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Circulaire actuelle Safeway - Valable à partir du 10.11 au 16.11 - Page n° 1

Circulaire Safeway 10.11.2022 - 16.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

+ CS SUCRE + Remembrance Day + CCE EU TEL COMPLIMENTS. Fresh À Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs 6.59/k IE {Y 212 Fresh Pork Shoulder Blade Roasts or Steaks 6.15/kg 7 °° BUTCHERS [1 SELECTIONS B8Q LUN il BAD DO EU D CT 759 COMPLIMENTS Raw Pacific White Shrimp me dig plants FN NESTLÉ Premium Frozen Dessert or Real Dairy ice Cre: TKEI st CCE BARREL CRACKER BARREL Cheese 40 250-320 g or Sauce Kits 271-2 EARN REWARDS FASTER WITH 10,000 BONUS POINTS. Earn up to 10,000 bonus Scene+ points within your first year with the Scotiabank Scene+"Visa* card. Apply now at Earn Scene+ points with minimum spend on purchases in the first year. Conditions appiy. Offer ends April 30, 2023. Offer subject to change. CAE en neo RE OC

Derniéres circulaires

+ CS SUCRE + Remembrance Day + CCE EU TEL COMPLIMENTS. Fresh À Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs 6.59/k IE {Y 212 Fresh Pork Shoulder Blade Roasts or Steaks 6.15/kg 7 °° BUTCHERS [1 SELECTIONS B8Q LUN il BAD DO EU D CT 759 COMPLIMENTS Raw Pacific White Shrimp me dig plants FN NESTLÉ Premium Frozen Dessert or Real Dairy ice Cre: TKEI st CCE BARREL CRACKER BARREL Cheese 40 250-320 g or Sauce Kits 271-2 EARN REWARDS FASTER WITH 10,000 BONUS POINTS. Earn up to 10,000 bonus Scene+ points within your first year with the Scotiabank Scene+"Visa* card. Apply now at Earn Scene+ points with minimum spend on purchases in the first year. Conditions appiy. Offer ends April 30, 2023. Offer subject to change. CAE en neo RE OC

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