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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Nouvel An Lunaire - Valable à partir du 19.01 au 25.01 - Page n° 16

Circulaire Sobeys 19.01.2023 - 25.01.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

rozen airy MARIE CALLENDER'S SWANSON JOQ FrozenMeals MCCAIN COMPEPENTE Erosen Entrées 6 99 Skilet Meals ? 680-879 g 6“? Pizza Pockets selected 227-284 395-6528 L'essxe, 59e Ése A 0 UT TA CODNS ATEN A) KELLOGG'S 9 BEST BUY 49 Eggo Thick & Fluffy 9 COMPLIMENTS 4 PANACHE Ice Cream Frozen Vegetables Waflles or Pancakes Fries or Wedges 1.5 L or Novelties 7508 270-330 g 6508 6-8 pk ns, Le] n— — ACTIVIA 4 oi. SC = d à M Ÿ # A LIBERTÉ " Se Greek Yogourt DANONE Activia 2 pk or 4 pk or or Drinkable Yogurt Méditerranée 99 8 pk or NATREL 500 g or 4 pk Lactose Free Milk or 4.69 ea Plus Protein Mik 2 L + ne GE UT TT 2 DANONE Activia 4 COMPLIMENTS 49 Yogurt 650 g or Greek Yogurt SHÉPHERD Gourmet 6508 Skyr Yogurt 500 g Ye when you buy 2 »” COMPLIMENTS JELL-O Cookie Dough 9 ARMSTRONG 9 BLACK DIAMOND » g $ Refrigerated 9 Chocolate Chip or Cheese Slices Cheestrings Pudding or Gels Chocolate Chunk 220-240 g 12-16 pk 4pk 136 kg pantry NATIONAL .:. 100 COCPETENE) NANDO'S LUI © 2 347 HERSHEY'S Chipits 200-300 g Salt Free Sans Sel CATELLI Gun Free or Supergreens 300-340 g DS — PE 7° PANAGHE ma fn : 99 KELLOGSG'S Cereal 8 9 Ds cui 5 99 WINDSOR 500 mL selected 210-435 g 825g-L3kg Salt Free 311 g CO EME E when you buy 2 COMPLIMENTS SARA LEE COMPLIMENTS Tortillas 340 g 2/$ Little Bites Snacks À 99 OROWEAT ORGANIC 2/$6 Pancake Mix 905 g 2348 Grain Bread 680 g or Syrup 750 mL PAL DOS TETE DETTE 1 Et 247 KNORR Sidekicks 4 99 PACE Salsa 3 99, ADAMS Peanut 540 mL. or 796 mL. 120-167 8 642mL Butter 500 g RECIPES, STORIES, TIPS & TRICKS and more, all at See ER ll

rozen airy MARIE CALLENDER'S SWANSON JOQ FrozenMeals MCCAIN COMPEPENTE Erosen Entrées 6 99 Skilet Meals ? 680-879 g 6“? Pizza Pockets selected 227-284 395-6528 L'essxe, 59e Ése A 0 UT TA CODNS ATEN A) KELLOGG'S 9 BEST BUY 49 Eggo Thick & Fluffy 9 COMPLIMENTS 4 PANACHE Ice Cream Frozen Vegetables Waflles or Pancakes Fries or Wedges 1.5 L or Novelties 7508 270-330 g 6508 6-8 pk ns, Le] n— — ACTIVIA 4 oi. SC = d à M Ÿ # A LIBERTÉ " Se Greek Yogourt DANONE Activia 2 pk or 4 pk or or Drinkable Yogurt Méditerranée 99 8 pk or NATREL 500 g or 4 pk Lactose Free Milk or 4.69 ea Plus Protein Mik 2 L + ne GE UT TT 2 DANONE Activia 4 COMPLIMENTS 49 Yogurt 650 g or Greek Yogurt SHÉPHERD Gourmet 6508 Skyr Yogurt 500 g Ye when you buy 2 »” COMPLIMENTS JELL-O Cookie Dough 9 ARMSTRONG 9 BLACK DIAMOND » g $ Refrigerated 9 Chocolate Chip or Cheese Slices Cheestrings Pudding or Gels Chocolate Chunk 220-240 g 12-16 pk 4pk 136 kg pantry NATIONAL .:. 100 COCPETENE) NANDO'S LUI © 2 347 HERSHEY'S Chipits 200-300 g Salt Free Sans Sel CATELLI Gun Free or Supergreens 300-340 g DS — PE 7° PANAGHE ma fn : 99 KELLOGSG'S Cereal 8 9 Ds cui 5 99 WINDSOR 500 mL selected 210-435 g 825g-L3kg Salt Free 311 g CO EME E when you buy 2 COMPLIMENTS SARA LEE COMPLIMENTS Tortillas 340 g 2/$ Little Bites Snacks À 99 OROWEAT ORGANIC 2/$6 Pancake Mix 905 g 2348 Grain Bread 680 g or Syrup 750 mL PAL DOS TETE DETTE 1 Et 247 KNORR Sidekicks 4 99 PACE Salsa 3 99, ADAMS Peanut 540 mL. or 796 mL. 120-167 8 642mL Butter 500 g RECIPES, STORIES, TIPS & TRICKS and more, all at See ER ll

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