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Circulaire actuelle London Drugs - Valable à partir du 12.07 au 17.07 - Page n° 5

Circulaire London Drugs 12.07.2024 - 17.07.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

Time to get cooking! HischenAïa La se ÿ! 229° Pts LT EVER TEnnTS 99 itchenAid « Hatbeater,dough hook, and wire whi Ninja EzVieu Ar Ninja Foodi NeverStick 10-Piece Kitchenaid doughhook, p 89 _—_— di stp Max Cp, Premium CookvareSet 5-Speed Hand Mixer #KHM512, #kasss Chefman Digital Air Fryer nou es Al ae Re, node aluminm h ast Processor HKFC35160r Ie Cream Maker Attachment +1500W - 6qt capacity. ARI3S-ZF-6T Dehydrt te. SAFI71C AR steel handles Hand Blender #KHBV53 #KSMICM (Not shown) $99.99 | SAVE $30 | EU Ep 9922 69°° Rauig, 299% GE10-Gup ced Brewer #5000359021 De‘Longhi Dedica Arte Gas later Espresso Machine {Hugnotinduded) == with Frother 49° ag 99° eusable an pole. Descaling + 15-bar pump pressure € filter GE Quartz Toaster Oven Solution #ECBBSM + 1.5L capadty GE Kettle with Digital Control -Fits 12" pizza, 6slices of toast, or 400m 515.99 — {Cups not included) #G7CDABSSPSS +6-cup capacity or 1.5L+ 1500W. #G7KDISSSPSS 9x1 Es pan. #G9OCABSSPSS , i NINJA vitépur. /I} 229 159 || ENTER ares Hoover PowerDash Of our everyday low pic et Upright rt Devil ExpressLite Cnister Vacuum + Extended-reach hose and wand. #5D40190 Dispenser 1 29 19° Æ= ee) ke ce AVWDIOGGBLS BissellLitle Green Proheat Rspord ing Ninja Tuisti Blender Water Cooler Carpet la vithantimicrbal «Blends, Hs ie 'crushes + 3407. #55150C #VWD266BLP $199,99 Bo LÉFS0700 Snack time! 2for 900 50 or $4.99 each 2for 5 2299 each barkTHINS, Brookside or 00 laynards Gummy Candy each 078349 each RADAR e or $349 each 150g/154gor Cadbury Lindt or Ghirardelli Ritter Sport Chocolate M&M' or Maltesers Mix Haribo Candy 1709/1759 Chocolate Bar 809 - 1009 Chocolate Bag 1169-1539 100g (Excludes vegan selection) 1559-1939 2for 2 for 2 for PSE) 2for 800 2for 800 75 “ 6% 075449 each 1 10 or 54.49 each 0r$3.99 each or $3.49 each Old Dutch Crunch Potato or $5.99 each 1 Que Pasa Tortilla Chips Old Dutch Potato Chips rdbite Chips 1239-1509 Chips 200g or Freybe Jack Links Jerky 659/80g or 3009/3509 or Salsa #20mi 1409/2009 M ee Pepperoni Snackers 1259 Golden Island Jerky 409 e = 1 nn san) 3 for 00* 2for 1 $2.39 each 8for . 11 01$599* each 1 490* S 15%: Aquafina Water 1Lor 1 0° Sparkmouth Mocktail 015749" each 01$729* each SunRype Fruit Juice 900mi or or$1.49* each Margarita or Moscow Mule or Coke 12x355mlor Craft Soda Phillips iOTA Non-Alcoholic Del Monte Nectar 960mi Sparkling Ice 503mi Tonic Water 4 x 355ml 4x237mU/4 x 341ml/4 x 355ml Craft Beer 4 x355ml = MORNING 'CRISP. A mn) 2, 5 13°° Natures Path Love Crunch 99 rganic Granola 3009/3259, Joréans Morning Cispor 99 Kicking Horse Organic Organic Granola 31or Muesli 3759/4000 Coffee Beans 4549 LavAzza Coffee Beans ikg Cereal 6pack Kellogg's Al-Bran Bud 500ç Kind Granola 3124 F er 2for 6°° ; { 529 7 1449 each Yorkshire Decaf or GoldTea …Crackers 1559/184g0r Wasa Crispbread 230g-2/5ç0r Tazo Tea 20sor Starbucks MelittaK:-Cup CoffeePods SüsorLevelGroundOrganic Today by London Drugs Leclerc Célébration Cookies Kelaggs Cereal 3065-5239 VIA Instant Coffee 8s 30s Fair Trade Coffee 3009 Natural Pure Honey 500 (Excludes Bran Buds) VE 47 _ 25, 99 5 929 page che 30? Veuhire tent 2tor NS 167 12° Ground Coffee Timothy’ Breakfast {Excludes Decafand Gold) or 500 Filippo Berio $ 0152.79 each olive K pcs 30pack F3 60s0r Van Houtte car Nespresso- #16 sp BE Compatible Capsules 105 Campbell’ Broth °00mi App le Cider Vinegar 946mi Haposindd 1 os26R 91802 AM

Derniéres circulaires

Time to get cooking! HischenAïa La se ÿ! 229° Pts LT EVER TEnnTS 99 itchenAid « Hatbeater,dough hook, and wire whi Ninja EzVieu Ar Ninja Foodi NeverStick 10-Piece Kitchenaid doughhook, p 89 _—_— di stp Max Cp, Premium CookvareSet 5-Speed Hand Mixer #KHM512, #kasss Chefman Digital Air Fryer nou es Al ae Re, node aluminm h ast Processor HKFC35160r Ie Cream Maker Attachment +1500W - 6qt capacity. ARI3S-ZF-6T Dehydrt te. SAFI71C AR steel handles Hand Blender #KHBV53 #KSMICM (Not shown) $99.99 | SAVE $30 | EU Ep 9922 69°° Rauig, 299% GE10-Gup ced Brewer #5000359021 De‘Longhi Dedica Arte Gas later Espresso Machine {Hugnotinduded) == with Frother 49° ag 99° eusable an pole. Descaling + 15-bar pump pressure € filter GE Quartz Toaster Oven Solution #ECBBSM + 1.5L capadty GE Kettle with Digital Control -Fits 12" pizza, 6slices of toast, or 400m 515.99 — {Cups not included) #G7CDABSSPSS +6-cup capacity or 1.5L+ 1500W. #G7KDISSSPSS 9x1 Es pan. #G9OCABSSPSS , i NINJA vitépur. /I} 229 159 || ENTER ares Hoover PowerDash Of our everyday low pic et Upright rt Devil ExpressLite Cnister Vacuum + Extended-reach hose and wand. #5D40190 Dispenser 1 29 19° Æ= ee) ke ce AVWDIOGGBLS BissellLitle Green Proheat Rspord ing Ninja Tuisti Blender Water Cooler Carpet la vithantimicrbal «Blends, Hs ie 'crushes + 3407. #55150C #VWD266BLP $199,99 Bo LÉFS0700 Snack time! 2for 900 50 or $4.99 each 2for 5 2299 each barkTHINS, Brookside or 00 laynards Gummy Candy each 078349 each RADAR e or $349 each 150g/154gor Cadbury Lindt or Ghirardelli Ritter Sport Chocolate M&M' or Maltesers Mix Haribo Candy 1709/1759 Chocolate Bar 809 - 1009 Chocolate Bag 1169-1539 100g (Excludes vegan selection) 1559-1939 2for 2 for 2 for PSE) 2for 800 2for 800 75 “ 6% 075449 each 1 10 or 54.49 each 0r$3.99 each or $3.49 each Old Dutch Crunch Potato or $5.99 each 1 Que Pasa Tortilla Chips Old Dutch Potato Chips rdbite Chips 1239-1509 Chips 200g or Freybe Jack Links Jerky 659/80g or 3009/3509 or Salsa #20mi 1409/2009 M ee Pepperoni Snackers 1259 Golden Island Jerky 409 e = 1 nn san) 3 for 00* 2for 1 $2.39 each 8for . 11 01$599* each 1 490* S 15%: Aquafina Water 1Lor 1 0° Sparkmouth Mocktail 015749" each 01$729* each SunRype Fruit Juice 900mi or or$1.49* each Margarita or Moscow Mule or Coke 12x355mlor Craft Soda Phillips iOTA Non-Alcoholic Del Monte Nectar 960mi Sparkling Ice 503mi Tonic Water 4 x 355ml 4x237mU/4 x 341ml/4 x 355ml Craft Beer 4 x355ml = MORNING 'CRISP. A mn) 2, 5 13°° Natures Path Love Crunch 99 rganic Granola 3009/3259, Joréans Morning Cispor 99 Kicking Horse Organic Organic Granola 31or Muesli 3759/4000 Coffee Beans 4549 LavAzza Coffee Beans ikg Cereal 6pack Kellogg's Al-Bran Bud 500ç Kind Granola 3124 F er 2for 6°° ; { 529 7 1449 each Yorkshire Decaf or GoldTea …Crackers 1559/184g0r Wasa Crispbread 230g-2/5ç0r Tazo Tea 20sor Starbucks MelittaK:-Cup CoffeePods SüsorLevelGroundOrganic Today by London Drugs Leclerc Célébration Cookies Kelaggs Cereal 3065-5239 VIA Instant Coffee 8s 30s Fair Trade Coffee 3009 Natural Pure Honey 500 (Excludes Bran Buds) VE 47 _ 25, 99 5 929 page che 30? Veuhire tent 2tor NS 167 12° Ground Coffee Timothy’ Breakfast {Excludes Decafand Gold) or 500 Filippo Berio $ 0152.79 each olive K pcs 30pack F3 60s0r Van Houtte car Nespresso- #16 sp BE Compatible Capsules 105 Campbell’ Broth °00mi App le Cider Vinegar 946mi Haposindd 1 os26R 91802 AM

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