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Circulaire actuelle Real Canadian Superstore - Valable à partir du 08.09 au 14.09 - Page n° 12

Circulaire Real Canadian Superstore 08.09.2022 - 14.09.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

FRUIT & VEG SAVE FOR Check the first page for the free item offer with a PURCHAS! CDTI TES EE COTE VARIETY PACK WHEN YOU SPEND $250 OR MORE General Mills back to school variety pack 215kg Up to $24.99 Value Buy big, save big versus our LOTERIE CT ETC SIZE, “= Kiwi product of Chile, 600 g avocado bag 6, produeMeco Find set prices on everyday items. French or Italian bread selected varieties, baked in-store, 450 g SAVE IT FORWARD We're not all talk. Save for real with PC Optimum", Club Size, Ad Match and so much more. We match prices when you show us a lower advertised price. See the last page for full details. . With personalized offers, optimum earn and redeem points towards free groceries. SPEND & GET 6,000 for every S12! spenton ls cereal allsizes and varieties EVENT TENTE TU products at low prices. MULTI \ sv, save more. CRT EE EE EN TE RE ONE E [y a REAL CANADIAN Please see in-store or online at for your particular store‘s hours. Customer Relations: 1-866-596-RCSS (7277) SUPERSTORE

Derniéres circulaires

FRUIT & VEG SAVE FOR Check the first page for the free item offer with a PURCHAS! CDTI TES EE COTE VARIETY PACK WHEN YOU SPEND $250 OR MORE General Mills back to school variety pack 215kg Up to $24.99 Value Buy big, save big versus our LOTERIE CT ETC SIZE, “= Kiwi product of Chile, 600 g avocado bag 6, produeMeco Find set prices on everyday items. French or Italian bread selected varieties, baked in-store, 450 g SAVE IT FORWARD We're not all talk. Save for real with PC Optimum", Club Size, Ad Match and so much more. We match prices when you show us a lower advertised price. See the last page for full details. . With personalized offers, optimum earn and redeem points towards free groceries. SPEND & GET 6,000 for every S12! spenton ls cereal allsizes and varieties EVENT TENTE TU products at low prices. MULTI \ sv, save more. CRT EE EE EN TE RE ONE E [y a REAL CANADIAN Please see in-store or online at for your particular store‘s hours. Customer Relations: 1-866-596-RCSS (7277) SUPERSTORE

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