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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Valable à partir du 26.01 au 01.02 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Sobeys 26.01.2023 - 01.02.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

PRODUCT OF ONTARIO COMPLIMENTS ORGANIC Whole White Mushrooms 227 g 2” PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Hot House Tomatoes Canada no 1 grade 6.59/kg PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Assorted Cherry Tomatoes 340 g PRODUCT OF CANADA Boston Lettuce 27 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Yams Canada no 1 grade 3.95/kg produce EE (ee COTON A) Cotton Candy, Red Candy Snap, Red Candy Hearts or Black Candy Dream Seediess Grapes product of Peru no | grade 454 g Extra Large Red Cherries product of Chile nol ‘9 9 Large Avocados product of Mexico Bulk Bartiett or Bosc 2 49 Pears or Bulk Granny /b Smith or Mcintosh Apples product of USA 5,49/kg DOS ET A 6° PRODUCT PRODUCT OF ONTARIO 49 OF ONTARIO Mini Cucumbers GOODLEAF Canada no 1 grade Microgreens 50 g hé .e e ‘ k PRODUCT Les OF ONTARIO 9 Hothouse Grown Gite) ORGANIC Blueberries product of Peru or Chile or ORGANIC Strawberries ni Raspberries product of USA or Meico no 1 grade 170 no 1 grade 340 g EI 5 | Scan here for Smoothie recipes ® » À 2 7. ‘ Large Red 9 Sumo Oranges Mangoes product product of USA of Peru Je 1SAg 7 EE L CT O CET AI Le 9 ? Honeydew Melons product of Guatemala or Honduras or Canary Melons product of Brazil Farm Fresh Bouquet selection may vary by store 12° 8 99 Tulip Bunch assorted colours 10-stem :. 50 DE COPA A ORGANIC Ginger 99 9 150 g or ORGANIC Bunch Kale product Turmeric 85 g of USA or Mexico product of Peru bulk HANDFUEL 5 9. HANDFUEL Mixes or Nuts 120-150 g 949 POM WONDERFUL Pistachios 450 g CUT EN 2 Assorted Spring Bulb Garden 7° 125 2/$6 Primula 4° pot

Derniéres circulaires

PRODUCT OF ONTARIO COMPLIMENTS ORGANIC Whole White Mushrooms 227 g 2” PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Hot House Tomatoes Canada no 1 grade 6.59/kg PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Assorted Cherry Tomatoes 340 g PRODUCT OF CANADA Boston Lettuce 27 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Yams Canada no 1 grade 3.95/kg produce EE (ee COTON A) Cotton Candy, Red Candy Snap, Red Candy Hearts or Black Candy Dream Seediess Grapes product of Peru no | grade 454 g Extra Large Red Cherries product of Chile nol ‘9 9 Large Avocados product of Mexico Bulk Bartiett or Bosc 2 49 Pears or Bulk Granny /b Smith or Mcintosh Apples product of USA 5,49/kg DOS ET A 6° PRODUCT PRODUCT OF ONTARIO 49 OF ONTARIO Mini Cucumbers GOODLEAF Canada no 1 grade Microgreens 50 g hé .e e ‘ k PRODUCT Les OF ONTARIO 9 Hothouse Grown Gite) ORGANIC Blueberries product of Peru or Chile or ORGANIC Strawberries ni Raspberries product of USA or Meico no 1 grade 170 no 1 grade 340 g EI 5 | Scan here for Smoothie recipes ® » À 2 7. ‘ Large Red 9 Sumo Oranges Mangoes product product of USA of Peru Je 1SAg 7 EE L CT O CET AI Le 9 ? Honeydew Melons product of Guatemala or Honduras or Canary Melons product of Brazil Farm Fresh Bouquet selection may vary by store 12° 8 99 Tulip Bunch assorted colours 10-stem :. 50 DE COPA A ORGANIC Ginger 99 9 150 g or ORGANIC Bunch Kale product Turmeric 85 g of USA or Mexico product of Peru bulk HANDFUEL 5 9. HANDFUEL Mixes or Nuts 120-150 g 949 POM WONDERFUL Pistachios 450 g CUT EN 2 Assorted Spring Bulb Garden 7° 125 2/$6 Primula 4° pot

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