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Circulaire actuelle Co-op Food - Valable à partir du 26.12 au 30.11 - Page n° 22

Circulaire Co-op Food 26.12.2024 - 30.11.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

FUNGICIDE FOCUSED ON LEAF DISEASE MANAG ACTIVE INGREDIENT: dry beans, Kentucky bluegrass Propiconazole (grown for seed), oats, Timoth Cour = wheat (spring, durum and wint APPLICATION RATE: 60-120 ml/acre (80-160 PACKAGING: 2 x 48L RAINFAST: 1 hour acres per case) REGISTERED CROPS: TANK MIX OPTIONS: Barley, canary seed, canola, corn, 2,4-D Amine, 2,4-D Ester, MCI DISEASES CONTROLLED er) Canary Seed Septoria leaf m Canola Blackleg Corn Rusts, northern Dry Beans (including kidney, navy and white) Rust Kentucky Bluegrass (grown for seed) Powdery milder Oats Septoria Leaf bl Spring Barley Net blotch, spa Soybeans (grown for seed) Frogeye leaf spi Winter West and Spring Wheat (including Sephéidtsn ard Red, Durum, Canada Prairie, Soft White) PROTIPS + Do not apply with any herbicide tank mix on oats + Should be applied proactively as a protective measure and will not control well-established disease AU LIES

Derniéres circulaires

FUNGICIDE FOCUSED ON LEAF DISEASE MANAG ACTIVE INGREDIENT: dry beans, Kentucky bluegrass Propiconazole (grown for seed), oats, Timoth Cour = wheat (spring, durum and wint APPLICATION RATE: 60-120 ml/acre (80-160 PACKAGING: 2 x 48L RAINFAST: 1 hour acres per case) REGISTERED CROPS: TANK MIX OPTIONS: Barley, canary seed, canola, corn, 2,4-D Amine, 2,4-D Ester, MCI DISEASES CONTROLLED er) Canary Seed Septoria leaf m Canola Blackleg Corn Rusts, northern Dry Beans (including kidney, navy and white) Rust Kentucky Bluegrass (grown for seed) Powdery milder Oats Septoria Leaf bl Spring Barley Net blotch, spa Soybeans (grown for seed) Frogeye leaf spi Winter West and Spring Wheat (including Sephéidtsn ard Red, Durum, Canada Prairie, Soft White) PROTIPS + Do not apply with any herbicide tank mix on oats + Should be applied proactively as a protective measure and will not control well-established disease AU LIES

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