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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 09.01 au 19.01 - Page n° 10

Circulaire Peavey Mart 09.01.2025 - 19.01.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

SAVE 15% Air Hoses Assoried brands, options & sixes ovaleble Selection moy vor. Emile 1 eniing inveniery. No roi check. “Discount apple requis price ions nb, SAVE $40 189°° Air Hose with Reel 3/8" x 50 hose. Pivots in the direction of your work, reel can be mounted to wall or ceïling. Extreme al weaiher Hlexibii Reg. 229.99 353141 SAVE 15% Utility Knives & Blades Assoried brands & options available “Discount applis to regular price items on SAVE $40 49° Black Auto Darkenin Welding Helmet Lighiweïght, molded nylon with a raicheting heodgear & moisture absorbing heodband ining Reg. 89.99 315124 9° 9 Ge Original Cold-Weld Epoxy A minute set time 8,15 hours eue time. 253414 KwikWeld Epoxy 4 minute set time 8. 4-6 hours cure time. 253415 Reg. 13.99 SAVE $40 149°° 6 Gallon Pancake Cr Air Compressor MART Operales at up to 1 50psi. Dual quick couplers. Universal motor for voltage start & cold weather start me Reg. 189.99 3568573 755111 LETUAS SAVE $180 20 Gallon Horizontal Air Compressor 1.6hp. Vawin inde, ol ubricated pump. 231638 Reg. 779.99 599.99 SAVE 10% CS SAVE 20% PROTORCH Lincoln | “= — Welding Cylinders Wire & Rod : Ideal for professional Assorted oplons nn welding sizes available. Reg. 11.99-17.99 > € 3530657-59 7 i i Dies pre Co es SAVE $45 SAVE 15% PROTORCH 99 Hi RE: Protorch Handheld Torch Kits Asso options aviloble. Propane Torch Reg. 26.99-77.99 500,000 BTUSs. Bus at low 3538768-71 flame with idle boost/fuel sover vohe. Need voke also controls Rome size without he boost vare. Reg 13499 201562 SAVE 10% SAVE 20% Welding Clothing Wet/Dry Vacuum Tools & Accessories Assorted brands & options available. IE “Discount opplies to regular price items on & Accessories Assoried brands & options available. Discount opplies o reguer priced items on. Find out more at EXCLUSIVE TO 27997 Starting at $130/mo with afférm 80 Gallon Compressor Industrial performance delivers maximum dim at 17 5psi. Reg. 2,999.99 HILLMAN SAVE 20% Metal Stock Assoried options ovaleble “Discount appli to regular priced items on. SAVE $160 499% Starting at $44/mo with aff Century Electric Inverter ARC 230V Rated at 150 amps at 30% duty cyde. Reg. 659.99 3546781 LE Sea SAVE $50 1197 12 Gallon Wet/Dry Vacuum Shp plostic vacuum with blower function, intrgraled hote storage & 12 cord large drain port. Reg. 169.99 3553387 EXCLUSIVE TO PEAVEY tr)

SAVE 15% Air Hoses Assoried brands, options & sixes ovaleble Selection moy vor. Emile 1 eniing inveniery. No roi check. “Discount apple requis price ions nb, SAVE $40 189°° Air Hose with Reel 3/8" x 50 hose. Pivots in the direction of your work, reel can be mounted to wall or ceïling. Extreme al weaiher Hlexibii Reg. 229.99 353141 SAVE 15% Utility Knives & Blades Assoried brands & options available “Discount applis to regular price items on SAVE $40 49° Black Auto Darkenin Welding Helmet Lighiweïght, molded nylon with a raicheting heodgear & moisture absorbing heodband ining Reg. 89.99 315124 9° 9 Ge Original Cold-Weld Epoxy A minute set time 8,15 hours eue time. 253414 KwikWeld Epoxy 4 minute set time 8. 4-6 hours cure time. 253415 Reg. 13.99 SAVE $40 149°° 6 Gallon Pancake Cr Air Compressor MART Operales at up to 1 50psi. Dual quick couplers. Universal motor for voltage start & cold weather start me Reg. 189.99 3568573 755111 LETUAS SAVE $180 20 Gallon Horizontal Air Compressor 1.6hp. Vawin inde, ol ubricated pump. 231638 Reg. 779.99 599.99 SAVE 10% CS SAVE 20% PROTORCH Lincoln | “= — Welding Cylinders Wire & Rod : Ideal for professional Assorted oplons nn welding sizes available. Reg. 11.99-17.99 > € 3530657-59 7 i i Dies pre Co es SAVE $45 SAVE 15% PROTORCH 99 Hi RE: Protorch Handheld Torch Kits Asso options aviloble. Propane Torch Reg. 26.99-77.99 500,000 BTUSs. Bus at low 3538768-71 flame with idle boost/fuel sover vohe. Need voke also controls Rome size without he boost vare. Reg 13499 201562 SAVE 10% SAVE 20% Welding Clothing Wet/Dry Vacuum Tools & Accessories Assorted brands & options available. IE “Discount opplies to regular price items on & Accessories Assoried brands & options available. Discount opplies o reguer priced items on. Find out more at EXCLUSIVE TO 27997 Starting at $130/mo with afférm 80 Gallon Compressor Industrial performance delivers maximum dim at 17 5psi. Reg. 2,999.99 HILLMAN SAVE 20% Metal Stock Assoried options ovaleble “Discount appli to regular priced items on. SAVE $160 499% Starting at $44/mo with aff Century Electric Inverter ARC 230V Rated at 150 amps at 30% duty cyde. Reg. 659.99 3546781 LE Sea SAVE $50 1197 12 Gallon Wet/Dry Vacuum Shp plostic vacuum with blower function, intrgraled hote storage & 12 cord large drain port. Reg. 169.99 3553387 EXCLUSIVE TO PEAVEY tr)

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