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Circulaire actuelle Independent - Valable à partir du 20.03 au 16.04 - Page n° 17

Circulaire Independent 20.03.2025 - 16.04.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

À SHOP NOW @YourindependentGrocerOntario f @YourindependentGrocer Independent CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-866-541-6315. VISIT YOURINDEPENDENTGROCER.CA FOR STORE HOURS. Quantities and/or selection of items may be Emited and may not be available in al stores. For inquiries on product availabiiy at your re ns ana tome Pattes a eg phone number. No Rainchecks OR Subsbtubons on ciearance tems or were quanbtes are advertssed as bmaed selection {flavour, cou, patterns, style Le as Men, a GEL 08 Mans Vus ae 1 ARE og à RL Pricing. Al references 10 “Save, Was, Not, y 10 Our own regudar prices. Coupons must be presented and redeemed at me of purchase. Savings on items show may vary in each store location. Luce 1 eu. us à lat ru The rademarks, service marks 29 bec. Maste 1e arr Br Mk are reg adm Appicable taxes. degosits. or environmental ssplayed 1 Is fyer are trademarks of Loblaws Inc. and others. Al Optimum' program s prorided by President s Choice Ser PayPass :s à trademark ot MasterCard Internatonai Incoeporates Presidents Choice | vices In. President Choice Fnarcil MasterCard is provided by President Choice Bank. President Choice Financial personal banking Financial. @PC, Presideat's Choice, PE PROC M PSS Cho Fvene are registered trademarks of Lobians Inc. Trademarks used under kcence. We reserve the nt to limé quantites to reasonable tamily requrements PC OPTIMUM MEMBERS ONLY: are ony avalable to valid PC Opümum % program members. Membershi is fre. T register as a PC Optmum member, see in-stare or vis pcopémum ca. We are mot obhgated lo award points based on errors or misprnts. Mo cash vaiue. See yourindependentgrocer ca for full program details inchadng redempton restnctions Minimum redemgtion 10.000 ponts. These offers cannot be combined as other coupons, Gscourts or promoèons and no adustments on previous purchases. We reserve to modéy or cancel îese offers without notice. Product avalability may vary by store. it PRE Re CR ee NT na dsptayed partiogating productis) andior categoryties) before taxes and end ah coupons and discounts are deducted in à Je transact ” Val for Syer duration, after which ie price will be the same for both PC Optimum'" and non-PC member ‘Taxes appicable on the purchase amount after discounts. PC One monber D La RAGE ny LS mañch programs for parboipating stcres operating under @e Loblaws Inc. Prices and offers effective from Thursday, March 20th - Wednesday, April 16, 2025 unless otherwise stated vicoss 18

Derniéres circulaires

À SHOP NOW @YourindependentGrocerOntario f @YourindependentGrocer Independent CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-866-541-6315. VISIT YOURINDEPENDENTGROCER.CA FOR STORE HOURS. Quantities and/or selection of items may be Emited and may not be available in al stores. For inquiries on product availabiiy at your re ns ana tome Pattes a eg phone number. No Rainchecks OR Subsbtubons on ciearance tems or were quanbtes are advertssed as bmaed selection {flavour, cou, patterns, style Le as Men, a GEL 08 Mans Vus ae 1 ARE og à RL Pricing. Al references 10 “Save, Was, Not, y 10 Our own regudar prices. Coupons must be presented and redeemed at me of purchase. Savings on items show may vary in each store location. Luce 1 eu. us à lat ru The rademarks, service marks 29 bec. Maste 1e arr Br Mk are reg adm Appicable taxes. degosits. or environmental ssplayed 1 Is fyer are trademarks of Loblaws Inc. and others. Al Optimum' program s prorided by President s Choice Ser PayPass :s à trademark ot MasterCard Internatonai Incoeporates Presidents Choice | vices In. President Choice Fnarcil MasterCard is provided by President Choice Bank. President Choice Financial personal banking Financial. @PC, Presideat's Choice, PE PROC M PSS Cho Fvene are registered trademarks of Lobians Inc. Trademarks used under kcence. We reserve the nt to limé quantites to reasonable tamily requrements PC OPTIMUM MEMBERS ONLY: are ony avalable to valid PC Opümum % program members. Membershi is fre. T register as a PC Optmum member, see in-stare or vis pcopémum ca. We are mot obhgated lo award points based on errors or misprnts. Mo cash vaiue. See yourindependentgrocer ca for full program details inchadng redempton restnctions Minimum redemgtion 10.000 ponts. These offers cannot be combined as other coupons, Gscourts or promoèons and no adustments on previous purchases. We reserve to modéy or cancel îese offers without notice. Product avalability may vary by store. it PRE Re CR ee NT na dsptayed partiogating productis) andior categoryties) before taxes and end ah coupons and discounts are deducted in à Je transact ” Val for Syer duration, after which ie price will be the same for both PC Optimum'" and non-PC member ‘Taxes appicable on the purchase amount after discounts. PC One monber D La RAGE ny LS mañch programs for parboipating stcres operating under @e Loblaws Inc. Prices and offers effective from Thursday, March 20th - Wednesday, April 16, 2025 unless otherwise stated vicoss 18

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