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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Valable à partir du 23.02 au 01.03 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Sobeys 23.02.2023 - 01.03.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

buy 2 ce more 249 Fresh Pork Shoulder Picnic a PERFECT FOR CHILI! Jalapeño Peppers product of Mexico 880/kg 15? Bulk Spanish Onions product of USA 373/kg SPICE ÎT UP! Try our Turkey & Romano Bean Chili recipe at 4 TT TL 379 sn canremten 6pk250-480g COMPLIMENTS Extra Lean Ground Chicken or Minced Turkey 450 g, JOHNSONVILLE Ground Sausage 375 g, NOBLE PREMIUM BISON Lean Ground 226 g, FONTAINE Ground Veal 454 g, SUNGOLD Lean Ground Lamb 240 g or COMPLIMENTS Ground Pork 454 g starting at 5.99 ea 99 JANES Ultimates Breaded or 99 SCHNEIDERS Olde Fashioned, Battered Haddock or Cod us Pepper or 1890 Smoked Ham » Roast hock removed 5.49/kg 530-615 g 9 selection varies by store 99° COMPLIMENTS Soft Drinks 2 L V2 { 1 Es \ — re 7 ROYALE or Velour Bathroom Tissue 549 6 99 12 double or 8 triple rolis, Tiger Towel COMPLIMENTS 3=6 rolis or Facial JE, LANTIC Granulated Salted Butter 454 g Tissue 6 pk Sugar 2 kg D vutaccogrex a 600-675 g Buns 6-8 pk or STOUFFERS or DEMPSTERS ; 99 ?2/ 5 LEAN CUISINE . Tortillas 272-340 g 4 10GO Nano Drinkables TROPICANA Orange Frozen Entrées 4 Buy 1 at 3,99 ea 6 pk or NATREL Fine Juice 2.63 L 212-3408 Le Buy2at379ea Filtered Mk 2 L STARBUCKS K-Cup® Pods 24 pk, 18° Ground Coffee $ 793 g or Whole 3 99 KRAFT Singles 2 / 3 CHEF BOYARDEE 3 97 KRAFT Cheez Whiz Bean Coffee 907 g 4108 Pasta 398 mL 450 g GAIN Laundry 1.36 L. Flings 14 pk DOWNY or GAIN Softener 946 mL-1,53 L 4°° :. 600 DE DORÉ A COMPLIMENTS Canola or Corn oil 3 L 49 COMPLIMENTS 99 Value Size Chips OIKOS Greek Yogurt 7508 12 pkor 15kg Hi à: Classic Classique when you buy 2 13°° PROUDLY CANADIAN DOC E) COMPLIMENTS _ LAY'S Potato Chips 220-235 8, Frozen Fruit 1.5 kg Poppables 130 g or Baked 177 g 2359 Lu BLACK DIAMOND Cheestrings 28 pk 5888 when you buy 2 37 EARTH'S OWN Plant-Based Beverages 175-189 L or Creamers 473 mL

Derniéres circulaires

buy 2 ce more 249 Fresh Pork Shoulder Picnic a PERFECT FOR CHILI! Jalapeño Peppers product of Mexico 880/kg 15? Bulk Spanish Onions product of USA 373/kg SPICE ÎT UP! Try our Turkey & Romano Bean Chili recipe at 4 TT TL 379 sn canremten 6pk250-480g COMPLIMENTS Extra Lean Ground Chicken or Minced Turkey 450 g, JOHNSONVILLE Ground Sausage 375 g, NOBLE PREMIUM BISON Lean Ground 226 g, FONTAINE Ground Veal 454 g, SUNGOLD Lean Ground Lamb 240 g or COMPLIMENTS Ground Pork 454 g starting at 5.99 ea 99 JANES Ultimates Breaded or 99 SCHNEIDERS Olde Fashioned, Battered Haddock or Cod us Pepper or 1890 Smoked Ham » Roast hock removed 5.49/kg 530-615 g 9 selection varies by store 99° COMPLIMENTS Soft Drinks 2 L V2 { 1 Es \ — re 7 ROYALE or Velour Bathroom Tissue 549 6 99 12 double or 8 triple rolis, Tiger Towel COMPLIMENTS 3=6 rolis or Facial JE, LANTIC Granulated Salted Butter 454 g Tissue 6 pk Sugar 2 kg D vutaccogrex a 600-675 g Buns 6-8 pk or STOUFFERS or DEMPSTERS ; 99 ?2/ 5 LEAN CUISINE . Tortillas 272-340 g 4 10GO Nano Drinkables TROPICANA Orange Frozen Entrées 4 Buy 1 at 3,99 ea 6 pk or NATREL Fine Juice 2.63 L 212-3408 Le Buy2at379ea Filtered Mk 2 L STARBUCKS K-Cup® Pods 24 pk, 18° Ground Coffee $ 793 g or Whole 3 99 KRAFT Singles 2 / 3 CHEF BOYARDEE 3 97 KRAFT Cheez Whiz Bean Coffee 907 g 4108 Pasta 398 mL 450 g GAIN Laundry 1.36 L. Flings 14 pk DOWNY or GAIN Softener 946 mL-1,53 L 4°° :. 600 DE DORÉ A COMPLIMENTS Canola or Corn oil 3 L 49 COMPLIMENTS 99 Value Size Chips OIKOS Greek Yogurt 7508 12 pkor 15kg Hi à: Classic Classique when you buy 2 13°° PROUDLY CANADIAN DOC E) COMPLIMENTS _ LAY'S Potato Chips 220-235 8, Frozen Fruit 1.5 kg Poppables 130 g or Baked 177 g 2359 Lu BLACK DIAMOND Cheestrings 28 pk 5888 when you buy 2 37 EARTH'S OWN Plant-Based Beverages 175-189 L or Creamers 473 mL

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