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Circulaire actuelle Co-op Food - Valable à partir du 26.12 au 30.11 - Page n° 12

Circulaire Co-op Food 26.12.2024 - 30.11.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Fluroxypyr, Bromoxynil and MCPA Ester 600 GROUP: 4 & 6 PACKAGING: 2 x10L RAINFAST: 1 hour REGISTERED CROPS: Wheat (spring, durum and winter), Barley, Oats, Canaryseed and Bromegrass for seed. APPLICATION RATE: 250-500 ml/acre (40-80 acres/case) KEY WEEDS CONTROLLED" + American Nightshade + Ball mustard *_Bluebur + Buckwheat (Tartary and Common) + Canada Thistle (top growth only) + Chickweed + Cleavers + Cocklebur + Common groundsel + Common ragweed + Cow cockle + Flixweed + Hempnettle + Kochia + Lady's thumb *Refer to product label for detailed rate and weed staging information PRO TIPS For best control, target weeds before the 6-leaf stage 12 | BROADLEAF HERBICIDES TANK MIX OPTIONS: Avant, Nufarm Tralkoxydim, Achieve Liquid, Cordon, Puma Advance, Signal, Axial, Everest 3.0, Varro, Simplicity #apply tank mix partner to registered crops only WATER VOLUME: Ground Application: 5-10 gal/acre + Lamb's-quarters + Night flowering catchfly + Russian thistle + Scentless chamomile + Shepherd's purse + Smartweed (green and pale) + Stinkweed + Stork's-bill Use the 250 ml/acre rate only when the weeds are smaller and have lighter infestation of weeds Frost 1-3 days before application or shortly after may reduce weed control and crop tolerance Weed control may be reduced during stress conditions, or if weeds have initiated flowering STORAGE: Do not freeze TANK MIX ORDER: Half fill the tank with clean water. Add the required amount of Co-op Emit and agitate thoroughly. Add tank mix partners. FilLthe tank and agitate again before use. + Velvet Leaf + Volunteer canola + Volunteer flax + Volunteer sunflower + Wild buckwheat + Wild mustard For optimum performance apply in temperatures between 12°C to 24°C. Reduced activity will occur when temperatures are below 8°C or above 27°C

Derniéres circulaires

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Fluroxypyr, Bromoxynil and MCPA Ester 600 GROUP: 4 & 6 PACKAGING: 2 x10L RAINFAST: 1 hour REGISTERED CROPS: Wheat (spring, durum and winter), Barley, Oats, Canaryseed and Bromegrass for seed. APPLICATION RATE: 250-500 ml/acre (40-80 acres/case) KEY WEEDS CONTROLLED" + American Nightshade + Ball mustard *_Bluebur + Buckwheat (Tartary and Common) + Canada Thistle (top growth only) + Chickweed + Cleavers + Cocklebur + Common groundsel + Common ragweed + Cow cockle + Flixweed + Hempnettle + Kochia + Lady's thumb *Refer to product label for detailed rate and weed staging information PRO TIPS For best control, target weeds before the 6-leaf stage 12 | BROADLEAF HERBICIDES TANK MIX OPTIONS: Avant, Nufarm Tralkoxydim, Achieve Liquid, Cordon, Puma Advance, Signal, Axial, Everest 3.0, Varro, Simplicity #apply tank mix partner to registered crops only WATER VOLUME: Ground Application: 5-10 gal/acre + Lamb's-quarters + Night flowering catchfly + Russian thistle + Scentless chamomile + Shepherd's purse + Smartweed (green and pale) + Stinkweed + Stork's-bill Use the 250 ml/acre rate only when the weeds are smaller and have lighter infestation of weeds Frost 1-3 days before application or shortly after may reduce weed control and crop tolerance Weed control may be reduced during stress conditions, or if weeds have initiated flowering STORAGE: Do not freeze TANK MIX ORDER: Half fill the tank with clean water. Add the required amount of Co-op Emit and agitate thoroughly. Add tank mix partners. FilLthe tank and agitate again before use. + Velvet Leaf + Volunteer canola + Volunteer flax + Volunteer sunflower + Wild buckwheat + Wild mustard For optimum performance apply in temperatures between 12°C to 24°C. Reduced activity will occur when temperatures are below 8°C or above 27°C

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