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Circulaire actuelle Real Canadian Superstore - Noël - Valable à partir du 09.11 au 20.12 - Page n° 10

Circulaire Real Canadian Superstore 09.11.2023 - 20.12.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

HOLIDAY ESSENTIALS HOLIDAY TREES HOLIDAY TRIMMINGS It's a breakfast miracle. Start every moming right with a delicious and easy homemade crepe. DEL HER. Pro tip: (BRUT ECS ele Te [21 S to make traditional Parisian CESR HOLIDAY City Cabin Collection SHOP NOW N » LEE TEL ETES 69°° [2] Life at Home" y Li o Life at Home" 19° 21511555_EA city cabin mug city cabin pitcher 21507593_EA METEO Life at Home" LU C5 } CRE TT TU [49 L 6 ] PC" blonde wood 24° city cabin block print side plate serve paddle dinner bowl AEUETPA 7) PEUETPATN 21507533_EA For especially tender and flavourful crepes, make batter a day ahead; cover and refrigerate overnight. Classic crepes ET LT PATUAUN EE tue CLS CRE AT SEE NEC) ECS 1. Combine flour and salt in bowl; whisk in 1 cup PÉOUELTMNIEUTT TR PAU CC AE Tu TO Eu EME CAR CE CC ETS CET UN CUS 0e In PTE LUIE ETUI COIN PES ES COLE GIE ET ES ET EE PA NE TT EAN TRE TE TE EPP ETES Please see in-store or online at for your particular store's hours. 4. Preheat crepe maker to temperature setting LA Mel Nrre) OUTRE NT TN ONCE TT ETTIESCE LEUR ONE OEIL CL CL: PONT IAE ects Ce to evenly drag batter in a circular motion, spreading towards edges of plate. 6. Cook 1 minute, oruntil surface no longer looks wet and bottom begins to brown. Poke edges with crepe spatula to check doneness. When ready, EU AUE IE ASC TTET ES Ti ir CCC: CEE I ere Eu until light brown spots appear on bottom side. CC UE CEUC Lee COLA remaining batter to make 6 crepes. Ei BG d' © Cr)

Derniéres circulaires

HOLIDAY ESSENTIALS HOLIDAY TREES HOLIDAY TRIMMINGS It's a breakfast miracle. Start every moming right with a delicious and easy homemade crepe. DEL HER. Pro tip: (BRUT ECS ele Te [21 S to make traditional Parisian CESR HOLIDAY City Cabin Collection SHOP NOW N » LEE TEL ETES 69°° [2] Life at Home" y Li o Life at Home" 19° 21511555_EA city cabin mug city cabin pitcher 21507593_EA METEO Life at Home" LU C5 } CRE TT TU [49 L 6 ] PC" blonde wood 24° city cabin block print side plate serve paddle dinner bowl AEUETPA 7) PEUETPATN 21507533_EA For especially tender and flavourful crepes, make batter a day ahead; cover and refrigerate overnight. Classic crepes ET LT PATUAUN EE tue CLS CRE AT SEE NEC) ECS 1. Combine flour and salt in bowl; whisk in 1 cup PÉOUELTMNIEUTT TR PAU CC AE Tu TO Eu EME CAR CE CC ETS CET UN CUS 0e In PTE LUIE ETUI COIN PES ES COLE GIE ET ES ET EE PA NE TT EAN TRE TE TE EPP ETES Please see in-store or online at for your particular store's hours. 4. Preheat crepe maker to temperature setting LA Mel Nrre) OUTRE NT TN ONCE TT ETTIESCE LEUR ONE OEIL CL CL: PONT IAE ects Ce to evenly drag batter in a circular motion, spreading towards edges of plate. 6. Cook 1 minute, oruntil surface no longer looks wet and bottom begins to brown. Poke edges with crepe spatula to check doneness. When ready, EU AUE IE ASC TTET ES Ti ir CCC: CEE I ere Eu until light brown spots appear on bottom side. CC UE CEUC Lee COLA remaining batter to make 6 crepes. Ei BG d' © Cr)

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