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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 18.11 au 23.11 - Page n° 10

Circulaire Peavey Mart 18.11.2022 - 23.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

SAVE 40% SAVE $120 53% 4799 ER Æ) 15,000 BTU 140,000 BTU Kerosene Heater È Tank Top Heater Hoi approximately 3000 sq. . Runs up lo 9 hours 99 10,000 - 15,000 BTU/hr. on a full tank. 8.5 gallon fuel = Adiustoble rs ne me Onchat y Ro du of. Con BA Propane cylinder & hose ignifion thermostat. 2 =. sr 4000 - 9000 BTU “ SAVE $5 Radiant Propane Heater Kerosene 9.46L reine Mel 440903 Reg. 39.99 34.99 | tip-over safety shutotf. Connect to a 1 or 20lb SAVE $20 Comfort SAVE $30 cinder. Hose & oyinder EX 60% "59e 201784 1500W | 68,000 BTU Cordless A © Oil-Filled Heater Propane Heater Heaïs up to 1700 sq. f hoat setings. Adiustable Comes with hose & Never needs refilling. 3 . | thermostl, Swivel costers reguloer, 20V for e0sy movement. botery sold Safety tiprover switch separateh. Safety overheat protection Reg. 309.99 201571 system. CETL approved | Canada. QU = he 5 Me SUP AOL ST He SAVE $10 Ecofan SAVE $50 EE SAVE $50 E AVE $150 A l 89» “"Téo” 23497 +399 + Ecofan 100 CFM 1/3h, 1/2hp Convertible Jet Pump 3/4hp Convertible Jet Pump Woodstove Fan Cast Irc Le _ ï shallow or deep well td fre {up to 90). ï il Lup to ‘applications. Er Submerible Reg. 39999 283046 se . ji Clog resistant design S276 Reg. 219.99 284846 ’ SAVE 20% SAVE $50 rr-enuuin srecrrie SAVE $50 À rrariin sectre SAVE $100 608 DAP Caulking, 1 fume | | 2999 .. 39979, 7299 —, ilicones | Assoried brand, sizes | 21 Gallon Vertical 34 Gallon Vertical 30, pones Grain Capacity HER Pressure Tank Pressure Tank Water Softener 77 ANSI/NSF Standard 61 /ANSI/NSF Standard 61 Bu ene TR Ae Pen er ben Aer looking fer a reliable way lo drinking water. drinking water rhin ns Reg. 349.99 Rog. 449.99 e = it val cor 285054 A 285055 Reg. 87 is 1011231 uw a :: Clean & Protect + Clean [windsor] Boshart high-pressure poly fitings available now at Peavey Mart. Care Softener Salt 18.1kg opéras See online or ul assoriment. 224507 Reg, 10.99 9.99

SAVE 40% SAVE $120 53% 4799 ER Æ) 15,000 BTU 140,000 BTU Kerosene Heater È Tank Top Heater Hoi approximately 3000 sq. . Runs up lo 9 hours 99 10,000 - 15,000 BTU/hr. on a full tank. 8.5 gallon fuel = Adiustoble rs ne me Onchat y Ro du of. Con BA Propane cylinder & hose ignifion thermostat. 2 =. sr 4000 - 9000 BTU “ SAVE $5 Radiant Propane Heater Kerosene 9.46L reine Mel 440903 Reg. 39.99 34.99 | tip-over safety shutotf. Connect to a 1 or 20lb SAVE $20 Comfort SAVE $30 cinder. Hose & oyinder EX 60% "59e 201784 1500W | 68,000 BTU Cordless A © Oil-Filled Heater Propane Heater Heaïs up to 1700 sq. f hoat setings. Adiustable Comes with hose & Never needs refilling. 3 . | thermostl, Swivel costers reguloer, 20V for e0sy movement. botery sold Safety tiprover switch separateh. Safety overheat protection Reg. 309.99 201571 system. CETL approved | Canada. QU = he 5 Me SUP AOL ST He SAVE $10 Ecofan SAVE $50 EE SAVE $50 E AVE $150 A l 89» “"Téo” 23497 +399 + Ecofan 100 CFM 1/3h, 1/2hp Convertible Jet Pump 3/4hp Convertible Jet Pump Woodstove Fan Cast Irc Le _ ï shallow or deep well td fre {up to 90). ï il Lup to ‘applications. Er Submerible Reg. 39999 283046 se . ji Clog resistant design S276 Reg. 219.99 284846 ’ SAVE 20% SAVE $50 rr-enuuin srecrrie SAVE $50 À rrariin sectre SAVE $100 608 DAP Caulking, 1 fume | | 2999 .. 39979, 7299 —, ilicones | Assoried brand, sizes | 21 Gallon Vertical 34 Gallon Vertical 30, pones Grain Capacity HER Pressure Tank Pressure Tank Water Softener 77 ANSI/NSF Standard 61 /ANSI/NSF Standard 61 Bu ene TR Ae Pen er ben Aer looking fer a reliable way lo drinking water. drinking water rhin ns Reg. 349.99 Rog. 449.99 e = it val cor 285054 A 285055 Reg. 87 is 1011231 uw a :: Clean & Protect + Clean [windsor] Boshart high-pressure poly fitings available now at Peavey Mart. Care Softener Salt 18.1kg opéras See online or ul assoriment. 224507 Reg, 10.99 9.99

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