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Circulaire actuelle Foodland - Valable à partir du 27.02 au 05.03 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Foodland 27.02.2025 - 05.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

n Storewide satisfaction af or your money back. Zucchini or Eggplant product of Mexico or USA Grape Tomatoes Pint THE LITTLE POTATO COMPANY ET prose Mince assorted 454 £ f \pEù À + nl 349 249 AT: # 99 # ECO POTS Orri Ciementines m1 Red Mangoes Extra Large Black Seedless Grapes Yellow Fleshed Peaches or Nectarines proéuet of Israel 7.5/4 product of Peru product ot Peru 3.90/kg product of Chile no 1 grade SAUKE c i == 5 k , Le rodect es net meet June enDeCtENL. pes Can present De product andfes recent 204 we wi provide you me De appropriate reumbersement Pesvictoes gl 182 foodland.caivalue-Myer fer ets. fie * J É É COMPLIMENTS de 922 622 Fully Cooked Boef, æ Chicken or Turkey Strips 150-200 £ Stipioin ring Siook Fomity Sie Eye of Round Roasts cut by your meat cut by your meat expert from Canada AAA grade deel 4 D7AE expert from Canaés AM grade beef 22.02/K Pork Back Ribs _6® à D à : À à 7 ; à LAS CEE w | 1 129 EF srended Poutey 7°2 Aopetires acts ss" 74 d “ selected rariebes 660-700 g PPRITRURE Back Ribs 16.5U4g 1 pou boy à ie prodeet rom vor 1818, 25e Se prodct 5 lstended, 24 ES ARTE PT) | A 111 er A i Li RAISED f | … CHICKEN ; \ €7 JA 599 COMPLIMENTS 1QF 7°2 MATLAWS Stuffed Basa or Tilapia Clams or Scallops Fillets 400 £ 425% Arabie at i ÿ ment stores .:.100 rs MATE BRANDT Sliced Meats selected 125-150 g selected varieties 113 g F EU à BALDERSON BALDERSON Eu _ Gourmet Cinnamon 79 SIKORSKI Grandpa 99 BALDERSON 99 Buns plain or with 71008 Ham or BRANDT 2 or 3 Year Old cream Cheese icing 4 ph Tray or Butter-Topped Rolls Black Forest Ham Cheddar 2802 890-7504 12 pk 400 £ Made wi 100% Canadian Four hustatie st "À F "| Headset 4 most stores : { mont stores Rs OT re RAT Etre

Derniéres circulaires

n Storewide satisfaction af or your money back. Zucchini or Eggplant product of Mexico or USA Grape Tomatoes Pint THE LITTLE POTATO COMPANY ET prose Mince assorted 454 £ f \pEù À + nl 349 249 AT: # 99 # ECO POTS Orri Ciementines m1 Red Mangoes Extra Large Black Seedless Grapes Yellow Fleshed Peaches or Nectarines proéuet of Israel 7.5/4 product of Peru product ot Peru 3.90/kg product of Chile no 1 grade SAUKE c i == 5 k , Le rodect es net meet June enDeCtENL. pes Can present De product andfes recent 204 we wi provide you me De appropriate reumbersement Pesvictoes gl 182 foodland.caivalue-Myer fer ets. fie * J É É COMPLIMENTS de 922 622 Fully Cooked Boef, æ Chicken or Turkey Strips 150-200 £ Stipioin ring Siook Fomity Sie Eye of Round Roasts cut by your meat cut by your meat expert from Canada AAA grade deel 4 D7AE expert from Canaés AM grade beef 22.02/K Pork Back Ribs _6® à D à : À à 7 ; à LAS CEE w | 1 129 EF srended Poutey 7°2 Aopetires acts ss" 74 d “ selected rariebes 660-700 g PPRITRURE Back Ribs 16.5U4g 1 pou boy à ie prodeet rom vor 1818, 25e Se prodct 5 lstended, 24 ES ARTE PT) | A 111 er A i Li RAISED f | … CHICKEN ; \ €7 JA 599 COMPLIMENTS 1QF 7°2 MATLAWS Stuffed Basa or Tilapia Clams or Scallops Fillets 400 £ 425% Arabie at i ÿ ment stores .:.100 rs MATE BRANDT Sliced Meats selected 125-150 g selected varieties 113 g F EU à BALDERSON BALDERSON Eu _ Gourmet Cinnamon 79 SIKORSKI Grandpa 99 BALDERSON 99 Buns plain or with 71008 Ham or BRANDT 2 or 3 Year Old cream Cheese icing 4 ph Tray or Butter-Topped Rolls Black Forest Ham Cheddar 2802 890-7504 12 pk 400 £ Made wi 100% Canadian Four hustatie st "À F "| Headset 4 most stores : { mont stores Rs OT re RAT Etre

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