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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 10.03 au 16.03 - Page n° 14

Circulaire Peavey Mart 10.03.2023 - 16.03.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

GB Toke Advantage of our Financing Offers!* + sn EN ER EN A CLS LITE Payments.* Poyments.* EC CC ee c er 85% 349% ©" 1999 PS ri Detierue He Mo mer nb Submersible Er Si eme ul De Water Pump PVC Flat Discharge Hose 2” X 25’ Reg. 399.99 1/2hp, flow rate 3000gph, max 211815 Reg. 64.99 45.49 3523578 Hi 25, 6 os ki, mel poricble SAVE $50 affa SAVE $100 QE ; 1497 459% _ D Reg. 249.99 a 3558968 1/3hp Th lastic Si 1/2hp Submersibl 1 | phnvh Vorfcal out Suitch AR Re 3200gph max flow 25' shut off. Double seal 20’ power cord. 2° NPT discharge. © system. Minimum bosin diameter 11” or more. eh x Re 28 ri Sami ; Be” 2éor + smartbôt SAVE 10% SAVE 40% SAVE 15% SAVE 30% SPC PIEREE Cane EE 99 ? LevirôN Con cineel 99 £ 1007547-52, 55-56 LL (Assorted opfions availoble. ( à ; 5 & & = 7 K Female À > 5000 Lu >) 15A 2 Pole Plug A HD Bb : Reg. 9.99 E26 standard base. \ 459306 L > Reg. 39.99 Male 15A 2 Pole Plug 3563438 459304 Reg. 8.99 — 5.39 “Discount opplies to regular priced items oniy. SAVE 10% ŒZ3 YOUR CHOICE ANA SAVE 15% Mivenag SAVE $15 Strong Box Totes (CS 99 ] 29 sa 47° Heavy-duty construction. rs 10 a & 25 Lighted Extension Cord Amber light indices power from he oullet & through the SZ 20Gdlntte 7 10’ Glowinthe É with Lid Dark Charging Avosloble in ble or grey. Cords pess1247 Micro USB phone 690114, 698599 cable charger cord. Ce Re 154 extension cord 3512370 PT 1449 1299 3507393.95 Reg. 62.99 1501572 éal 19.49 17.49 3512458 3013679 102 21.49 18.99 SAVE 30% AWAGAN SAVE $25 @PGPNESREN SAVE 15% SAVE 20% DRE ET RE 1000 Lumen 15,000 Lumen 420 Gallon Tank With Legs Solar Wall Light Garage Bulb Corrosion & chemical —— ‘Ab on à ni & Foldable. > Mix resistant, Rugged impact ( auto off after 5 hours. Reg. 59.99 V He pote ss 3563442 SUR Dean Re Sd ns + 3510409 201544 50,000BTU 87 747.99 212046 ù 3 201532 80,000 BTU 1,0% 934.99 150 Gallon Tank With Legs 215011 12500080 1,39999 1,189.99 212022 Reg. 399.99 ian Owned & Operated [9 (ne

GB Toke Advantage of our Financing Offers!* + sn EN ER EN A CLS LITE Payments.* Poyments.* EC CC ee c er 85% 349% ©" 1999 PS ri Detierue He Mo mer nb Submersible Er Si eme ul De Water Pump PVC Flat Discharge Hose 2” X 25’ Reg. 399.99 1/2hp, flow rate 3000gph, max 211815 Reg. 64.99 45.49 3523578 Hi 25, 6 os ki, mel poricble SAVE $50 affa SAVE $100 QE ; 1497 459% _ D Reg. 249.99 a 3558968 1/3hp Th lastic Si 1/2hp Submersibl 1 | phnvh Vorfcal out Suitch AR Re 3200gph max flow 25' shut off. Double seal 20’ power cord. 2° NPT discharge. © system. Minimum bosin diameter 11” or more. eh x Re 28 ri Sami ; Be” 2éor + smartbôt SAVE 10% SAVE 40% SAVE 15% SAVE 30% SPC PIEREE Cane EE 99 ? LevirôN Con cineel 99 £ 1007547-52, 55-56 LL (Assorted opfions availoble. ( à ; 5 & & = 7 K Female À > 5000 Lu >) 15A 2 Pole Plug A HD Bb : Reg. 9.99 E26 standard base. \ 459306 L > Reg. 39.99 Male 15A 2 Pole Plug 3563438 459304 Reg. 8.99 — 5.39 “Discount opplies to regular priced items oniy. SAVE 10% ŒZ3 YOUR CHOICE ANA SAVE 15% Mivenag SAVE $15 Strong Box Totes (CS 99 ] 29 sa 47° Heavy-duty construction. rs 10 a & 25 Lighted Extension Cord Amber light indices power from he oullet & through the SZ 20Gdlntte 7 10’ Glowinthe É with Lid Dark Charging Avosloble in ble or grey. Cords pess1247 Micro USB phone 690114, 698599 cable charger cord. Ce Re 154 extension cord 3512370 PT 1449 1299 3507393.95 Reg. 62.99 1501572 éal 19.49 17.49 3512458 3013679 102 21.49 18.99 SAVE 30% AWAGAN SAVE $25 @PGPNESREN SAVE 15% SAVE 20% DRE ET RE 1000 Lumen 15,000 Lumen 420 Gallon Tank With Legs Solar Wall Light Garage Bulb Corrosion & chemical —— ‘Ab on à ni & Foldable. > Mix resistant, Rugged impact ( auto off after 5 hours. Reg. 59.99 V He pote ss 3563442 SUR Dean Re Sd ns + 3510409 201544 50,000BTU 87 747.99 212046 ù 3 201532 80,000 BTU 1,0% 934.99 150 Gallon Tank With Legs 215011 12500080 1,39999 1,189.99 212022 Reg. 399.99 ian Owned & Operated [9 (ne

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