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Circulaire actuelle Tigre Géant - Valable à partir du 12.03 au 18.03 - Page n° 9

Circulaire Tigre Géant 12.03.2025 - 18.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

NEW SEASON. New styles. Hurry! Shop women's casuals. ) $8 Corset tank top midi dress Assorted, S-XL Assorted, S-XL #1472516 #1481611 AUUEUTPT CLS Your pick Fringe kimono Assorted, one size, #1476209 or wide leg pants 4-14, #1473459 « S / Sandals Al $18 Assorted, 6-10 pair #1497178 n 1494556 Assorted, S-XL #1475849 Se Also available in “ En À Plus size 1X-3X ER 4 $16, #1476923 ne ESS; ' s20 : re : LAN 1 Ÿ Active jacket l E ji Er Assorted, S-XXL / KZ | fl #1470185 } y. | 1 21 | \ { NS | f K. d | 2 v ] / PA TE = Le) % _— + Æ sis s12 Active capris Active tank with bra Assorted, S-XXL Assorted, S-XXL, #1470160 #1469936/1469924 Winlof3 TU Giant Tiger Gift Cards every month!" IE TOP QE ATEN CONTES GT VIP* membership, you'll gain one contest entry. How to In Store: At checkout, scan your GT VIP* memnbership barcode Online: Make suro ou're logged in to your Learn More Enter found in every email or provide your phone number, GT MP" account before you check out. Rules & Regulations: “Maximum one entry per day. Contest begins on or about March 1, 2025 at 8 a.m. Eastern Time ("EST") and ends on February 28, 2026 at 11-59 pum. EST; open to Canadian sesidents who reached age of majoity in their province or red members of the GT VIP” program Drames mill be held monthly on or about the 131h day of the meerth one estry mill be seiected from all ehgible entries. Chances of winning depend on the rm e ved. Three (3) prizes avai each a five hundred Canadian doïlar ($500 CAD) Giant Tiger gift card per me draw. View full Contest Rules and Regulations. Math ski testing question must be answered correctiy 10 win. Appeoximate total retal value of prizes: $1,500 per contest period x 12 contest periods = $18,000 CAD. GT, Giant Tiger and GT V Limited, other radematks used under license ave trademarks of Giant Tiger Stores

Derniéres circulaires

NEW SEASON. New styles. Hurry! Shop women's casuals. ) $8 Corset tank top midi dress Assorted, S-XL Assorted, S-XL #1472516 #1481611 AUUEUTPT CLS Your pick Fringe kimono Assorted, one size, #1476209 or wide leg pants 4-14, #1473459 « S / Sandals Al $18 Assorted, 6-10 pair #1497178 n 1494556 Assorted, S-XL #1475849 Se Also available in “ En À Plus size 1X-3X ER 4 $16, #1476923 ne ESS; ' s20 : re : LAN 1 Ÿ Active jacket l E ji Er Assorted, S-XXL / KZ | fl #1470185 } y. | 1 21 | \ { NS | f K. d | 2 v ] / PA TE = Le) % _— + Æ sis s12 Active capris Active tank with bra Assorted, S-XXL Assorted, S-XXL, #1470160 #1469936/1469924 Winlof3 TU Giant Tiger Gift Cards every month!" IE TOP QE ATEN CONTES GT VIP* membership, you'll gain one contest entry. How to In Store: At checkout, scan your GT VIP* memnbership barcode Online: Make suro ou're logged in to your Learn More Enter found in every email or provide your phone number, GT MP" account before you check out. Rules & Regulations: “Maximum one entry per day. Contest begins on or about March 1, 2025 at 8 a.m. Eastern Time ("EST") and ends on February 28, 2026 at 11-59 pum. EST; open to Canadian sesidents who reached age of majoity in their province or red members of the GT VIP” program Drames mill be held monthly on or about the 131h day of the meerth one estry mill be seiected from all ehgible entries. Chances of winning depend on the rm e ved. Three (3) prizes avai each a five hundred Canadian doïlar ($500 CAD) Giant Tiger gift card per me draw. View full Contest Rules and Regulations. Math ski testing question must be answered correctiy 10 win. Appeoximate total retal value of prizes: $1,500 per contest period x 12 contest periods = $18,000 CAD. GT, Giant Tiger and GT V Limited, other radematks used under license ave trademarks of Giant Tiger Stores

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