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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 15.11 au 21.11 - Page n° 13

Circulaire Peavey Mart 15.11.2024 - 21.11.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

39 1199 1999 Galvanized Rabbit M D] Corn Crib jé Guard Fencing 2x4 x 48°. 100 roll. General Field Fence D Cet ul purpose fncing, Oflrs srenglh 39° H x 330 roll. Gobanized wire. 12:1/2 gauge high with galvanized zinc-coating, & rigidity for a variety of outdoor tensile line wires. 14-1/2 gauge medium tensile stay wires. Reg. 5499 project. 12.5 gauge Reg. 269.99 367595 Rog. 259.99 290981 362528 99° 2999 Galvanized Fence Horse Fence Panels 72 x 100: 7 28° ang be ie care Re is Sy nt process hot provides a amoaih Reg. 479.99 finish for each line wire, 360569 eliminating sharp burrs. Reg. 109.99 1000826 | SAVE $5 SAVE $8 SAVE $4 /canarm: SAVE $2 SELECTRVX Trace Mineral 4° NES 59? (BE 749 2 1 279 Salt Block 2kg PRODUCTS En ÉD Of fee choice Plastic Twine Cutter Hitch Pin 250W Red Brooder Lamp dire Assorted colours available. This cuter will 3/4 x6-1/2" Heat Lamp Bulb 10° shade with © make your tasks simpler & more efficient. Reg. 13.99 Reg. 11.49 ‘odiustable reflector Reg. 9.99 3504777 293930 215502 ; bel pose 7 ET. cord, amp vi = no L ” : Reg. 14.99 1005443 Sos local store for pricing. SAVE $5 SAVE $5 SAVE $5 HorsemEws Prne- SAVE 20% ÿ e 99 99 99 Horse Blankets SEP PRODUCTS PRODUCTS & Saddle Pads ER ee Assorted options available. 20qft Flat Back Buckets 7 Gallon Flex Tubs Jollyballs Reg. 49.99-199.99 Assoried colour available. The Hot-bock Assorted colours available Keep our horse etertained vh fis more compaciy for hanging against a wall or fence, plus it makes hauling heavy load a lot osier. Made of polyeihylene resin. Reg. 19.99 283027, 74,76, 80-82, 1007531 SAVE $20 Multi-Purpose Uïility Mats Asoned sizes valoble Reg. 69 99-1599 3570681-84 RED RBARN Reg. 21.99 212867-74 a Jelly Bal. Puneturing & biting will not destroy it os it does not need to inflate. Apple or peppermint Rlavour. 4 trs É LS YOUR CHOICE SAVE L 4] Steuua DIGITAL GIFT CARD 94°? LU 99 Trailer Dolly 1 09 x fes 16959 1870 Rorelle T4 1EWPA0 À Adjustable Trail Dr ie Graor Ousardig nee proie bg 8001b capacity. Two 12” AaHfree tires & 1 8” swivel caster. 2528939 Reg, 249.99 …… 174.99 bill eg inner No re dla LU er Pda OÏ 4 ge pl 0eme EL" Or ose hrs ph, so rh ds. PR “Discount opplies o regular price items on. SAVE $30 2HLuPS # remno 1697 120V Aluminum Heater Engine 23/4 x8-1/2". 1500 wat. Thermostaicaly protected Opens at 88°C, closes at 66°C. Rog. 199.99 137122 Not stochod in al locations.

Derniéres circulaires

39 1199 1999 Galvanized Rabbit M D] Corn Crib jé Guard Fencing 2x4 x 48°. 100 roll. General Field Fence D Cet ul purpose fncing, Oflrs srenglh 39° H x 330 roll. Gobanized wire. 12:1/2 gauge high with galvanized zinc-coating, & rigidity for a variety of outdoor tensile line wires. 14-1/2 gauge medium tensile stay wires. Reg. 5499 project. 12.5 gauge Reg. 269.99 367595 Rog. 259.99 290981 362528 99° 2999 Galvanized Fence Horse Fence Panels 72 x 100: 7 28° ang be ie care Re is Sy nt process hot provides a amoaih Reg. 479.99 finish for each line wire, 360569 eliminating sharp burrs. Reg. 109.99 1000826 | SAVE $5 SAVE $8 SAVE $4 /canarm: SAVE $2 SELECTRVX Trace Mineral 4° NES 59? (BE 749 2 1 279 Salt Block 2kg PRODUCTS En ÉD Of fee choice Plastic Twine Cutter Hitch Pin 250W Red Brooder Lamp dire Assorted colours available. This cuter will 3/4 x6-1/2" Heat Lamp Bulb 10° shade with © make your tasks simpler & more efficient. Reg. 13.99 Reg. 11.49 ‘odiustable reflector Reg. 9.99 3504777 293930 215502 ; bel pose 7 ET. cord, amp vi = no L ” : Reg. 14.99 1005443 Sos local store for pricing. SAVE $5 SAVE $5 SAVE $5 HorsemEws Prne- SAVE 20% ÿ e 99 99 99 Horse Blankets SEP PRODUCTS PRODUCTS & Saddle Pads ER ee Assorted options available. 20qft Flat Back Buckets 7 Gallon Flex Tubs Jollyballs Reg. 49.99-199.99 Assoried colour available. The Hot-bock Assorted colours available Keep our horse etertained vh fis more compaciy for hanging against a wall or fence, plus it makes hauling heavy load a lot osier. Made of polyeihylene resin. Reg. 19.99 283027, 74,76, 80-82, 1007531 SAVE $20 Multi-Purpose Uïility Mats Asoned sizes valoble Reg. 69 99-1599 3570681-84 RED RBARN Reg. 21.99 212867-74 a Jelly Bal. Puneturing & biting will not destroy it os it does not need to inflate. Apple or peppermint Rlavour. 4 trs É LS YOUR CHOICE SAVE L 4] Steuua DIGITAL GIFT CARD 94°? LU 99 Trailer Dolly 1 09 x fes 16959 1870 Rorelle T4 1EWPA0 À Adjustable Trail Dr ie Graor Ousardig nee proie bg 8001b capacity. Two 12” AaHfree tires & 1 8” swivel caster. 2528939 Reg, 249.99 …… 174.99 bill eg inner No re dla LU er Pda OÏ 4 ge pl 0eme EL" Or ose hrs ph, so rh ds. PR “Discount opplies o regular price items on. SAVE $30 2HLuPS # remno 1697 120V Aluminum Heater Engine 23/4 x8-1/2". 1500 wat. Thermostaicaly protected Opens at 88°C, closes at 66°C. Rog. 199.99 137122 Not stochod in al locations.

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