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Circulaire actuelle Safeway - British Columbia - Valable à partir du 15.08 au 21.08 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Safeway 15.08.2024 - 21.08.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

Hot summer a ; - Le b ç G Ë Ten ad T buy 2 or more SJ COMPLIMENTS Lean Ground Pork, Extra Lean ST. HUBERT, SWISS CHALET or MONTANA'S Ground Chicken or Turkey, LAMB TONIGHT Lean Frozen Meat Pies or COMPLIMENTS Cheese Ground Lamb, JOHNSONVILLE Sausage Meat SWISS CHALET or Sticks, Egg Rolls or Spring Rolls selected selected or NOBLE PREMIUM BISON Lean Ground MONTANA'S Pork Back Ribs varieties 325-800 g Bison 226-454 g starting at 5.99 ea 600-650 8 Panache TO Pineapples product of Costa Rica Carrots or Onions product of Canada 3 Ib or 1.36 kg Prepared Fresh Daily Cored Abe 4 PANACHE Seafood Pineapples or Large Appetizers selected 252-3558 9 9 2 7 BABYBEL 6 pk 102-120 £. à European Charcuterie 175 French or Italian Bread THE LAUGHING COW 8 pk or Prosciutto Family Size 400-450 g 120-133 g or KIRI 144 g 200 g product of Italy EAN ja Bi 9 CRACKER BARREL LUCERNE or DAIRYLAND Cream VILLAGGIO Bread 510-540 g. 2/ 5 TOSTITOS Cheese 340-4008 946mL-1L. WhippingCream473mL Buns 6-8 pk or DEMPSTERS Tortilla Chips or Shreds 250-320 g or OIKOS Greek Yogurt 4 pk Tortillas 7° 272-340 g 205-300 g EU à a: 1 ». Si m7 À C 3 :2 DARE Breton or Vinta Crackers ne selected 135-225 g, BOULANGERIE SILK Plant-Based GRISSOL Melba, Canape or STARBUCKS Coffee 793-907 g or 99 Barista 946 mL. 2/$ COCA-COLA or Baguettes 120-200 g or Econo K-Cups* 24 pk or MCCAFE Yogurt 500-650 g PEPSI Soft Drinks Cookies 280 g Premium Roast Coffee 950 g or Cheese 200 g 6x710 mL. 7% s & DR. OETKER Momenti Pizza CADBURY Chocolates assorted or GREEN GIANT Vegetables 2/ $ 170-185 g, Giuseppe Garlic Fingers MAYNARDS Fun Treats 45 pk 341-398 mL or COMPLIMENTS DAWN Dish Soap 317 g or Panini 2 pk while supples last Tomatoes 540-796 mL. 431-473 mL 1vSrr D k e 327? IVORY Bar Soap 10 pk or NIVEA nano EE ER E EATOL ETS SR S PROUDLY CANADIAN % | @ panne, PU Gene sg Re tA o in Growth _ à ie Doug Trees or Lle Cana

Derniéres circulaires

Hot summer a ; - Le b ç G Ë Ten ad T buy 2 or more SJ COMPLIMENTS Lean Ground Pork, Extra Lean ST. HUBERT, SWISS CHALET or MONTANA'S Ground Chicken or Turkey, LAMB TONIGHT Lean Frozen Meat Pies or COMPLIMENTS Cheese Ground Lamb, JOHNSONVILLE Sausage Meat SWISS CHALET or Sticks, Egg Rolls or Spring Rolls selected selected or NOBLE PREMIUM BISON Lean Ground MONTANA'S Pork Back Ribs varieties 325-800 g Bison 226-454 g starting at 5.99 ea 600-650 8 Panache TO Pineapples product of Costa Rica Carrots or Onions product of Canada 3 Ib or 1.36 kg Prepared Fresh Daily Cored Abe 4 PANACHE Seafood Pineapples or Large Appetizers selected 252-3558 9 9 2 7 BABYBEL 6 pk 102-120 £. à European Charcuterie 175 French or Italian Bread THE LAUGHING COW 8 pk or Prosciutto Family Size 400-450 g 120-133 g or KIRI 144 g 200 g product of Italy EAN ja Bi 9 CRACKER BARREL LUCERNE or DAIRYLAND Cream VILLAGGIO Bread 510-540 g. 2/ 5 TOSTITOS Cheese 340-4008 946mL-1L. WhippingCream473mL Buns 6-8 pk or DEMPSTERS Tortilla Chips or Shreds 250-320 g or OIKOS Greek Yogurt 4 pk Tortillas 7° 272-340 g 205-300 g EU à a: 1 ». Si m7 À C 3 :2 DARE Breton or Vinta Crackers ne selected 135-225 g, BOULANGERIE SILK Plant-Based GRISSOL Melba, Canape or STARBUCKS Coffee 793-907 g or 99 Barista 946 mL. 2/$ COCA-COLA or Baguettes 120-200 g or Econo K-Cups* 24 pk or MCCAFE Yogurt 500-650 g PEPSI Soft Drinks Cookies 280 g Premium Roast Coffee 950 g or Cheese 200 g 6x710 mL. 7% s & DR. OETKER Momenti Pizza CADBURY Chocolates assorted or GREEN GIANT Vegetables 2/ $ 170-185 g, Giuseppe Garlic Fingers MAYNARDS Fun Treats 45 pk 341-398 mL or COMPLIMENTS DAWN Dish Soap 317 g or Panini 2 pk while supples last Tomatoes 540-796 mL. 431-473 mL 1vSrr D k e 327? IVORY Bar Soap 10 pk or NIVEA nano EE ER E EATOL ETS SR S PROUDLY CANADIAN % | @ panne, PU Gene sg Re tA o in Growth _ à ie Doug Trees or Lle Cana

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