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Circulaire actuelle Longo's - Valable à partir du 28.11 au 11.12 - Page n° 2

Circulaire Longo's 28.11.2024 - 11.12.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

Fresh Broccoli Product of U.S.A. bunch 2 ror°D me 12° Fresh Stem and Leaf Clementines Product of Spain : 880/g 99 e ) 99 Hot Gesce AL 6008 phg Selected Scotties Christie Ritz, r Facial Tissue 4x12/100s Wheat This or ty RE or Sponge Towels Ultra Vegetable Thins ESS 9e tra Pro 46 ol or Snack Crackers ja > 6-12 roll or Cashmere 175-2009 pl A <E Bath Tissue 12:48 rols Ida #59 és selected varieties selected varieties 2 0886 LE À Gray Ridge Large White Eggs r PNA 7 12 pack KDOWN Longo's Essentials ci Country Churned Butter 4549 pla 6759 pkg Beatrice Milk 2%, 1% or skim WE’VE LOCKED DOWN PRICES ON EVERYDAY ITEMS. CAPES ETES Eee our We reserve the right to limit quantities. We are diligent in proofing our flyers but unintentional EEE EE A EI A CEE PEN EE LOE PUIS RERO RO TE EEE or illustration purposes only. Savings refer to Longo® regular prices. Prices vary by location. 0.0 @LongosMarkets

Fresh Broccoli Product of U.S.A. bunch 2 ror°D me 12° Fresh Stem and Leaf Clementines Product of Spain : 880/g 99 e ) 99 Hot Gesce AL 6008 phg Selected Scotties Christie Ritz, r Facial Tissue 4x12/100s Wheat This or ty RE or Sponge Towels Ultra Vegetable Thins ESS 9e tra Pro 46 ol or Snack Crackers ja > 6-12 roll or Cashmere 175-2009 pl A <E Bath Tissue 12:48 rols Ida #59 és selected varieties selected varieties 2 0886 LE À Gray Ridge Large White Eggs r PNA 7 12 pack KDOWN Longo's Essentials ci Country Churned Butter 4549 pla 6759 pkg Beatrice Milk 2%, 1% or skim WE’VE LOCKED DOWN PRICES ON EVERYDAY ITEMS. CAPES ETES Eee our We reserve the right to limit quantities. We are diligent in proofing our flyers but unintentional EEE EE A EI A CEE PEN EE LOE PUIS RERO RO TE EEE or illustration purposes only. Savings refer to Longo® regular prices. Prices vary by location. 0.0 @LongosMarkets

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