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Circulaire actuelle BMR - Valable à partir du 09.01 au 22.01 - Page n° 7

Circulaire BMR 09.01.2025 - 22.01.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

7e 33° Palx sue. —{ÿ À Suca.neran 878 Et (77 100: GANTS BIODÉGRADABLES EN NITRILE . NITRILE BIODEGRADABLE GLOVES EL GRAISSE TOUT USAGE PISTOLET À GRAISSER e Ami MATRON | ALL-PURPOSE GREASE GREASE GUN 002-0728% _Tailes/Sies: PA TG/S to XL Qu ane PIS | 050-8609 4008 G28-5461 A partir de/From À partir de/From 2 3 97 ‘ch/ea 1 ch/ea ë | A # e* a He Q # ARE æ : FES à NETTOYANT-DÉGRAISSANT , ® «SUPER CLEAN» LUBRIFIANT ner LUMINAIRE DE GARAGE À DEL LUBRICANT ee à cer SUPER CLEAN” 3 palmes ajustable à 360”. Mint se ass CLEANER-DEGREASER LED GARAGE LIGHT B- Pénétrant tout usage «PL-100»/ Commercial grade. Biodegradable. 3 ajustable fins with 360° range. ons RONA Hé 10178 120 V.5000K 8000 mens MR Re 2388 BODAS7 JL 3 GLS GW À partir de/From MENT À partir de/From 97 NULL UE TNT CES ni 97 6 ch/ea | chea EU »110 ITA nn : = Man to au machinerie agricole 1 auires véhicules. né “TBT" CLEANER Sares caner fr tar machinery FLUIDE D'ÉCHAPPEMENT POUR DIESEL Éri a DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID EE uen roue UE QOLTISO SALES 1197 Priaug/Sugrenit 15985 001-4796 22kg 259,97$ Sélectionnés en inventaire. 001-7188 208L(55ga) 249,97$ Prixsugg/Sugg-retaik 294,98$ Prix sugg./Sugg retail. 289,985 Selected in-Stock. 001-7187 1249L(330ga) 979,97$ Prixsugg/Sugg-retail 1129,98$ Notice 10 ur customers: n-store oursores. Items may differ from phot al prices may vary by region. Some items may not be available in al our stores. this the case, substiute products may be offered. We do our best to avoid erors, but one ist be found, we will noëify ur customers by a written notice displayed in al aphs; descriptions take precedence over photographs. fer valid while quant Las. We reserve he rght 0 imit quantiies. Pics do not include taxes, These prices are cash and carry. Te accessories hou with the lems on promotion, as described in ti flyer, are not included. Prices are in Canadian dollars. The special offers in this flyer cannot be combined th any other special offer. ETC 75 MONO 21 2 23 24.7

7e 33° Palx sue. —{ÿ À Suca.neran 878 Et (77 100: GANTS BIODÉGRADABLES EN NITRILE . NITRILE BIODEGRADABLE GLOVES EL GRAISSE TOUT USAGE PISTOLET À GRAISSER e Ami MATRON | ALL-PURPOSE GREASE GREASE GUN 002-0728% _Tailes/Sies: PA TG/S to XL Qu ane PIS | 050-8609 4008 G28-5461 A partir de/From À partir de/From 2 3 97 ‘ch/ea 1 ch/ea ë | A # e* a He Q # ARE æ : FES à NETTOYANT-DÉGRAISSANT , ® «SUPER CLEAN» LUBRIFIANT ner LUMINAIRE DE GARAGE À DEL LUBRICANT ee à cer SUPER CLEAN” 3 palmes ajustable à 360”. Mint se ass CLEANER-DEGREASER LED GARAGE LIGHT B- Pénétrant tout usage «PL-100»/ Commercial grade. Biodegradable. 3 ajustable fins with 360° range. ons RONA Hé 10178 120 V.5000K 8000 mens MR Re 2388 BODAS7 JL 3 GLS GW À partir de/From MENT À partir de/From 97 NULL UE TNT CES ni 97 6 ch/ea | chea EU »110 ITA nn : = Man to au machinerie agricole 1 auires véhicules. né “TBT" CLEANER Sares caner fr tar machinery FLUIDE D'ÉCHAPPEMENT POUR DIESEL Éri a DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID EE uen roue UE QOLTISO SALES 1197 Priaug/Sugrenit 15985 001-4796 22kg 259,97$ Sélectionnés en inventaire. 001-7188 208L(55ga) 249,97$ Prixsugg/Sugg-retaik 294,98$ Prix sugg./Sugg retail. 289,985 Selected in-Stock. 001-7187 1249L(330ga) 979,97$ Prixsugg/Sugg-retail 1129,98$ Notice 10 ur customers: n-store oursores. Items may differ from phot al prices may vary by region. Some items may not be available in al our stores. this the case, substiute products may be offered. We do our best to avoid erors, but one ist be found, we will noëify ur customers by a written notice displayed in al aphs; descriptions take precedence over photographs. fer valid while quant Las. We reserve he rght 0 imit quantiies. Pics do not include taxes, These prices are cash and carry. Te accessories hou with the lems on promotion, as described in ti flyer, are not included. Prices are in Canadian dollars. The special offers in this flyer cannot be combined th any other special offer. ETC 75 MONO 21 2 23 24.7

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