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Circulaire actuelle Safeway - Ontario - Valable à partir du 06.07 au 12.07 - Page n° 12

Circulaire Safeway 06.07.2023 - 12.07.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

with these deli faves! PANACHE Italian Meats 100 g or Italian Cheese €) 200£ TITLE Eire TRE STELLE Bocconcini 200 g, PANACHE Te Feta 200 £. Ricotta az 2 or Po 475 g or CASTELLO tr L 130 mL or 150g Havarti 145-165 g ” 649ea ER 1 ei £ h -;. 200 F5 À when you spend 519 2/$ 10 SNACK FACTORY 1°° OH SNAP! Pickles PANACHE Texas Style Mesquite Pretzel Crisps 200 g selected 90 mL Smoked Beef Brisket Ready in minutes. .:.4006% CEE ET —— BUFFALO 1322 En WU hU CN SLT 5 EE LOIR TANT CT a Te] Breakfast Sausages 300-375 g 6.99 ea GREENFIELD Sugar Free NATURAL MEAT CO. Thick-cut FOREVERY 0 ©. you spend on Greenfield Natural Meat Co.” products ÎTREE : PLANTED re BE $ 400 pre *_ when you buy3 UOTE to support reforestaton in Canada thanks to (D ) ONETREEPLANTED GREEN Q9 srenreLo aruraL DQ ireners or Smohed +See in-store for details. MEAT CO. Bacon selected Sausages selected varieties 200-375 g vanetes 200-375 g CT Spend s25 on any Mitchell's" products and get a MITCHELL'S MITCHELL'S AT. Bun-Sized Wieners, 2/$4 5 899 EE 1072 = Pie 190 g 450-750 g selected Bacon 1 kg LE S0e in-store for etai ( f S .: plie e DELI grd FAVOURITES LS 12/7]

Derniéres circulaires

with these deli faves! PANACHE Italian Meats 100 g or Italian Cheese €) 200£ TITLE Eire TRE STELLE Bocconcini 200 g, PANACHE Te Feta 200 £. Ricotta az 2 or Po 475 g or CASTELLO tr L 130 mL or 150g Havarti 145-165 g ” 649ea ER 1 ei £ h -;. 200 F5 À when you spend 519 2/$ 10 SNACK FACTORY 1°° OH SNAP! Pickles PANACHE Texas Style Mesquite Pretzel Crisps 200 g selected 90 mL Smoked Beef Brisket Ready in minutes. .:.4006% CEE ET —— BUFFALO 1322 En WU hU CN SLT 5 EE LOIR TANT CT a Te] Breakfast Sausages 300-375 g 6.99 ea GREENFIELD Sugar Free NATURAL MEAT CO. Thick-cut FOREVERY 0 ©. you spend on Greenfield Natural Meat Co.” products ÎTREE : PLANTED re BE $ 400 pre *_ when you buy3 UOTE to support reforestaton in Canada thanks to (D ) ONETREEPLANTED GREEN Q9 srenreLo aruraL DQ ireners or Smohed +See in-store for details. MEAT CO. Bacon selected Sausages selected varieties 200-375 g vanetes 200-375 g CT Spend s25 on any Mitchell's" products and get a MITCHELL'S MITCHELL'S AT. Bun-Sized Wieners, 2/$4 5 899 EE 1072 = Pie 190 g 450-750 g selected Bacon 1 kg LE S0e in-store for etai ( f S .: plie e DELI grd FAVOURITES LS 12/7]

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