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Circulaire actuelle FreshCo - Valable à partir du 28.11 au 04.12 - Page n° 3

Circulaire FreshCo 28.11.2024 - 04.12.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

Cantaloupe Product of Guatemala No. 1 Grade Cantaloup Compliments ä Whole White or Brown Mushrooms 2278 Product of Ontario Yellow Potatoes 5 Ib Product of Canada Canada No. 2 Variété de champignons, Pommes de terre Loin Centre Cut Roast 13.21/kg Rôti de longe de porc Pillers Meat Sticks 300-500 Bätonnets Dempster's Whole Grain Bread 600 g Tortillas 426-610 8 The Laughing Cow 133-140 g Pain, tortilis, tartinade de fromage Bagged Apples 3 lb Selected Varieties Product of Ontario Canada Fancy 1.36 kg Pommes Product of USA Extra Fancy Grade 4.39/kg Pomegranates Product of USA Poires. grenades Mini Seedless Cucumbers 6 pk Product of Ontari Canada No. 1 Grape Tomatoes 283 Product of Canada or USA Mini concombres tomates High Liner Pan-Sear Frozen 500-540 8 reg 15.99 Repas surgelés Donut Time Donuts 378-480 g Kimberley's Bakeshoppe Cookies 383 g Compliments Cupcakes 284 g Beignes. biscuits petits-ghteaux Sweet Potatoes Product of Ontario 2.84/kg Patates douces Compliments Carrots or Yellow Onions 3 lb Bag Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 1.36k8 Carottes ou oignons Trout Fillets 31.94/kg Flets de truite Mastro Deli Meat 125-1508 Selected Varieties Fontaine Santé Hummus 225-260 g Viandes de charcuterie. 400 8 Seediess Cucumbers Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 or Mexico No. 1 Grade Concombres Compliments re Œ Spinach or Spring Mix 1428 Fresh Attitude Single Kits 155-185 8 Variété de salades. Lou's Peameal Bacon, Cured Boneless Pork Loin Rolled in Cornmeal 6.59/kg Bacon, longe de porc Compliments Deli Sliced Meat Castello Sliced Cheese 125-165 & Tre Stelle Feta Dip 1758 Main Street Deli 200-300 g Fromage. trempettes. charcuterie

Cantaloupe Product of Guatemala No. 1 Grade Cantaloup Compliments ä Whole White or Brown Mushrooms 2278 Product of Ontario Yellow Potatoes 5 Ib Product of Canada Canada No. 2 Variété de champignons, Pommes de terre Loin Centre Cut Roast 13.21/kg Rôti de longe de porc Pillers Meat Sticks 300-500 Bätonnets Dempster's Whole Grain Bread 600 g Tortillas 426-610 8 The Laughing Cow 133-140 g Pain, tortilis, tartinade de fromage Bagged Apples 3 lb Selected Varieties Product of Ontario Canada Fancy 1.36 kg Pommes Product of USA Extra Fancy Grade 4.39/kg Pomegranates Product of USA Poires. grenades Mini Seedless Cucumbers 6 pk Product of Ontari Canada No. 1 Grape Tomatoes 283 Product of Canada or USA Mini concombres tomates High Liner Pan-Sear Frozen 500-540 8 reg 15.99 Repas surgelés Donut Time Donuts 378-480 g Kimberley's Bakeshoppe Cookies 383 g Compliments Cupcakes 284 g Beignes. biscuits petits-ghteaux Sweet Potatoes Product of Ontario 2.84/kg Patates douces Compliments Carrots or Yellow Onions 3 lb Bag Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 1.36k8 Carottes ou oignons Trout Fillets 31.94/kg Flets de truite Mastro Deli Meat 125-1508 Selected Varieties Fontaine Santé Hummus 225-260 g Viandes de charcuterie. 400 8 Seediess Cucumbers Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 or Mexico No. 1 Grade Concombres Compliments re Œ Spinach or Spring Mix 1428 Fresh Attitude Single Kits 155-185 8 Variété de salades. Lou's Peameal Bacon, Cured Boneless Pork Loin Rolled in Cornmeal 6.59/kg Bacon, longe de porc Compliments Deli Sliced Meat Castello Sliced Cheese 125-165 & Tre Stelle Feta Dip 1758 Main Street Deli 200-300 g Fromage. trempettes. charcuterie

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