stocl pu [uionise 429°° 20 Gallon Compressor 150ps, 120V. Duroble, oi free pump provides extended assle free operation while >< porn & orge Reg. 529.99 “Dicount apps 1 regular pride nb, 400009 YOUR CHOICE EÆ SAVE $140 SAVE $200 1343 639» © 820 Auto Darkening Port-A-Torch Easy-MIG 180 Welder : Ë Welding Helmet Oxy-Acetylene Kit Simple bo knob contral makes it Midnight or OCanoda graphics. Larger Incdes rss orch handle with a0sy Lo tacle in sal, ssiness 3.78" x 205 viewing area. Solor powered butin reverse Row check or aluminum sheet metal vth wih a replaceable battery backup MIG or Hhicker sol with T ; Reg 19499 ES fux cored wolding. 275203, $ à Reg. 1,029.99 275204 253681 È PK 139 99 149°° SAVE 099 PMontezuma Foam Padded Shop 20V MAX* Bare Inflator 11 Drawer Cabinet Stool with Casters Reg. 219.99 41 x 18°. Raise & 250lb capacity. Durable 421206 Release drower latching texured seat. Adjustoble seat height. 360 degree swivel costers. Reg. 219.99 1006944 system keeps drawers tighihy closed. Full exiension ball bearing drawer slides old 100 Reg. 949.99 3502064 8 Drawer Chest 3502065 Reg. 729.99.

Derniéres circulaires

ei Take Advantage of our Financing Offersl* + saison D Make No dl] 36 Dos ER ETLOUR ET és 6 Months TT LT TT CT EL LETL 1 Gallon 0.5hp Quiet Double Arm 60 Gallon Series Compréssor Auto Retracting Compressor — Fealures a Quiet Series Design, Air Hose Reel 5.0hp. Feaivres 15.3cfm at 100psi combining strong Suitable for industrial, & 175psi max tank storage pressure. performance wih contractor, or Electric molor vith Hhermol £ Les househald use. Ra 23 Æ 3316054 TA v Fe SAVE 10 HILLMAN SAVE $100 Fr teel tal Stocl pu [uionise 429°° 20 Gallon Compressor 150ps, 120V. Duroble, oi free pump provides extended assle free operation while >< porn & orge Reg. 529.99 “Dicount apps 1 regular pride nb, 400009 YOUR CHOICE EÆ SAVE $140 SAVE $200 1343 639» © 820 Auto Darkening Port-A-Torch Easy-MIG 180 Welder : Ë Welding Helmet Oxy-Acetylene Kit Simple bo knob contral makes it Midnight or OCanoda graphics. Larger Incdes rss orch handle with a0sy Lo tacle in sal, ssiness 3.78" x 205 viewing area. Solor powered butin reverse Row check or aluminum sheet metal vth wih a replaceable battery backup MIG or Hhicker sol with T ; Reg 19499 ES fux cored wolding. 275203, $ à Reg. 1,029.99 275204 253681 È PK 139 99 149°° SAVE 099 PMontezuma Foam Padded Shop 20V MAX* Bare Inflator 11 Drawer Cabinet Stool with Casters Reg. 219.99 41 x 18°. Raise & 250lb capacity. Durable 421206 Release drower latching texured seat. Adjustoble seat height. 360 degree swivel costers. Reg. 219.99 1006944 system keeps drawers tighihy closed. Full exiension ball bearing drawer slides old 100 Reg. 949.99 3502064 8 Drawer Chest 3502065 Reg. 729.99.

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