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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 22.09 au 28.09 - Page n° 3

Circulaire Peavey Mart 22.09.2023 - 28.09.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

Bearings & Pulleys Bale Stack izo V-Belts Roller Chain Sprockets 1 SAVE $100 399 * “als se Bale SAVE $50 119°° 49" Universal Bale Spear overs REPAIR & MAINTENANCE PARTS. IN STOCK ONLINE & IN STORE T SolarGuardr" Energizer 500 in a ae, so er ET L 3 point Fi it ideal for portabiliy. Removable forged Rog. 499.99 steel spear. 3502075 Reg, 499.99 295239 SAVE $100 EE SAVE $100 BYARDIZITI SAVE $20 Z 99 99 L'EST SKU Description Reg. Sale 3505179 12x25 159.99 127.49 DR | ver Snooïn Wire @ cr joat Fence ire Fence mooth Wire @ 2701 2x M 24 Le des Sent 2 me chi 297044 28 48 Eydlt 39 309 Confines the smallest shoëp Reg, 269.99 nl 297049 33 x 48 Eyelet 449.99 382.49 cts 2 tom gooh. 367562 te. 25 99 eg A pe mano PLANS 296366 SAVE $15 SAVE $30 SAVE $50 SAVE 10% 397? 1 L 99? En 209°° Cu Mer Reg. 1.09-69.9* > Galvanized Hardware Cloth | Corn Crib D = Rabbit Guard 1/4 mesh 3 x 59 Froid a l 2x4" x 48". 12.5 gouge. Fending aus | Étmee tn ls na din oh 2 3° x 50. Halps kaep ren doors, guier guards, Reg. 259.99 [ : QE et _ n| SAVE20%| MAT out of your garden Reg 14999 rl os al =: Sa nn SN IE Reg. 8741449 WE 269053, 54, Let RE = Omer) SAVE $20 NE@CRAFT SAVE $10 ERP SAVE $10 Behlen SAVE 40% Se Anchors 5 9°? 79° 79° UD) Zraus 7 zou : : = M 37, ie Animal Tps Ce Pre arr 2 pock. Conains one smal 24" x 7° 16" long, 52° high. D x 7° & one large 32° x 12° x 10” ne urable 4 gauge panel for mesh panels, 34” x 16 For form & land fencing Welde mesh panels Reg. 79.99 ‘enclosing livestock. Welded, gabanized. 10 horizontal Reg. 89.99 ires vih varying sized 1000822 opening. ÿ Reg. 89.99 = 1000827 N-STORE LS ICK UP a + SAVE $10_ Er 214 Poultry Mesh Reg. 31.49 296102 ORDER AT PEAVEYMART.COM

Derniéres circulaires

Bearings & Pulleys Bale Stack izo V-Belts Roller Chain Sprockets 1 SAVE $100 399 * “als se Bale SAVE $50 119°° 49" Universal Bale Spear overs REPAIR & MAINTENANCE PARTS. IN STOCK ONLINE & IN STORE T SolarGuardr" Energizer 500 in a ae, so er ET L 3 point Fi it ideal for portabiliy. Removable forged Rog. 499.99 steel spear. 3502075 Reg, 499.99 295239 SAVE $100 EE SAVE $100 BYARDIZITI SAVE $20 Z 99 99 L'EST SKU Description Reg. Sale 3505179 12x25 159.99 127.49 DR | ver Snooïn Wire @ cr joat Fence ire Fence mooth Wire @ 2701 2x M 24 Le des Sent 2 me chi 297044 28 48 Eydlt 39 309 Confines the smallest shoëp Reg, 269.99 nl 297049 33 x 48 Eyelet 449.99 382.49 cts 2 tom gooh. 367562 te. 25 99 eg A pe mano PLANS 296366 SAVE $15 SAVE $30 SAVE $50 SAVE 10% 397? 1 L 99? En 209°° Cu Mer Reg. 1.09-69.9* > Galvanized Hardware Cloth | Corn Crib D = Rabbit Guard 1/4 mesh 3 x 59 Froid a l 2x4" x 48". 12.5 gouge. Fending aus | Étmee tn ls na din oh 2 3° x 50. Halps kaep ren doors, guier guards, Reg. 259.99 [ : QE et _ n| SAVE20%| MAT out of your garden Reg 14999 rl os al =: Sa nn SN IE Reg. 8741449 WE 269053, 54, Let RE = Omer) SAVE $20 NE@CRAFT SAVE $10 ERP SAVE $10 Behlen SAVE 40% Se Anchors 5 9°? 79° 79° UD) Zraus 7 zou : : = M 37, ie Animal Tps Ce Pre arr 2 pock. Conains one smal 24" x 7° 16" long, 52° high. D x 7° & one large 32° x 12° x 10” ne urable 4 gauge panel for mesh panels, 34” x 16 For form & land fencing Welde mesh panels Reg. 79.99 ‘enclosing livestock. Welded, gabanized. 10 horizontal Reg. 89.99 ires vih varying sized 1000822 opening. ÿ Reg. 89.99 = 1000827 N-STORE LS ICK UP a + SAVE $10_ Er 214 Poultry Mesh Reg. 31.49 296102 ORDER AT PEAVEYMART.COM

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