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Circulaire actuelle FreshCo - Valable à partir du 26.12 au 01.01 - Page n° 3

Circulaire FreshCo 26.12.2024 - 01.01.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

Seedless Navel Oranges Product of USA 3.28/kg Oranges Green Red Delicious or Seedless Grapes Ambrosia Apples Product of Peru Product of Ontario No. 1 Grade Canada Extra Fancy 8.80/kg 3.95/kg Ralsins Variété de pomme Compliments Lemons 2 Ib Product of Spain or Egypt 907 8 Product of Peru Kiwi Fruit 600 g No. 1 Grade Product of Greece 13.21/kg Citrons, kiw Cerise Compliments Egg Rolls, Spring Rolls or Samosas Frozen 252-680 g Compliments Cheese Sticks Frozen 325-400 Bâtonnets de fr Compliments Meat Pies or Lasagna Frozen 750 8-2.27 kg eg 8.99-14.99 Dempster's Tortillas 272-3408 reg 3.99-6.49 Variété de repa Ÿ ae” nn Hothouse Tomatoes Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 or Mexico No. 1 Grade Green Sweet Bell Peppers Product of USA or Mexico 5.49/k8 Compliments Baby Spinach or Spring Mix 312 g Product of USA Summer Fresh Dressings 340 mL Assorted Variété de salades, vinaigrette Lou's Kitchen Fully Cooked Pork Back Ribs 585-610 8 dos di Compliments Chicken Wings Frozen 800 g Ales de poulet À 52 Compliments ues Toast 638 g The Little Potato Company Mini Potatoes 3 Ib Product of Canada Canada No. 1 Mini patates Eggplant, Green or Grey Zucchini Product of USA or Mexico 4.39/kg Aubergine Mini Seedless Cucumbers 6 pk Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 Grape Tomatoes 2838 Product of USA or Mexico Concombres, tomates Compliments or Compliments Balance Meatballs Frozen 560-680 g reg 10.99-11.99 Oka Cheese 190 g Monsieur Gustav Cheddar 200-250 g Notre-Dame Brie 1708 Variété de fromages ETS DURE MEED Ua RL, 8 1H: Lo QUES AT CUT) (3 and in-store for more

Seedless Navel Oranges Product of USA 3.28/kg Oranges Green Red Delicious or Seedless Grapes Ambrosia Apples Product of Peru Product of Ontario No. 1 Grade Canada Extra Fancy 8.80/kg 3.95/kg Ralsins Variété de pomme Compliments Lemons 2 Ib Product of Spain or Egypt 907 8 Product of Peru Kiwi Fruit 600 g No. 1 Grade Product of Greece 13.21/kg Citrons, kiw Cerise Compliments Egg Rolls, Spring Rolls or Samosas Frozen 252-680 g Compliments Cheese Sticks Frozen 325-400 Bâtonnets de fr Compliments Meat Pies or Lasagna Frozen 750 8-2.27 kg eg 8.99-14.99 Dempster's Tortillas 272-3408 reg 3.99-6.49 Variété de repa Ÿ ae” nn Hothouse Tomatoes Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 or Mexico No. 1 Grade Green Sweet Bell Peppers Product of USA or Mexico 5.49/k8 Compliments Baby Spinach or Spring Mix 312 g Product of USA Summer Fresh Dressings 340 mL Assorted Variété de salades, vinaigrette Lou's Kitchen Fully Cooked Pork Back Ribs 585-610 8 dos di Compliments Chicken Wings Frozen 800 g Ales de poulet À 52 Compliments ues Toast 638 g The Little Potato Company Mini Potatoes 3 Ib Product of Canada Canada No. 1 Mini patates Eggplant, Green or Grey Zucchini Product of USA or Mexico 4.39/kg Aubergine Mini Seedless Cucumbers 6 pk Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 Grape Tomatoes 2838 Product of USA or Mexico Concombres, tomates Compliments or Compliments Balance Meatballs Frozen 560-680 g reg 10.99-11.99 Oka Cheese 190 g Monsieur Gustav Cheddar 200-250 g Notre-Dame Brie 1708 Variété de fromages ETS DURE MEED Ua RL, 8 1H: Lo QUES AT CUT) (3 and in-store for more

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