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Circulaire actuelle The Brick - Valable à partir du 02.12 au 11.12 - Page n° 19

Circulaire The Brick 02.12.2024 - 11.12.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

BUY NOW. PAY LATER. Turn BIG purchases into SMALL payments. FlexitiCard = | AE Financing Available with nn flexiti DA Tite rest: Applying is a breeze. Get approved in minutes. Pick the plan that's best for you. Choose between equal monthly payments or deferred payments with 0% interest* You can use it just like a regular credit card* TAKES, FÉES, AND OTHER CHARGES ARE DUE AT TIME OF PURCHASE Go Protect your payments with Simply Secure! A Pay online through your bank account. = The Brick FlexitiCard® is accepted at over 7,500 retail locations. © We give you time to pay with some of the longest terms in the industry. PLUS Feel at ease with no retroactive interest on your purchases at The Brick. Unlike other retailers, interest won't be backdated to your purchase date: Get everything you need today to turn your house into a home. *OAC. Sebjet a terms of the Fleiti cardhalder agreement, Availaèle plans depend en merchant and in-stare or veine shopping. Minimum product purchase of $250 fexchoding tas) is required. Only available Le Canadian residents. Dulered payment = no iatertst 29 pamments: 80 payment are require during Le promo period. Irerest at he cardholéer agreement anneal iterest rôle (Accaurt AIR] accrues during he promo perisd and mil be charged if the balance is not pas in fall by he promo expin date er if the peumo is cancelled due 10 payment default en te account. Equal monthly payments — no interest ea inerest is parable deriag the promo period. Purchase is 0 be paid in equal mosthè pryments of principal Plus parement prtectica insurance premiurs, fees, and tanes, if eplicabe. 1 ay payment is missed, al promo ofess on the account may be cancelled and open cancellatso, interest mul be calceisted at he Account AR and à defesral See 8 1553.99 - 439.99 mar app Mitial Account AIR is éaclased upon approval varie based on cardhalders crtditmorthiness at time of application. Carrent Acceunt ARS are 31.33% - 390% (35% le residents el Quebec}. Any balance at the td the prono period bears interest at the Account AIR. Admis fees may apoh depending en the meschant: les ameunts are based on prono term length (nat apglicabl fer Quebec residents}. Anaual fee 4 539.99 apps ec residents 4 Dutbec ian4 524,99 ea apply ar residents of ather provinces. Na paymeats delesred plans are act able fc Quebec résidents, Boever, olher dedered intesest poams may be araiable, aries by mec host. Ragalar Credid Purchase. Intesest-fres race period ef 21 days applis fee nen standard revoring parchases 1hat appear on an aceauet slalement fe Le Éest time 1he bal is poid in full by tbe parment due date. Instant fsanciog is condtional upca ID and on appart credit rad valid email address required. Applications may be subjet Lo à secondary, manual evien. Pros ad terres say be changed without notice. Esgibliy for promtioas varies mih casdhoider créditmorthiness. Fananeieg provide by Fest Financial BC. Licence Na. 83660, Flo FaitCard and Flexti Financial are trademarks of Flex Financial I.

BUY NOW. PAY LATER. Turn BIG purchases into SMALL payments. FlexitiCard = | AE Financing Available with nn flexiti DA Tite rest: Applying is a breeze. Get approved in minutes. Pick the plan that's best for you. Choose between equal monthly payments or deferred payments with 0% interest* You can use it just like a regular credit card* TAKES, FÉES, AND OTHER CHARGES ARE DUE AT TIME OF PURCHASE Go Protect your payments with Simply Secure! A Pay online through your bank account. = The Brick FlexitiCard® is accepted at over 7,500 retail locations. © We give you time to pay with some of the longest terms in the industry. PLUS Feel at ease with no retroactive interest on your purchases at The Brick. Unlike other retailers, interest won't be backdated to your purchase date: Get everything you need today to turn your house into a home. *OAC. Sebjet a terms of the Fleiti cardhalder agreement, Availaèle plans depend en merchant and in-stare or veine shopping. Minimum product purchase of $250 fexchoding tas) is required. Only available Le Canadian residents. Dulered payment = no iatertst 29 pamments: 80 payment are require during Le promo period. Irerest at he cardholéer agreement anneal iterest rôle (Accaurt AIR] accrues during he promo perisd and mil be charged if the balance is not pas in fall by he promo expin date er if the peumo is cancelled due 10 payment default en te account. Equal monthly payments — no interest ea inerest is parable deriag the promo period. Purchase is 0 be paid in equal mosthè pryments of principal Plus parement prtectica insurance premiurs, fees, and tanes, if eplicabe. 1 ay payment is missed, al promo ofess on the account may be cancelled and open cancellatso, interest mul be calceisted at he Account AR and à defesral See 8 1553.99 - 439.99 mar app Mitial Account AIR is éaclased upon approval varie based on cardhalders crtditmorthiness at time of application. Carrent Acceunt ARS are 31.33% - 390% (35% le residents el Quebec}. Any balance at the td the prono period bears interest at the Account AIR. Admis fees may apoh depending en the meschant: les ameunts are based on prono term length (nat apglicabl fer Quebec residents}. Anaual fee 4 539.99 apps ec residents 4 Dutbec ian4 524,99 ea apply ar residents of ather provinces. Na paymeats delesred plans are act able fc Quebec résidents, Boever, olher dedered intesest poams may be araiable, aries by mec host. Ragalar Credid Purchase. Intesest-fres race period ef 21 days applis fee nen standard revoring parchases 1hat appear on an aceauet slalement fe Le Éest time 1he bal is poid in full by tbe parment due date. Instant fsanciog is condtional upca ID and on appart credit rad valid email address required. Applications may be subjet Lo à secondary, manual evien. Pros ad terres say be changed without notice. Esgibliy for promtioas varies mih casdhoider créditmorthiness. Fananeieg provide by Fest Financial BC. Licence Na. 83660, Flo FaitCard and Flexti Financial are trademarks of Flex Financial I.

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