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Circulaire actuelle T&T Supermarket - Valable à partir du 02.12 au 08.12 - Page n° 2

Circulaire T&T Supermarket 02.12.2022 - 08.12.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

\ ca ON ä ! ù —_ Red Papaya ai Peer s Seecess BG Orape Canary Melon — #IAX I , A C RATES H£ ÿ USA brazi * Mexico % Chna 1 Yu-choy Baby Napa Lotus Root Peatips Es { RER um LÉ Mexico ns Mexico “ Mexco nd ; M © * rozên Brass de ‘Abalone with Scallop Sauce Organic Blue Mussels — gnp=pey Shrimp Meat Lie ac), SRTRER 2AA ISO . SRABRE Kate Cam HRK RER m 454g mn ER ET mn RHIN ml 2609 É m 120g : m & A Le, NT F d / Fresh RWA Pork But (Bones) Fresh Beef Stiploin Fresh Bet Oxtai Fresh Chicken FÉBÉAAA me SAN = SR “ FASO “ Otasty Vegetable Large White Egg Omega Plus Potstickers( Chicken/Por)- — D AD. Sausage .o RC Condensed Mik Bun SARXAXEE Ex es A La nee ba O7 5% " " ME af. "a Sun On Pre-cooked Mood” Unseetened Soy/ Stcamed Egg Noodles Susetened Soy = TRE 2m Tiopicana Jui Ice Cream 2) 88 sx Le. TropicanaMR ÆHHDBEE < Fo 60 " À # ASC 4751 500mi ass men

Derniéres circulaires

\ ca ON ä ! ù —_ Red Papaya ai Peer s Seecess BG Orape Canary Melon — #IAX I , A C RATES H£ ÿ USA brazi * Mexico % Chna 1 Yu-choy Baby Napa Lotus Root Peatips Es { RER um LÉ Mexico ns Mexico “ Mexco nd ; M © * rozên Brass de ‘Abalone with Scallop Sauce Organic Blue Mussels — gnp=pey Shrimp Meat Lie ac), SRTRER 2AA ISO . SRABRE Kate Cam HRK RER m 454g mn ER ET mn RHIN ml 2609 É m 120g : m & A Le, NT F d / Fresh RWA Pork But (Bones) Fresh Beef Stiploin Fresh Bet Oxtai Fresh Chicken FÉBÉAAA me SAN = SR “ FASO “ Otasty Vegetable Large White Egg Omega Plus Potstickers( Chicken/Por)- — D AD. Sausage .o RC Condensed Mik Bun SARXAXEE Ex es A La nee ba O7 5% " " ME af. "a Sun On Pre-cooked Mood” Unseetened Soy/ Stcamed Egg Noodles Susetened Soy = TRE 2m Tiopicana Jui Ice Cream 2) 88 sx Le. TropicanaMR ÆHHDBEE < Fo 60 " À # ASC 4751 500mi ass men

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