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Circulaire actuelle Independent - Fête des Mères - Valable à partir du 04.05 au 10.05 - Page n° 7

Circulaire Independent 04.05.2023 - 10.05.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

Es RS ETS AS less than 4 S3 ea. PC* black earth soil 25L 20n82.2 Pac Duta Cu. ADOBE. BLACK EARTH, TERRE NOIRE aMig05) All purpose soil like PC® black earth soil is great for top CSST EM) ET alt er) and seeding. Find an enriched soil to give your plants CE Rae Halo r= rss) 13 shrubs or evergreens selected varieties 1 gallon HAS ATEN LA How do we recycle? TD Plastic 6 Established in 2008. May 4 - June 17 bring back your empty pots/flats and you can earn us ÉCOLE I EL ul ‘8-25 fertilizer or grass seed selected varieties and sizes 2139 EAUSAES LA SUN & SHADE SOLEIL er OMBRÉ less than 2 $10 ea. no name” all-purpose soil 50 L all-purpose soil | terreau tout usage LEE 3/ than 3 S3.75 ea. no name* cedar mulch available in natural, black or red 2.5 L SMS EATSESE EA cedar mulch : paillis de cèdre naturel Evergreens’, trees, shrubs, rose bushes and perennials’ are guaranteed for one full year. Bring your original recelpt and the origi plant back to one of our Garden Centres and we will be happy to refund your money. final. "Does not apply In decorative containers. ONT ONLINE LG 1

Derniéres circulaires

Es RS ETS AS less than 4 S3 ea. PC* black earth soil 25L 20n82.2 Pac Duta Cu. ADOBE. BLACK EARTH, TERRE NOIRE aMig05) All purpose soil like PC® black earth soil is great for top CSST EM) ET alt er) and seeding. Find an enriched soil to give your plants CE Rae Halo r= rss) 13 shrubs or evergreens selected varieties 1 gallon HAS ATEN LA How do we recycle? TD Plastic 6 Established in 2008. May 4 - June 17 bring back your empty pots/flats and you can earn us ÉCOLE I EL ul ‘8-25 fertilizer or grass seed selected varieties and sizes 2139 EAUSAES LA SUN & SHADE SOLEIL er OMBRÉ less than 2 $10 ea. no name” all-purpose soil 50 L all-purpose soil | terreau tout usage LEE 3/ than 3 S3.75 ea. no name* cedar mulch available in natural, black or red 2.5 L SMS EATSESE EA cedar mulch : paillis de cèdre naturel Evergreens’, trees, shrubs, rose bushes and perennials’ are guaranteed for one full year. Bring your original recelpt and the origi plant back to one of our Garden Centres and we will be happy to refund your money. final. "Does not apply In decorative containers. ONT ONLINE LG 1

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