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Circulaire actuelle M&M Food Market - Valable à partir du 13.02 au 19.02 - Page n° 8

Circulaire M&M Food Market 13.02.2025 - 19.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

Tomato and Grilled Cheese Soup AI Gscomnted prices ef products within is Myer are geclustve to members of te MEM Food Market Remords program. Simpy present your memèershp card E] or sign up #oe a free members in stars or gaie, to tabe advantaga ef these xchusive offers, Products and prices may vary dy region. Limits or restrictions may apaly. Products mey mot be exactly #3 sh. Special geicing ané promotions are not valid at M&M Food Market Exgress end etbar noa-tradilicnal stor8s, #4 Uay offer afimmed rangs sd produts, Same ilustrations in this Syer do not aOkESé il rares ent items on sh and ara for design only. We resérwa Ie right lo carract any errors, A Commercial resals of our prodects is prohèited. Trade-msrks, service marks and logos displayed in thus fer are trade-marks of MEM Mat Shops Li. and otners. Ar = COMPANIES duplication (including posting anbne) witsout the written cnsent sé MSA Mest Shops Lid. 2 prehibited. 02025 MAN Meal Shaps Ltd. Pate ro “Trademerk of Celine Canada. Used under license. AOC

Derniéres circulaires

Tomato and Grilled Cheese Soup AI Gscomnted prices ef products within is Myer are geclustve to members of te MEM Food Market Remords program. Simpy present your memèershp card E] or sign up #oe a free members in stars or gaie, to tabe advantaga ef these xchusive offers, Products and prices may vary dy region. Limits or restrictions may apaly. Products mey mot be exactly #3 sh. Special geicing ané promotions are not valid at M&M Food Market Exgress end etbar noa-tradilicnal stor8s, #4 Uay offer afimmed rangs sd produts, Same ilustrations in this Syer do not aOkESé il rares ent items on sh and ara for design only. We resérwa Ie right lo carract any errors, A Commercial resals of our prodects is prohèited. Trade-msrks, service marks and logos displayed in thus fer are trade-marks of MEM Mat Shops Li. and otners. Ar = COMPANIES duplication (including posting anbne) witsout the written cnsent sé MSA Mest Shops Lid. 2 prehibited. 02025 MAN Meal Shaps Ltd. Pate ro “Trademerk of Celine Canada. Used under license. AOC

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