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Circulaire actuelle FreshCo - Valable à partir du 12.12 au 18.12 - Page n° 4

Circulaire FreshCo 12.12.2024 - 18.12.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

MARBLE-MARBRÉ | Er > Heluva Good! Dip 680 g Armstrong Natural Cheese Slices 220-240 g Trompette, tranches de fromage Pillsbury Crescent Rolls 2268 Croissants Compliments ss Lait de poule Unico Beans 540 mL or Tomatoes 796 mL Haricots ou tomates Franco-American Gravy 284 mL Sauce brune Bubly 12x355 mL Montellier 10x355 mL reg 6.99 Eau pétillante NATURE VALLEY i — Nature Valley or Fibre 1 Granola Bars or Compliments Frozen Fruit 300-600 g reg 4.99 Fruits surgelés 125-230 g Tenderflake Pie Shell 320-350 g Compliments Whipped Topping 1 L Monnet Eau garéifiée DONATE DEC. 2"-24" TO SUPPORT OUR LOCAL FOOD BANK Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks Barres granola ou colotions aux fruits Sealtest 35% Cream 473 mL Gay Lea Whipped Cream 225 g reg 4.79 Crème, crème fouettée Club House Recipe Mixes 20-47 g reg 1.49-1.59 Mélanges Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce 348 mL Ssuce aux canneberges Vegetables 341-398 mL Légumes Tim Hortons Single Serve K-Cups 30 pk Tim Hortons Ground Coffee 875-930 g Capsules de café, café moulu Christie Cookies Selected Varieties 224-303 g Christie Crackers Selected Varieties 180-386 g Christie Triscuits 200 8 Biscuits, craquelins Ocean Spray Cocktail 1.89 L Ocean Spray 100% Juice 1.77 L reg 4.49-4.99 Jus Kellogg's Town House Crackers 247-391 g Kellogg's Cheez-it Family Crackers 352 g Kellogg's Cheez-it Snap'd 213 g Craqueins Alcan Foil Wrap 50 ft, Reynolds Parchment Paper 35 ft or Alcan Non-Stick Baking Foil 25 ft 4.29-4.49 aluminium. papier Compliments Peanuts 700 g Arachides s We willmatch your donation LA December 14 - 15° 100% of the money raised wi be donated to 1ocal food bank with no sdministration fees retained by Empire {Comgaey Limited. No tax receipts win be issued for donations made during (hs time. Emgire Compary Limited WA match donations made in store up 10 3 maximum of 5250,000 from December 14:15, 2024,

MARBLE-MARBRÉ | Er > Heluva Good! Dip 680 g Armstrong Natural Cheese Slices 220-240 g Trompette, tranches de fromage Pillsbury Crescent Rolls 2268 Croissants Compliments ss Lait de poule Unico Beans 540 mL or Tomatoes 796 mL Haricots ou tomates Franco-American Gravy 284 mL Sauce brune Bubly 12x355 mL Montellier 10x355 mL reg 6.99 Eau pétillante NATURE VALLEY i — Nature Valley or Fibre 1 Granola Bars or Compliments Frozen Fruit 300-600 g reg 4.99 Fruits surgelés 125-230 g Tenderflake Pie Shell 320-350 g Compliments Whipped Topping 1 L Monnet Eau garéifiée DONATE DEC. 2"-24" TO SUPPORT OUR LOCAL FOOD BANK Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks Barres granola ou colotions aux fruits Sealtest 35% Cream 473 mL Gay Lea Whipped Cream 225 g reg 4.79 Crème, crème fouettée Club House Recipe Mixes 20-47 g reg 1.49-1.59 Mélanges Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce 348 mL Ssuce aux canneberges Vegetables 341-398 mL Légumes Tim Hortons Single Serve K-Cups 30 pk Tim Hortons Ground Coffee 875-930 g Capsules de café, café moulu Christie Cookies Selected Varieties 224-303 g Christie Crackers Selected Varieties 180-386 g Christie Triscuits 200 8 Biscuits, craquelins Ocean Spray Cocktail 1.89 L Ocean Spray 100% Juice 1.77 L reg 4.49-4.99 Jus Kellogg's Town House Crackers 247-391 g Kellogg's Cheez-it Family Crackers 352 g Kellogg's Cheez-it Snap'd 213 g Craqueins Alcan Foil Wrap 50 ft, Reynolds Parchment Paper 35 ft or Alcan Non-Stick Baking Foil 25 ft 4.29-4.49 aluminium. papier Compliments Peanuts 700 g Arachides s We willmatch your donation LA December 14 - 15° 100% of the money raised wi be donated to 1ocal food bank with no sdministration fees retained by Empire {Comgaey Limited. No tax receipts win be issued for donations made during (hs time. Emgire Compary Limited WA match donations made in store up 10 3 maximum of 5250,000 from December 14:15, 2024,

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