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Circulaire actuelle Tepperman's - Valable à partir du 07.03 au 13.03 - Page n° 12

Circulaire Tepperman's 07.03.2025 - 13.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

Escape the Indoors Casties 2 Piece Set includes Sectional and Coffee Table PTS Save The Tax D — D (ee Ed CORPS EERREEPEEEETEESEuen te u Outdoor Area Rugs 8 Styles to Choose From! 3 for 5x8" Size Lo 198 or 7x0" Size Atlantis Propane Flame Table Fanknot included) ADD A FOOT STOOL OR SIDE TABLE Acid $60 for SAN cd 560 for Natural Gas. Natural Gas. Premium 3 Burner Monarch 320 BBQ Baron 420 Pro BBQ Regal 490 ProlR BBQ Natural Gas BBQ 30000 BTU 3 & TU 4 Burmers BIS Sin Cooking 520 Sain Cooking Spac: 0 ETU Infrared Side Burmer 15,000 BTU Rotsserie Burner ain. Cooking Space POLUER PRICE is our everyday pricing,offering consistent value and is never discounted, 1 A SAVE SAVE a Tr SAVE SAVE ave More 100 S150 _ RDS Ecnonzres Entre Banonares Angles ny 2 or PC Fig fige Arpleso ny 2 FC or PCM! fige Feng Gas paciog, ang désherpacoge Rcurentseingpice curent seing pce ©) "D ir jé "D p, à TAN 18 Qu Top Freeze Fridge 30 Electric Range Buit in Dishwasher 20CuFt French Door 5.3CuFt Convection BuiltinDishwasher it steam cle Fridge Range with air y Also available in Classic White enan/Samang ie a y hub, A dicoine RPC) Depp, ae) = = SAMSUNG 0) Electric Dryer 44 Curt TopLoad Washer 6 2CUFE Electric Dryer S2CuFt Load 74 Cu S2CuFtFront 75CuF Load Washer Electric Dryer nes Cnslis AU) eee ER re CE Card LGWash Tower 57CuFt Allin-One ‘Washer Dryer Combo th heat pump 12 18CuFt TopFreezerFridge … ZICUFL Convertible ; Special Fridge or Freezer Ueekdays: 10am-Gpm Saturday: 1Dam-6pm Sunda ï TEPPERMAN'S | mosonmnonemrounaeuons eme : SARNIA 1249 LONDON RD. (519) 54-0100 - LONDON 1150 WHARNCLIFFE RD.S (19) 433-5353 1ome happy. KITCHENER 1615 HURON RD. (519) 279-7810 + ANCASTER 45 LEGEND COURT. (289) 239-4100 ” ST. CATHARINES 399 LOUTH ST. (905) 378-0595 CALL TOLLFREE 1-855-969-9700

Derniéres circulaires

Escape the Indoors Casties 2 Piece Set includes Sectional and Coffee Table PTS Save The Tax D — D (ee Ed CORPS EERREEPEEEETEESEuen te u Outdoor Area Rugs 8 Styles to Choose From! 3 for 5x8" Size Lo 198 or 7x0" Size Atlantis Propane Flame Table Fanknot included) ADD A FOOT STOOL OR SIDE TABLE Acid $60 for SAN cd 560 for Natural Gas. Natural Gas. Premium 3 Burner Monarch 320 BBQ Baron 420 Pro BBQ Regal 490 ProlR BBQ Natural Gas BBQ 30000 BTU 3 & TU 4 Burmers BIS Sin Cooking 520 Sain Cooking Spac: 0 ETU Infrared Side Burmer 15,000 BTU Rotsserie Burner ain. Cooking Space POLUER PRICE is our everyday pricing,offering consistent value and is never discounted, 1 A SAVE SAVE a Tr SAVE SAVE ave More 100 S150 _ RDS Ecnonzres Entre Banonares Angles ny 2 or PC Fig fige Arpleso ny 2 FC or PCM! fige Feng Gas paciog, ang désherpacoge Rcurentseingpice curent seing pce ©) "D ir jé "D p, à TAN 18 Qu Top Freeze Fridge 30 Electric Range Buit in Dishwasher 20CuFt French Door 5.3CuFt Convection BuiltinDishwasher it steam cle Fridge Range with air y Also available in Classic White enan/Samang ie a y hub, A dicoine RPC) Depp, ae) = = SAMSUNG 0) Electric Dryer 44 Curt TopLoad Washer 6 2CUFE Electric Dryer S2CuFt Load 74 Cu S2CuFtFront 75CuF Load Washer Electric Dryer nes Cnslis AU) eee ER re CE Card LGWash Tower 57CuFt Allin-One ‘Washer Dryer Combo th heat pump 12 18CuFt TopFreezerFridge … ZICUFL Convertible ; Special Fridge or Freezer Ueekdays: 10am-Gpm Saturday: 1Dam-6pm Sunda ï TEPPERMAN'S | mosonmnonemrounaeuons eme : SARNIA 1249 LONDON RD. (519) 54-0100 - LONDON 1150 WHARNCLIFFE RD.S (19) 433-5353 1ome happy. KITCHENER 1615 HURON RD. (519) 279-7810 + ANCASTER 45 LEGEND COURT. (289) 239-4100 ” ST. CATHARINES 399 LOUTH ST. (905) 378-0595 CALL TOLLFREE 1-855-969-9700

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