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Circulaire actuelle Food Basics - Thanksgiving Day - Valable à partir du 06.10 au 12.10 - Page n° 2

Circulaire Food Basics 06.10.2022 - 12.10.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

SELECTION BUTTER 4546 SELECTED VARIETIES LACTANTIA ES PURFILTRE UNSALTED van MIE NON SALE Fe BUT Bat ACTIVIA YOGURT 81006 SURUCHUD WARIETHES. e — ORIGINAL | NESTLÉ CREAU CHEESE REAL DAIRY PHILADELPH IA ue g ICE CREAM 10 bc Em 0 cor à Ep = Ms Eee NOVELTIES seuecre vas Ya FE 250g] 32% | 55% su 4 AN Pom PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE 217-2506 SERECHED VARIÉS. GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES 750 G FROZEN SELECTED VARIETIES NABOB GROUND COFFEE PODS SELECHED AMIENS TE, \10 11) VU : 4, 11 Classic 4 Classique PILLSBURY CRESCENTS OR BEN'S ù = ORIGINAL FAST & FANCY RICE 10-2356 LAY'S POTATO CHIPS OR DEL MONTE VEGETABLES 41: 19e SMARTFOOD POPCORN 129 - 2IS G SEUECTEO VARMETIES KRAFT STOVE TOP STUFFING MIX, Re Ye n26 PEPSI OR 7UP StucerrO VARIE QE Towels Original 12100 ASHMERE) BATHROOM TISSUE 4 TIDE OR GAIN LAUNDRY DÉTERGENT 4 48 EACH LOADSE2-72 PA 55 :SPONGEÏTOWELS ULTRA DOWNY SCENT BOOSTER En irS SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUE CASCADE DISHWASHER TABS SELECTED VARETIES SELECTED VARIENES **IN STOCK POLICY: Food Baskcs+ offers an in-stock guarantee for al items in is current flyer. If we are temporarih out-ofstock on an advertised em in our current fiyes, à Rain Check vil be Issued with 10% off the advertised price of the Îtem redeemabie within 14 days from the date of Issue. Rain Checks are nat issued the ad in the flyer states, “While Quantiies Last”, “Special Buy” or "No Rain Checks”, or on instore cooked BBQ Chicken and Hot Pizza, Beer, Cider and Wine, Independent Third Party Vendors, “Our Seafood Market" and “Our Butcher Shop by Nesso Talho”. Please see the Customer Service desk at your Food Basics for full detalls. Foe retail sale only, 1 there is a limit stated in the ad, Rain Checks up to the stated limit may be issued. If there is no limit stated in the ad, we reserve the right to Emi quantitis to reasonable requirements. Limit: One Rain Check per household per item per day. We reserve the right to limit purchases to reasonable requirements. Limis or some restrictions apply - details avañlable in store or at Certain prices and special offers advertised in our flyers may vary by area. For the fiyer applicable to your area, £o to flyer or see the flyer at your local store. Some illustrations in this ftyer do not necessary represent ems on sale and are for design only, We reserve the right to correct any unintentlonal errors that may oceur in the copy or in ne References to savings or sale prices are in comparison Lo our regudar retail prices. Prices are effective Thursday 8 a.m. through ciosing Wetnesday, Other exemptions may apply. “Co references are in comparison Lo at least 1 other regular retail price. Commercial resale of cs rahled UNAUTHORLZED COPMNC OF THIS FLYER IN ANY MEDIUM ar Our prod UNCLUDING POSTING ONLINE) WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF METRO ONTARIO INC. IS NOT PERMITTED. D13013013

SELECTION BUTTER 4546 SELECTED VARIETIES LACTANTIA ES PURFILTRE UNSALTED van MIE NON SALE Fe BUT Bat ACTIVIA YOGURT 81006 SURUCHUD WARIETHES. e — ORIGINAL | NESTLÉ CREAU CHEESE REAL DAIRY PHILADELPH IA ue g ICE CREAM 10 bc Em 0 cor à Ep = Ms Eee NOVELTIES seuecre vas Ya FE 250g] 32% | 55% su 4 AN Pom PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE 217-2506 SERECHED VARIÉS. GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES 750 G FROZEN SELECTED VARIETIES NABOB GROUND COFFEE PODS SELECHED AMIENS TE, \10 11) VU : 4, 11 Classic 4 Classique PILLSBURY CRESCENTS OR BEN'S ù = ORIGINAL FAST & FANCY RICE 10-2356 LAY'S POTATO CHIPS OR DEL MONTE VEGETABLES 41: 19e SMARTFOOD POPCORN 129 - 2IS G SEUECTEO VARMETIES KRAFT STOVE TOP STUFFING MIX, Re Ye n26 PEPSI OR 7UP StucerrO VARIE QE Towels Original 12100 ASHMERE) BATHROOM TISSUE 4 TIDE OR GAIN LAUNDRY DÉTERGENT 4 48 EACH LOADSE2-72 PA 55 :SPONGEÏTOWELS ULTRA DOWNY SCENT BOOSTER En irS SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUE CASCADE DISHWASHER TABS SELECTED VARETIES SELECTED VARIENES **IN STOCK POLICY: Food Baskcs+ offers an in-stock guarantee for al items in is current flyer. If we are temporarih out-ofstock on an advertised em in our current fiyes, à Rain Check vil be Issued with 10% off the advertised price of the Îtem redeemabie within 14 days from the date of Issue. Rain Checks are nat issued the ad in the flyer states, “While Quantiies Last”, “Special Buy” or "No Rain Checks”, or on instore cooked BBQ Chicken and Hot Pizza, Beer, Cider and Wine, Independent Third Party Vendors, “Our Seafood Market" and “Our Butcher Shop by Nesso Talho”. Please see the Customer Service desk at your Food Basics for full detalls. Foe retail sale only, 1 there is a limit stated in the ad, Rain Checks up to the stated limit may be issued. If there is no limit stated in the ad, we reserve the right to Emi quantitis to reasonable requirements. Limit: One Rain Check per household per item per day. We reserve the right to limit purchases to reasonable requirements. Limis or some restrictions apply - details avañlable in store or at Certain prices and special offers advertised in our flyers may vary by area. For the fiyer applicable to your area, £o to flyer or see the flyer at your local store. Some illustrations in this ftyer do not necessary represent ems on sale and are for design only, We reserve the right to correct any unintentlonal errors that may oceur in the copy or in ne References to savings or sale prices are in comparison Lo our regudar retail prices. Prices are effective Thursday 8 a.m. through ciosing Wetnesday, Other exemptions may apply. “Co references are in comparison Lo at least 1 other regular retail price. Commercial resale of cs rahled UNAUTHORLZED COPMNC OF THIS FLYER IN ANY MEDIUM ar Our prod UNCLUDING POSTING ONLINE) WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF METRO ONTARIO INC. IS NOT PERMITTED. D13013013

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